
Cool November spell for Melbourne

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By: Guy Dixon, 11/12/2013

A cool spell in Melbourne is forecast to continue, potentially making it the coolest November period in almost two decades. Melbourne is well on track recording for the coolest 8 day spell in November since 1994. Today is the fifth day in a row that Melbourne's maximum temperature has not exceeded 20 degrees, and is expected to remain below 20 degrees until Friday.


A complex low pressure system which is sitting off the coast of Eden is moving in a south westerly direction, directing cool onshore winds towards Melbourne from Bass Strait. These winds are contributing to the period of cold weather which Melbourne has been experiencing for the past few days.


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Wintry weather to replace Melbourne's warmth

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Weatherzone, By: Mellissa Mackellar, 05/11/2013


Melbourne is on track to have its hottest run of May days in over a century, but wintry days are just around the corner. It was warmer than 25 degrees on both Thursday and Friday, more than eight degrees above average, making it the hottest pair of May days since 2002. The nights have also been warm, sitting at least four degrees above the normal May minimum of 10 degrees since Thursday.


Locals will be pleased to hear that the mercury is set to tip 25 degrees again today, making it three days in a row. If it gets that warm, it will be the longest run of 25 degree days in May since way back in 1866.


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Freezing morning in Melbourne

Silver's picture

Weatherzone, By: Rob Sharpe, 05/06/2013


Melbourne has had its coldest morning since September while temperatures dropped below freezing at Coldstream.


Frost formed in Coldstream as it fell below freezing for the second time this season, with the coldest morning since the middle of last winter. Meanwhile, the city fell to a chilly low of 5.7 degrees this morning just before 8am. Many people were left shivering on their way to work without enough layers.


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Melbourne's coldest day since October

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Weatherzone, By: Rob Sharpe, 05/04/2013


Gusty and cold southerly winds are bringing a chilly Saturday to Melbourne with winter clothing coming out of the closet. A strong cold front reached Melbourne last night dropping 2mm of rain and bringing a southwesterly change. Winds gusted to 67km/h with the arrival of the front.


The mercury is struggling to rise today as cloud and a cold air mass will keep the temperature below 15 degrees for most or all of the day. At 9am, 12 degrees felt like only nine degrees in the fresh winds.


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Late season warmth in Melbourne before autumn takes hold

Silver's picture

Weatherzone, By: Rob Sharpe, 04/26/2013


Melbourne is likely to have its warmest day this late in the season in eight years on Saturday, before rain and cooler temperatures arrive.


The city will reach a top of 25 degrees on Saturday thanks to warm and gusty north to northwesterly winds. The mostly sunny skies will also invite many people to enjoy some late season warmth before autumn takes hold into next week.A cold front will arrive during Saturday night leading to a mild Sunday with a few showers easing during the day.


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