magnetic field

5D Transition Related to Magnetic Field Shift

Desert Gypsy's picture - 3/6/13


**Metamorphoses: to change the form or nature of; transform – to undergo or be capable of undergoing a change in form or nature.

In a new study, physicists have shown that surrounding a magnetic source with a magnetic shell can enhance the magnetic field as it moves away from the source, allowing magnetic energy to be transferred to a distant location through empty space.

Just as the Sun’s solar activity affects the Earth’s magnetic field which has a dramatic affect on Earth’s “weather” i.e. earthquakes, floods, volcanoes, hurricanes – [consequently], this wave of electrical currents affect the human body’s magnetic field. Mitch also reveals a little-known development from modern medicine known as Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS). TMS provides empirical evidence of how magnetic fields can influence human emotions.

For more on this story please see

Solid Scientific Evidence we are Headed for a Pole Shift! (FULL LENGTH)

Desert Gypsy's picture


There is much debate among scientists whether we are headed for a pole shift. And if this were true, do you think they would tell the public? . . . There would be chaos all over the planet. But these scientists have found solid evidence that the pole's shift from North to South and back again, and that we are already overdue for another .


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