Natureworldnews, By: James A. Foley, 05/15/2013

After not producing any X-class eruptions all year, the Sun has roared to life this week, producing its fourth X-class solar flare of the week on Tuesday. Tuesday's flare came from the same region as the previous X-class flares this week, an active sunspot region known as AR1748. Prior to this week the sunspot region did not even have a name and was difficult to see, but as the region continues to rotate towards Earth, scientists will be able to observe it more clearly.
Registering at X1.2, Tuesday's flare was the weakest of this week's X-class flares, which are the most powerful type of flares that the Sun can unleash. Monday night's X3.2 flare was the strongest of the year. The numbers the flares are assigned correlate to their strength. An X2 is twice as intense as an X1; an X3 is three times as intense, and so on.
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