
Lemon Peel Benefits: Why You Shouldn’t Throw Out The Lemon Peel

Michael Brown's picture

We’re pretty sure that everyone throws away the lemon peels after squeezing the juice from the lemon. We will tell you the nutritional values and the benefits of lemon peel and how you can use it as a prevention and for curing.


Lemon peel has 5 to 10 times more vitamins than the lemon juice, like vitamin C, vitamin A, beta carotene, calcium, magnesium and potassium. Lemon peel has the most important ingredients that fight cancer cells in our bodies. Salvestrol Q40 and limonella, which are found in lemon peel, are best for fighting cancer cells in stage 1 especially in breast cancer, colon cancer and skin cancer.


Top 5 Antioxidant Rich Foods: Slowing Aging and Fighting Cancer

Silver's picture, By: Lisa Garber, 06/09/2013


Antioxidants are something of a buzz word in the natural health community, and for good reason. They scavenge cancer-causing free radicals throughout our body, which leads to improved health and healthier aging. We now have genetic evidence that antioxidants kill cancer, and they even help improve memory. Here are the top antioxidant rich foods you probably (and should) have in your kitchen.


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