
Expand Your Horizons ... this is my seminar offering

ballerina's picture

I wrote and facilitated 'Expand Your Horizons' many years ago when I was around 16. I'm going to offer another seminar, or teleseminar this time, of same title. It's an opportunity to ask your most pressing question and hear answers to others' questions. Each time I facilitate an event, it always brings together those on a similar wave length or vibration. What are your three words that most represent your interest or focus or needs now. For example, mine are: divinity, service, find (those to serve). Another three of mine are: heal, Son, Daughter. Pls email me at if you'd like an introductory, mini consultation for whatever donation you'd like to give based on the value you receive. Just send your name, cell or home, city/state, and times to reach you daily. I'll be putting together this teleseminar as an introduction to the work I've done all my life as a Soul who chose to be here to help and as a Soul who loves being an eternal student and teacher as we are are...some more conscious of this than others.

Some tools for opening your heart...
1) regular, professional, massage therapy with someone you feel comfortable and who puts you to sleep or nearly
2) body breathing daily and eventually every moment... this will be taught at first teleseminar
3) organic, fresh food
4) distilled water to cleanse 3 weeks or months
5) New Zealand water after your energy increases
6) choose love rather than power, or being right, or getting even or anything else... this is a full topic as it doesn't mean being a doormat either
7) take 20-30min daily to go on inner, to be quiet, to breathe, to feel yourself as the divinely-loving Soul you are daily... maybe upon waking and same before sleep

Till we meet again...

Higher Self and Guitar

Mario's picture

Playing my guitar, the music that which I play comes from a constant flow with unlimited possibilities and this flow changes day in day out I embody with the higher self, sometimes I can't come close to playing stuff like this, but there is allways a time with the energies and the planets and the charts numerologie and other sings that gives away the best time to play the guitar and get the higher flow and so on I keep on practicing, I hope you EnJOY~this was created all in the same day and I had never played these before...

Lightworker Life

MarisaMoments's picture
Ok, so I've been working on a few projects lately... hands are completely full.  Yet this is one of the first times that I truly don't mind being so busy.  I would honestly lose sleep for the sake of my work and I often do.  I understand that I must take care of myself in order to give to others, yet sometimes it's just so damn difficult to not send that message, or not respond to that text even when I'm dog tired because I care!  Let me ask you this... Do you ever find yourself feeling broke down, exhausted or otherwise; yet perk up your stance to come to the aid of another?  You just might be a lightworker!  
I also often find myself at times getting down in the dumps because I don't feel as if I'm doing enough to progress myself and those around me for the sake of the bigger picture.  I think about all the marches taking place near me that I miss, all of the articles that I should've written, all of the actions I should've taken when presented the opportunity to display love on a local or global scale.  It sucks!  I start to mock my own intentions and question my drive.  I think, "self, why the hell are you just sitting here?  Yes, it's fine and dandy that you write and post to high heaven, but what are you REALLY doing to invoke change?!"


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