Montague Keen

Montague Keen ~ 16 February 2014

Lia's picture


montaguekeenA Nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague.

Montague’s Message for Sunday, 9th February 2014

Silver's picture

GFP Commentrary: All our roles are equally important. There is no ONE person that needs saving to save this planet. There is no special individual. We are all equal in love.


By: Veronica Keen, 02/09/2014

Veronica, my dear, and all those who stepped into their innate power and took the first steps to return the Divine Energies of the ley lines to the people of the world, instead of to the few who had redirected them to themselves in order to exclude the 99%. One day, you will understand the magnitude of what you achieved on the 2 February 2014.


Montague’s Message for Sunday, 26th January 2014

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By: Veronica Keen, 01/26/2014




Veronica and I are both happy and excited that we have managed to bring so many people together from all parts of the world to restore the Divine Energy of Planet Earth. We are deeply grateful to all who readily responded and expressed a wish to come together as one big family of light and love. We have chosen the date: Sunday the 2 February 2014.


We ask that you gather at SUNRISE or at SUNSET: both, if at all possible. Gather at the sacred places or choose to meditate. Use your minds in whatever way you see fit, to bring about the release of energy. You do not even need to leave your bed, as your positive thoughts will add to the mass of energy needed.


Montague Keen ~ This is a Join Effort

Lia's picture


Montague KeenI wish to start by thanking everyone most sincerely for responding to our call for help to restore the sacred energy to Planet Earth. When this energy is fully restored it will remove many of the illnesses that beset so many of you. Your bodies need this energy in order to live full, healthy lives. It will also enable crops to grow, and to produce good wholesome food with pure energy in it. This has been denied you and you have had to struggle to survive.
Your response has been magnificent. Thank you.

This is a joint effort. Both sides of life are involved. Every living thing on the face of the Earth will benefit. You will experience a complete transformation from all that is now dark and negative to light and harmony in all things. Veronica is being asked why has this not been undertaken before. I can tell you that the timing needed to be right. You needed to be sufficiently awake to do it successfully. The Cabal will place many obstacles on your path: see them as such, ignore them or navigate around them. Do not allow anything to slow down or prevent this work. The future of the human race depends on you and your input at this time. Veronica will arrange for the information on ley lines to be easily available on our web site. Everyone’s input is greatly appreciated. I ask that all of you find the time to read and digest what Mark has written on the subject of ley lines.

Message from Montague Keen~ You Can Expect alot from 2014

Lia's picture



Message from Montague on Sunday 29 December 2013



In years to come, you will look back on 2013 as the year in which you began to see clearly how you were being controlled and manipulated by those whom you now see as Archons; though they are presented to you as people to trust and look up to. I told you, my dear, that the MASKS would fall away and that the light would expose those masks that were their protection. They have always been there; just hidden from your sight, and presented to you in such a way that you would never suspect their true origins. Do understand, my dear, that not everyone can see. You learned this recently, when you showed what (to you) was clearly present, but because they were of a different frequency, the others could not see them. You took photographs to prove what you were seeing. Only in the photographs could your friends see, what you had seen so clearly. You are all at different levels of awakening. It is a gradual process and it cannot be rushed.


Montague’s Message for Sunday, 1st December 2013

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By: Montague Keen, 12/01/2013

Excitement is mounting as the consciousness increases. People are experiencing the changes, both in mind and body. You have a lot to be excited about because your awakening has brought about a change in the Dark Controllers due to the light that is now flowing through the minds and souls of humanity. Become aware of the light that eminates from the sun. Welcome it and take every opportunity to link with it. The Dark Ones try to block it from you with the use of chemtrails but it still manages to get through, so it is important to connect with it. Sunlight is important. Ask the question, why is so much effort being put into blocking it from you? Who has the right to block the sunlight that is your God-given right to have and enjoy? These questions must be asked, and explanations demanded. You can no longer just sit back passively and allow your lives to be contaminated in this way. It is time to stop being victims. You have a voice, so when you come together with one voice then the answers must be given. If you want change, then you must ask for it.


Montague’s Message for Sunday, 24th November 2013

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By: Montague Keen, 11/24/2013

Veronica, my dear, it is happening: people are being lead to the truth as if by accident. It matters not what route they take, it is happening. People, who in the not too distant past, were totally blind to the truth, are now waking up. The excitement this creates produces a light so magnificient, it can never be extinguished.


You dear ladies, Jean [What's the 'Real' Truth] and Debby [ExtraTerrestrials] have played leading roles in the awakening of humanity. You trusted your innate instincts, for in your hearts you knew that you were on the right track. It was no accident that you resonated with what was told to you about Ireland, as you knew in your souls that this path must be followed in order to expose the truth that cannot be found in any other place. For that little island holds the key that will release you from the shackles of the Cabal and all that is false and negative. Because the Cabal has always feared the truth coming out, it has done all it can in its mighty power throughout history, to ensure that Ireland and her secrets remain hidden forever.



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