Galactic Free Press Files

Solar Flare Meditation ~ Archangel Michael ~ Michael Ellegion

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Also in regards to the fear of the huge solar flares that are being given off by the sun—these are only “destructive” to those of darkness, such as the 1% of humanity, the power elite. But for those of you who are of the Light (which is really about the entire 99% of humanity) these solar flairs actually enhance your genetic DNA changes in your bodies and help you accelerate the Ascension process into your new, higher vibrational bodies, and should be welcomed. Michael Ellegion  









Sit in a quiet place and close your eyes. Breathe deeply three times, and then focus into your Heart Center. Breathe deeply three times again, and allow yourself to feel a deep peace within.


Beings Of Light ~ Embracing Oneness ~ 24 Jan 2012

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BEings Of Light ~ Embracing Oneness 24 Jan 2012



"Don't give your power away" is the mantra that I hear all over the internet. But we forget that to be able to perceive power is to be in duality consciousness. As in reality there can only be one 'intent', 'will' or 'purpose' in the universe which is one in oneness and works for the benefit of all. I have started to perceive this one intent. To realize this Oneness of purpose you simply have to follow the synchronicities.


Nathatlie Glasson ~ Manifestation Thread ~ Butterfly Moon ~ 23 January 2012

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Love Reporter Nathatlie Glasson – Manifestation Thread – Butterfly Moon – 23 January 2012


It is a great privilege for me to step forward to you today, I am Butterfly Moon, communicator on behalf of the Fairy Kingdom. It is my greatest wish to share my energy with you, for it is jewelled with multicoloured light from my travels throughout the universe of the Creator and the beauty that is the fairy kingdom’s love.


Our loving energy is very similar to that of the angelic beings as we hold a love that is selfless and tender. It is in our nature and character to be compassionate and to care with kindness and gentleness but we also have a tremendous vibration of courageous love, a love which is powerful and bold. As fairies we have our own understanding of the Creator’s universe and we devote ourselves to this understanding with every moment of our manifestation.


How to Shift from Loneliness to Oneness Written By Jafree Ozwald and Margot Zaher

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How to Shift from Loneliness to Oneness

Written By Love Reporters Jafree Ozwald and
Margot Zaher

No matter how separate you may feel you are, you have always been
connected to a vast ocean of conscious intelligent energy. You are
eternally bound to this Divine ocean of existence. Those thoughts and
beliefs which say you are a droplet, a separate being who is removed
from this ocean, is the cause of ALL of your suffering. Don't believe
in these appearances. Nothing is at it seems in this world. The mirage
you are seeing from these beliefs is not real. You were "programmed"
by the beliefs of your parents, grandparents, and great grandparents
who also believed they were separate from a divine infinite power.

Now, it is your chance to shift out of this ancient misunderstanding
and know that you are interconnected and "one" with everything on the
most intimate, loving and sub-atomic levels.
“All of your unhappiness comes from your inability to be alone.” ~Jean
de la Bruyere


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