Galactic Free Press Files

Forest / Wild Fire – State of Colorado, [Black Forest] UPDATE

OdiStar's picture

FamilySurvivalProtocol - June 16, 2013

A firefighter fights a blaze near Black Forest, Colorado, on Wednesday, June 12. The Black Forest Fire is one of two major wildfires near Colorado Springs. The other, the Royal Gorge Fire, is threatening the Royal Gorge Suspension Bridge.

A firefighter fights a blaze near Black Forest, Colorado, on Wednesday, June 12. The Black Forest Fire is one of two major wildfires near Colorado Springs. The other, the Royal Gorge Fire, is threatening the Royal Gorge Suspension Bridge.

Updated June 14, 2013 - The remains of two people killed trying to flee the most destructive Colorado wildfire on record have been found as crews fight to keep the fierce, wind-driven blaze from roaring into the outskirts of Colorado Springs. The blaze has ripped across more than 24-square-miles (6215 hectares) of rolling, forested terrain northeast of Colorado Springs since it erupted on Tuesday, forcing some 38,000 people to flee their homes. El Paso County Sheriff Terry Maketa said the dead, who have not been publicly identified, were recovered on Thursday (Friday NZT) from the garage of one of at least 360 homes destroyed by the so-called Black Forest Fire near the state’s second-largest city. Maketa indicated the blaze could be the work of an arsonist or the result of negligence, telling reporters that a criminal investigation was under way.


The manuscript of survival – part 303

MomT's picture

aisha north April 25, 2013

The tide has turned a long time ago, but still, there are those under the influence of thinking that nothing is happening at all. They kick up the dust, and complain that everything is at a stand still. But is it truly that? We challenge you all to take a good look around you, and we think you will all see traces of this rush of incoming energies on all sides of you. Not only in the heart of those likeminded souls you are gathered together with here in this space, but also further afield. For your world is already starting to move beyond the level of awareness you might have thought was the limit for everyone not as ”open” as you to these new energetic messages. For they are all moving in some way, and even if some of you have a hard time seeing it, still it is happening, each and every day.

* Keep your feet on the Earth during these couple of days~- the many Galactic cylcles happening!

Lia's picture
December 21 & 22 are here! 
There are so many wonderful events happening today: events, times, links at the bottom. Be in the moment and do what feels best for you. Take the time to connect with the earth... because this is
"the moment when the Earth, the Sun and the Center of the Galaxy align in a straight line linking them together. At that instant in time, exactly 4:11 am Mountain Time, USA (11:11 Universal Time) the heart of the Earth, the heart of the Sun and the heart of the Center of the Galaxy will link in love and sexual energy, and from this union, birth is inevitable. Humankind will begin to change in deep inner ways that will culminate over a nine-year period of time in the Birth of a New Humanity.


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