Galactic Free Press Files


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Horseradish is native to the Mediterranean, although it has been growing wild in Britain for centuries, as it has in the rest of Europe and Scandinavia. It grows virtually anywhere and we used to take a shovel and dig a root up when we needed it in Wales. You don’t have to go to those extremes, and it’s probably illegal to do so now; you can buy it in powdered or grated form or in ready-made sauces, including one with Roquefort cheese. It is related to the wallflower family and to mustard and Brassica, such as broccoli. It contains the same constituent (sinigrin) as black mustard seed, and is now used as a condiment in much the same way as mustard is. The French call horseradish Moutarde des Allemandes, or mustard of the Germans, as it was these people who first used it as a condiment in Europe.

Creative Affirmations by Danea Horn

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Affirmation CardsBrowse the list of affirmations below by topic. You will find numerous free affirmations to assist you with implementing new habits of thought and behaviors that lead to a more positive, fulfilling life. They are written to be easy to remember and incorporate into your daily routine. Adjust the phrasing as needed to most closely match the way you speak to yourself.

A few of the affirmations included have to do with releasing different types of negativity. These affirmations increase in power if while you say them you visualize what the negativity looks like and then see it flying away or decreasing and size and eventually disappearing. Use these negating affirmations to push your mind to become open toward 

About List of Affirmations:

The key when saying, and/or reading, affirmations is to feel the feelings they portray. It can help to fully relax and know that at the core of your being, these statements are true. If they feel out of reach or you are having a hard time convincing yourself of their truth, adjust the affirmation to include the words choose, potential, or willing to make them true for you at this moment. 

10 Powerful Phrases of Wisdom From Gandhi January 9, 2013 by Joe Martino

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mahatma-gandhi-hd-wallpapersMahatma Gandhi was a man that left man powerful messages to humanity before his time here was complete. Here is a list of 10 powerful phrases of wisdom he left to us all. One thing I wanted to add to this to help make it very practical is that for each one, try to see how it may relate to a certain instance or aspect of your life so you can truly begin incorporating this into your life. It is great to know quotes and phrases like these, but putting them into action is a big step to begin taking. Be sure to reflect on each one and see how you can make them a part of your life. Of course, share this list with others so they can do the same :)

1. Be the change you wish to see in the world

2. What you think, you become

Merging into One-ness…effortlessly by Davidji, 3/19/2013

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Keep Calm and Breathe On“All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts we create the world.” the Buddha

There’s a voice inside you that is constantly speaking…in whispers…in shouts… in chatter…in murmurs…in guidance…and in an ongoing conversation between YOU and YOURSELF. At lightning speed, your senses absorb an impression, your brain receives it, a thought manifests, your intellect processes it, your inner voice puts it in context, and then moves you to the next moment. This relentless process continues unceasingly through every moment… every hour of every day. This is your inner dialog – responding to life as it unfolds before you and within you.

Wherever you spend your time; whatever you read or watch; however you move through your day, ultimately becomes the fabric of your inner dialog. Watch a lot of movies…it becomes you; practice a certain asana regularly…it becomes you; eat a certain type of food…it becomes you; read a particular author or perspective…it becomes you; spend a lot of time in a certain place…it becomes you…and on and on it goes.

NYC Allows Doctors to Prescribe Fruits and Veggies Instead of Pills by Elizabeth Renter, July 31, 2013

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medical doctor fruit 263x164 NYC Allows Doctors to Prescribe Fruits and Veggies Instead of PillsJust last week, Deputy Mayor Linda Gibbs and Health Commissioner Thomas Farley announced the Fruit and Vegetable Prescription Program, which actually allows doctors in the NYC area to give at-risk families better access to local produce. The program allows them to prescribe fruit and vegetables! 

Obese and overweight patients and their families can be given “Health Bucks”. These can be redeemed at more than 140 NYC farmers markets. They are essentially free vouchers for truly better health.

“We’re not only teaching them just about eating healthy,” said Dr. Shefali Khanna with Lincoln Medical Center. “This is really an investment for the future. And we hope we have a whole generation of kids who benefit from this, and reaches adulthood at a healthy optimal weight.”

The program gives patients $1 in Health Bucks each day for each member of their family over a period of four months.

21 Habits of Happy People by Cindy Holbrook

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Happiness is one aspiration all people share. No one wants to be sad and depressed. “Happiness is a habit – cultivate it.” ~ Elbert Hubbard 

We’ve all seen people who are always happy – even amidst agonizing life trials. I’m not saying happy people don’t feel grief, sorrow or sadness; they just don’t let it overtake their life. 

The following are 21 things happy people make a habit of doing: 

Alternative Treatments Could See Wide Acceptance Thanks to Obamacare by Kaiser Health News and Ankita Rao

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Complementary and alternative medicine -- a term that encompasses meditation, acupuncture, chiropractic care and homeopathic treatment, among other things -- has become increasingly popular. About four in 10 adults (and one in nine children) in the U.S. are using some form of alternative medicine, according to the National Institutes of Health.


Living in Balance: Why You Need Bitter Herbs and Foods for Radiant Health by By Marc David M.A.

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HJ: One of the most neglected concepts in Western health and nutritional theory is that of balance.  Chinese medicine, on the other hand, heavily emphasizes balance when it comes to diet and strives to maintain that over all else.  The human body is wired to maintain balance over all else.  Imbalances, especially in diet, always cause over compensation in the opposite direction in order to maintain the yin/yang balance that keeps the body in homeostasis.  That is why dietary changes are best implemented slowly,  so that the body is not thrown into a state of shock and can adjust accordingly.

3D-Printed Cast – The Future of Healing Broken Bones by Jake Evill

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dezeen_Cortex-3D-printed-cast-for-broken-bones-by-Jake-Evill-23D-printed casts for fractured bones could replace the usual bulky, itchy and smelly plaster or fibreglass ones in this conceptual project by Victoria University of Wellington graduate Jake Evill. 

The prototype Cortex cast is lightweight, ventilated, washable and thin enough to fit under a shirt sleeve.

Why You Should Second-Guess the Dietician by Sara Eye CPT, CHN, HLC1 Austin Primal Fitness & Nutrition, LLC

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askthedietitianRD, LD, CBN, NBNC:  acronyms for licensed and or registered dietitians.  These are the professionals who work in the medical fields, and your doctor or specialist likely has one on staff.  They are in the hospitals, nursing homes and rehabilitation facilities.  A lot of them go on to work for companies like NutriSystem, Jenny Craig, or one of those “Medi-Fast Weight Loss” centers.  Some large globo-gyms have one or two on staff, and they are the contributing editors and staff writers for the “Health & Lifestyle” sections of major publications.  They are the folks who are responsible for health & science-based nutritional advice regarding your specific illness, disease or concern.  When you are diagnosed with IBS, your doctor will send you into the office of his RD, and he or she will tell you to eat more fiber and drink more water.   If you are unfortunate and get the diagnosis of T2 Diabetes, an RD will be assigned to your case & then advise you to eat whole wheat, whole grains and maintain a low fat diet.  They give advice such as “eat baked chips, and diet coke instead of regular.  Get low fat peanut butter and low fat yogurt, drink fat free milk and fortified bread with added fiber.”

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