Freedom Project

Changing the old system.

Incredible NASA footage of UFOs: 'Join us and live in peace'?

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All Voices - Michelle Devlin, 9/10/12

Thank you, Madame Butterfly

'UFO' on NASA camera

A newspaper report on NASA UFOs

NASA cameras have captured hundreds of unexplained images as well as compelling film footage of UFOs above the EarthEarth. These images of swift moving objects, hovering orbs and even a space battle, are proof of the existence of ET visitors to Earth, claim UFO enthusiasts .

NASA's official stance on the incident, however is that these objects are merely dust floating around in space. The speculation continues to fly regarding these fascinating videos, many of which were captured by the International Space Station and NASA satellites orbiting Earth.

Gallery New World Stages Opens FIRST CONTACT: UFOs, Aliens and Broadway, 9/7

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Talk Art World - BWW News Desk, 9/5/12

Gallery New World Stages, located at 343 West 49th Street, today announced the upcoming opening of FIRST CONTACT: UFOs, Aliens and Broadway. This exhibition of 100 works of cartoon and comic art includes pieces by syndicated cartoonists and contributors to The New Yorker and will be on view from September 7, 2012 through January 6, 2013, with an Opening Reception on Friday, September 21, from 5pm to 8pm.

"I'm gratified to have so many distinguished artists participating in this show, which has been two years in the making," said Bernard Stote, curator of Gallery New World Stages. "I knew I wanted to do an exhibition spotlighting cartoon and comic art, but at first there was no specific theme. As artists began to submit work, I was surprised to see how much of it focused on outer-space aliens and UFOs, with some pieces cleverly including references to Broadway and theatre. That's how FIRST CONTACT: UFOs, Aliens and Broadway was born."

Robbie Williams to buy White Rock Island to view UFOs

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Examiner - 9/3/12, By: Nannette Richford

Robbie Williams to buy White Rock Island to view UFOs.
Robbie Williams to buy White Rock Island to view UFOs. Credits: Tim Whitby via Getty Images

Pop singer Robbie Williams is seeking to buy White Rock Island off the coast of California to serve as home base for viewing UFOs, says a report on Business Standard dated Monday, September 3.

According to the report, White Rock Island is currently owned by Hollywood director Michael Caffrey and has been used exclusively for film, including commercial and TV shoots.

Letter from the Italian Supreme Court Judge about the 9/11 Inside Job

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Journal of 9/11 Studies Letters, September 2012 


Ferdinando Imposimato is the Honorary President of the Supreme Court of Italy and a former Senator who served on the Anti-Mafia Commission in three administrations. He is the author or co-author of seven books on international terrorism, state corruption, and related matters, and a Grand Officer of the Order of Merit of the Republic of Italy.


The 9/11 attacks were a global state terror operation permitted by the administration of the USA, which had foreknowledge of the operation yet remained intentionally unresponsive in order to make war against Afghanistan and Iraq. To put it briefly, the 9/11 events were an instance of the strategy of tension enacted by political and economic powers in the USA to seek advantages for the oil and arms industries.

Italy too was a victim of the “strategia della tensione” of the CIA, enacted in Italy from the time of the Portella della Ginestra massacre in Sicily in 1947 until 1993.

There is much evidence of this strategy, both circumstantial and scientific.

The reports of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), November 20, 2005, set forth the following conclusions. The airplanes that struck each of the twin towers caused a breach as well as an explosion evidenced by a giant fireball. The remaining jet fuel flowed onto the lower floors, sustaining the fires. The heat from the fires deformed the building structures and both towers collapsed completely from top to bottom. Very little that was of any size remained after these events except steel as well as aluminum fragments and the pulverized dust from the concrete floors.

Weather Modification Trials Australia

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Source: Lucas 2012 Infos - 9/10/12

Cloud seeding trial underway in NSW

Cloud seeding trial underway in NSW

Winter has come and gone for another year and with it more data has been gathered in a cutting edge trial that is being carried out in the Australian Alps.

The trial is exploring the possibility of increasing snowfall by utilising a technique called cloud seeding that was first seen more than 50 years ago.

Cloud seeding is the process of introducing a particle into the clouds to help make it rain or snow.

Snowy Hydro, an organisation currently running a cloud seeding trial, monitors weather systems approaching the NSW Alps to identify potential cloud seeding systems.

‘Risked Funds Now Flooding Into Gold’ – Sterling Stamos Moment Opens Hell’s Floodgates

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Sunday, September 9, 2012 22:34 


Davos Sherman Okst

A currency’s price in gold is the canary in the coal mine. Institutional money is having a Sterling Stamos Moment. They’ve spotted the biggest Ponzi scheme in global economic history and as a result have reached into that rat hole.  Redemption time.  Those risked funds are now flooding into gold. The currency fall, as all past currency falls that litter history, will be parabolic events when priced in the worlds only long lasting currency-gold.  

Sterling Stamos Moment #1, September 5, 2012 PIMPCO Pimping Gold

Paging “Smart Money’s” Marc Faber: Finally, two hands in your audience were raised when for the hundredth time you asked large institutions if they new what gold was.  Bill Gross’s hand went up first.  His fund PIMCO, the world’s largest Bond Fund(that is aside from Bernanke’s), is buying gold 

UK sets deadline to decide fate of UFO hacker Gary McKinnon

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Computer Weekly - Warwick Ashford, 9/7/12

The Home Office is to decide by 16 October whether to block the extradition to the US of self-confessed hacker Gary McKinnon on the grounds of poor health.

The timetable has been set after the High Court intervened in July to end a stand-off between the government and the hacker’s legal team.


New Book Chronicles Official Government UFO Investigations (VIDEO)

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Huff Post - Alejandro Rojas, 9/5/12

Many do not realize that for several decades the United States took UFO reports very seriously. In fact, it was the Air Force that coined the term UFO in the first place. Furthermore, there are several governments around the world who still take UFO reports very seriously and continue to investigate them in an official capacity. All of these government-sponsored UFO investigations have been documented like never before in the new book UFOs and Government: A Historical Inquiry.

The cover of the book says it is a history of government UFO investigations "from the perspectives of the governments themselves." That is because the authors have undergone years of painstaking research, unearthing hundreds of official government documents from government and university archives chronicling the manner in which government agencies went about tackling the UFO phenomenon and why they even bothered.


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