Freedom Project

Changing the old system.

Big Banks Are Being Hit With Cyberattacks “Every Minute Of Every Day”

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RINF - Michael Snyder, 12/06/13

At this point, the attacks have become so frequent that there is literally no break between them.  According to the Telegraph, major financial institutions are continually under assault, and the total number of attacks is constantly increasing…

Every minute, of every hour, of every day, a major financial institution is under attack.

Threats range from teenagers in their bedrooms engaging in adolescent “hacktivism”, to sophisticated criminal gangs and state-sponsored terrorists attempting everything from extortion to industrial espionage. Though the details of these crimes remain scant, cyber security experts are clear that behind-the-scenes online attacks have already had far reaching consequences for banks and the financial markets.

‘Nothing is beyond our reach’: Octopus strangling the world becomes latest US intelligence seal

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RT - Edited 12/07/13


One thing that budget hasn’t bought, however, is subtlety. The US National Reconnaissance Office launched a top-secret surveillance satellite into space Thursday evening, and the official emblem for the spy agency’s latest mission is, well, certainly accurate, to say the least.


In preparation for launch, the NROL-39 payload, encapsulated within a 5-meter diameter payload faring, is transported and mated to its United Launch Alliance (ULA) Atlas V booster at Vandenberg's Space Launch Complex-3. (Photo from

In preparation for launch, the NROL-39 payload, encapsulated within a 5-meter diameter payload faring, is transported and mated to its United Launch Alliance (ULA) Atlas V booster at Vandenberg's Space Launch Complex-3. (Photo from


Pearl Harbor Ceremony Marks Bombing Anniversary

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GFP Note: When large groups of people engage in events like these memorials, it transforms and releases a tremendous amount of energy. Although these memorials and ceremonies happen in the illusion, the energetic effects are Real and multi-dimensional.

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ABC News - 12/07/13, By AUDREY McAVOY Associated Press

Meet the UFO man who says the truth is out there

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Yorkshire Evening Post - 12/04/13

Unexplained UFO stories from around Yorkshire have been investigated by Philip Mantle.

Unexplained UFO stories from around Yorkshire have been investigated by Philip Mantle.

“There’s a lot more to it, once you start looking, you find it’s not what you thought. The Roswell incident in 1947 is the most famous UFO case but it wasn’t the first. About a week before it happened, a US fighter pilot called Kenneth Arnold was flying over the Cascade Mountains near Washington looking for a crashed aircraft which had a reward when he observed a flash of light and then saw several objects flying in a V-formation. They appeared to have no wings but were moving very fast. He timed them as they travelled between two mountain peaks and later concluded they were travelling faster than anything which was around at that time.

3 NASA Astronauts Who May Have Seen UFOs

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Epoch Times - Updated 12/06/13,
Tara MacIsaac and Frederic Roukema


Edgar Mitchell (NASA)


Edgar Mitchell flew in Apollo 14 to the moon in 1971, and is known as the sixth person to walk on the moon. He told WPTV he is certain aliens have been watching us and that the government is aware. 

“I don’t know how many or where or how they’re doing it, but they’ve been observing us and here for quite some time. We see these craft all the time,” he said.

Videos and more:


Aliens are central characters in UK school’s Christmas nativity play

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Source: Open Minds - 12/04/13, Alejandro Rojas

Aliens are central characters in UK school’s Christmas nativity play


There has been a growing trend in the last few years for schools in the UK to use aliens and UFOs to inspire elementary school students. It seems aliens have even invaded Christmas in one school in York.

This year’s school Christmas nativity play at Minster School will be centered on extraterrestrial visitors who have come to investigate the star of Christmas. The aliens are called the “light people,” and upon their arrival they ask other children what Christmas is. The explanation is given with song and dance, and reenactments.

Students in the Minstry School play. (Credit: York Press)

Thousands march in Honduras to protest election result

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Los Angeles Times - 12/01/13, Richard Fausset


Xiomara Castro

In Tegucigalpa, Honduras, presidential runner-up Xiomara Castro rides on the roof of a car carrying the coffin of a supporter killed a day earlier during a protest.
(Fernando Antonio / Associated Press / December 1, 2013)

Thousands of leftists marched in the Honduran capital of Tegucigalpa on Sunday to protest — peacefully but vehemently — the Nov. 24 election of a conservative presidential candidate that they say was marked by fraud.

The protesters, many sporting red baseball caps or waving red banners, were led by Xiomara Castro, the candidate of the left-wing Free Party, and her husband, Manuel Zelaya, who was ousted from the presidency in a 2009 coup.



Operation Agent Fury: The 1983 US Invasion of Grenada

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Source: Global Research, Michael Green, 12/05/13

The purpose of this article is to analyse the reasons behind the U.S. led invasion into Grenada during the latter part of 1983, from a U.S. decision making perspective. Codenamed Operation Urgent Fury, the U.S. decision to invade Grenada after the overthrow and subsequent killing of the Grenadian President Maurice Bishop evoked widespread criticism from several different outlets.[1] Acknowledging such perspectives, this essay will seek to examine and explore the decision making process behind the invasion.

Chat Session At 11 am Pacific/2 pm Eastern ~ ALL Are Welcome!

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Please join us this afternoon!
ALL are welcome.




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