Freedom Project

Changing the old system.

Veterans Day ~ An Energetic Event ~ Roundup

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GFP Note: When large groups of people engage in events like Veterans Day memorials, it both creates and releases a tremendous amount of energy. Although these memorials and ceremonies happen in the illusion, the energetic effects are Real and multi-dimensional.


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Mass Live - 11/11/13, AP

Uneasy neighbors Iraq, Turkey pledge to end tensions

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The Washington Post - 11/10/13, AP

BAGHDAD — Officials from Iraq and Turkey have pledged to end the diplomatic tensions plaguing the two neighbors.

In a joint press conference with his Turkish counterpart, Iraq’s Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari said Sunday the tension “has ended and we have started a new page.” Turkey’s Ahmet Davutoglu started a two-day visit Sunday to Iraq to meet with senior Iraqi officials.



Portals set on fire, traffic blocked as French ecotax protests continue

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RFI - by RFI, 11/09/13

Farmers obstruct traffic on the Brussels-Paris motorway in Valenciennes on Friday

Farmers obstruct traffic on the Brussels-Paris motorway in Valenciennes on Friday. Reuters/Pascal Rossignol

Protests against France's ecotax continued Saturday, despite the government's suspension of the controversial levy on road freight. Three control portals were attacked and morotways were blocked in the south of France, although Brittany, the scene of large protests over the last few weeks, was relatively calm.

Only a few hundred people took part in anti-ecotax protests on Friday night and Saturday, compared to tens of thousands who rallied against the measure a week before.

BoA facing $864 million fine over mortgage fraud

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Press TV - 11/10/13, AT/HJ


The bank was found liable for fraud over defective mortgages sold by its Countrywide unit.

The bank was found liable for fraud over defective mortgages
sold by its Countrywide unit.
Bank of America has been urged by the US government to pay $863.6 million in damages after it was found liable for fraud over defective mortgages sold by its Countrywide unit.

The US government has also asked for penalties against Rebeca Mairone, a former midlevel executive at the bank’s Countrywide unit District Court in Manhattan, who was also found liable by a federal jury.



Edward Snowden spy leaks: Liam Fox in push for Guardian newspaper to be prosecuted

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The Telegraph - 11/09/13, David Barrett

Dr Liam Fox has written to the Director of Public Prosecutions urging her to set out whether the Guardian newspaper breached counter-terrorism laws

Dr Liam Fox has written to the Director of Public Prosecutions urging her to set out whether the Guardian newspaper breached counter-terrorism laws Photo: EPA

Liam Fox, the former Defence Secretary, writes to the Director of Public Prosecutions urging her to set out whether publication of leaks by Edward Snowden breached counter-terrorism laws.

He accuses The Guardian’s editor Alan Rusbridger of “exhibit[ing] no sense of understanding, never mind remorse, about what damage might have been done to the safety of individuals or the country”. 

NYPD Officer Risks Job to Speak Out Against 'Stop-and-Frisk' Targeting of People of Color

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Source: - 11/07/13

Officer Adhyl Polanco dared ask: "Cuff him for what?"

Photo Credit: Michaeljung/


The New York City Police Department’s controversial “stop-and-frisk” program was a major issue for voters going to the polls in the city’s mayoral election. The issue drew widespread attention in August when U.S. District Judge Shira Scheindlin found “stop-and-frisk” unconstitutional, saying police had relied on a "policy of indirect racial profiling" that led officers to routinely stop "blacks and Hispanics who would not have been stopped if they were white." While she did not halt use of the tactic, Scheindlin appointed a federal court monitor to oversee a series of reforms.

US, Israel lose Unesco voting right in Palestine dispute

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Gulf News - 11/08/13, AP


Paris: American influence in culture, science and education around the world took a high-profile blow on Friday after the US automatically lost voting rights at UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (Unesco), after missing a crucial deadline to repay its debt to the world’s cultural agency.

The US hasn’t paid its dues to the Paris-based Unesco in protest over the decision by world governments to make Palestine a Unesco member in 2011. Israel suspended its dues at the same time and also lost voting rights on Friday.




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