Freedom Project

Changing the old system.

You Really Can Change Your DNA

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Waking Times - 9/24/13, Carolanne Wright, Guest

Flickr - Lights - Matt Murphy


If you believe that you are at the mercy of your genetic code, great news, you’re not. According to the science of epigenetics (the study of how environmental factors outside of DNA influence changes in gene expression), stem cells and even DNA can be altered through magnetic fields, heart coherence, positive mental states and intention. Top scientists around the world agree: genetic determinism is a flawed theory.


Curbing the genetic victim mentality


The DNA we are born with is not the sole determinant for our health and well-being. Stem cell biologist Bruce Lipton, Ph.D., discusses the important difference between genetic determinism and epigenetics in an interview with Super Consciousness magazine:

Jordan Hofer – Evolutionary Ufology

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GFP Note: To listen to the podcast,
visit the source link at the top of the story.
We are presenting this podcast for your awareness and enjoyment.
As always, please use your discernment.


heart       heart       heart       heart       heart       heart       heart

Source: OpenMinds.TV - 9/16/13


Bangladesh police clash with garment workers protesting over wages

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The Guardian - Jason Burke and Saad Hammadi, 9/25/13


Bangladeshi police block the road in front of protesting garments workers

Bangladeshi police block the road in front of protesting garments workers. Photograph: AFP/Getty Images

The fifth day of protests in two industrial districts near Dhaka, the capital, forced authorities to close hundreds of factories for the day, police and news reports said.

Factory owners say it is difficult for them to significantly raise the minimum wage because the global brands are unwilling to pay higher prices amid stiff competition and a protracted economic crisis in the west.

British teaching unions to stage strike over working conditions

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PressTV - 9/24/13



A series of regional strikes are to be held in Britain beginning in October involving the country’s two leading teaching unions amid coalition government’s fresh attacks on teachers’ working conditions and the state education system, it has been announced.

As the new school year begins, teachers are totally dissatisfied with the government’s schemes targeting their jobs, payments and pension over the past two years.



51 UN Countries Vote to Keep Israel’s Nuclear Arsenal Hidden from Public View

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21st Century Wire - 9/23/13


With all of the 24/7 righteous indignation about weapons of mass destruction in Syria and call for ‘compliance with international norms’, the mainstream media barely mentioned this week’s UN vote on whether or not Israel should enter the international community by allowing nuclear weapons inspectors to see what its been hiding for decades now – a full-blown nuclear weapons program.

Hiding a military nuclear arsenal is no small feat. What this latest US-led lobbying effort in the UN demonstrates clearly, is that the State of Israel, shielded by its chief backers the United States, Great Britain and France, maintains its own set of rules outside of international laws and norms.



UK Man Sues BBC for Lying About 9/11

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Source: 2012 The Big Picture, 9/24/13



Great stuff from Brasscheck.
Thanks, Richard for the heads up.

The Illuminati’s reasons for “pulling” Building 7 were many, and now the sleeping giant rears its ugly head to bite them in the ass.  

This case should set off a chain reaction, because once the courts acknowledge that the BBC was complicit and had foreknowledge of the attack, it is then a  foundation for further cases to prosecute those who committed the ‘inside job’, and they can go after the murderers and lock them up.

Bush and Co., you can run, but you can’t hide. SOMEONE knows where you are every second of every day. Time to get measured for your black and white striped jammies.  ~ BP


Ten Secret UFO Hideouts Around The World

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India TV - Pooja Tyagi, Updated 9/23/13


Know about 10 secret UFO hideouts across the world


The term "UFO" was officially created in 1953 by the United States Air Force. UFOs garnered considerable interest during the Cold War, an era associated with a heightened concern for national security.

Here is a list of 10 secret UFO hideouts across the world:


Reported UFO activity rose last year, with major sightings in Texas

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Dallas News - Updated 9/23/13, James Ragland

That sighting, another in North Texas and one in Central Texas were among the “strongest 10 cases” from 2012 that a MUFON science review board determined “cannot be identified as any known object.”

But the peculiar sightings aren’t just cropping up in our own backyard — the whole Lone Star State is a hotbed of UFO activity.



NSA targets Indian politics, space and nuclear program

Rain's picture - 9/24/13

According to top-secret documents provided to The Hindu by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden, billions of pieces of information were collected from its telephone and internet networks just in 30 days.

The American spy agency carried out intelligence gathering activities in India using at least two major programs, The Hindu report said.



US leaker Snowden 'wears disguise, in danger': lawyer

Rain's picture - 9/23/13


Protesters hold placards bearing the image of former NSA contractor Edward Snowden, in Berlin on July 27, 2013.

Protesters hold placards bearing the image of former NSA contractor Edward Snowden, in Berlin on July 27, 2013.

Former US intelligence analyst Edward Snowden is in such danger that he cannot even visit or talk to his family members, his lawyer Anatoly Kucherena says.

Kucherena did not explain what kind of danger his client was facing, but many US officials have refused to rule out the possibility of snatching the whistleblower and returning him to the United States to face criminal prosecution.




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