Freedom Project

Changing the old system.

Bulgarian protests continue, is the world watching?

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Euronews - 7/02/13

Bulgarian protests continue, is the world watching?

For more than two and a half weeks now Bulgarians have been taking to the streets, demanding their newly appointed socialist government step down.

The protests were originally sparked by the controversial appointment of businessman and MP Delyan Peevski as the new head of the State Agency for National Security. Public anger eventually led to his removal but the demonstrations have continued, with the people demanding reforms that will bring greater transparency to Bulgarian public life, which they claim is fraught with corruption.

Video and more: Euronews

Consciousness, Flying Saucers, and the Intergalactic Computer Network

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Source: - Grant Cameron, 6/23/13

“A human being is a part of the whole called by us ‘Universe,’ a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest – a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness” Albert Einstein

As many will know in the 1950 a Canadian Top Secret memo detailed what had been learned about flying saucers from the questions put to American officials. The Canadians were told flying saucers exist, that it was considered significant, and was the most highly classified subject in the United States. More importantly they were told that other things might be associated with the saucers such as “mental phenomena.”

60 Billion Alien Planets Could Support Life, Study Suggests

Rain's picture - Megan Gannon, 7/01/13

Though only about dozen potentially habitable exoplanets have been detected so far, scientists say the universe should be teeming with alien worlds that could support life. The Milky Way alone may host 60 billion such planets around faint red dwarf stars, a new estimate suggests.

Based on data from NASA's planet-hunting Kepler spacecraft, scientists have predicted that there should be one Earth-size planet in the habitable zone of each red dwarf, the most common type of star. But a group of researchers has now doubled that estimate after considering how cloud cover might help an alien planet support life.

Video and more:


Another side of Roswell flying saucer incident

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GFP Note: On July 7, 1947, a spaceship piloted by Greys crashed at a ranch near Roswell, New Mexico. Bodies and wreckage were recovered by the U.S. army. At least one survivor was probably recovered as well.

Governments around the planet had been working with The Illuminati and The Greys for a long time by 1947, so "those in the know" did not learn anything new when this ship crashed. Roswell is an important incident because the soldiers who discovered the crashed ship were not "in the know" and spilled the beans, so to speak. For the first time that we know of, evidence of a big secret had been revealed to the public. And ever since, The Cabal has been trying to put the Roswell cat back into the bag.

Reminder: The Illuminati left the planet in the 1990s and turned back to The Light. They are now helping us with our mission. The Cabal/minions/Greys have no real power anymore. The minions are surrendering and the Greys are dissolving.

Love won! Keep shining your Light!

For more information on this year's Roswell UFO Festival, visit


Alien Poll Finds Half Of Americans Think Extraterrestrial Life Exists

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Huffington Post - 6/21/13, Emily Swanson

alien poll

In this Oct. 9, 2007 file photo, radio telescopes of the Allen Telescope Array are seen in Hat Creek, Calif. A new poll finds that half of Americans think alien life exists in the universe, and a quarter think aliens have vistited Earth. (AP Photo/Ben Margot, File)

We're not alone in the universe -- or so say half of Americans in a new HuffPost/YouGov poll. And a quarter of Americans think that alien visitors have come to Earth.

According to the new survey, 50 percent of Americans think that there is some form of life on other planets, while only 17 percent think that there's not. Another 33 percent said they aren't sure.

More: Huffington Post


Statement from Edward Snowden in Moscow Monday July 1

Lia's picture

21:40 UTC

One week ago I left Hong Kong after it became clear that my freedom and safety were under threat for revealing the truth. My continued liberty has been owed to the efforts of friends new and old, family, and others who I have never met and probably never will. I trusted them with my life and they returned that trust with a faith in me for which I will always be thankful.

On Thursday, President Obama declared before the world that he would not permit any diplomatic "wheeling and dealing" over my case. Yet now it is being reported that after promising not to do so, the President ordered his Vice President to pressure the leaders of nations from which I have requested protection to deny my asylum petitions.

This kind of deception from a world leader is not justice, and neither is the extralegal penalty of exile. These are the old, bad tools of political aggression. Their purpose is to frighten, not me, but those who would come after me.


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