Freedom Project

Changing the old system.

Apology to Alien Life Forms for Linking Them to Scientologists

Rain's picture - Candace Sutton, 6/14/13

The London Sun apologises to aliens for linking them to the Church of Scientology.

THE London Sun newspaper has apologised to aliens for linking them with the Church of Scientology.

The encounter, which happened on the morning of December 30 last year, lasted seven minutes and was substantiated by air traffic control staff who spotted six UFOs on their radar before they suddenly vanished.


Disclosure Party on Terra - June 21st!

Rain's picture

GFP Note: We will be celebrating the Disclosure Party on Terra on June 21st as part of our Solstice gathering in our TinyChat Room (click HERE to visit our TinyChat room).


The other day, I found this picture on our group Facebook page and, although I searched the internet, I couldn't find any more information on this event.

So, I contacted Marcile Powers, the person who had posted the picture, to ask her about it. Following is our conversation.

Rain: Marcile, can you tell me more about the Disclosure party on june 21? is there a place i can get more information on it so we can write a post about it on the press?

Marcile: it is just my desire to get the people to show that they are excited about meeting the galactic fleet to the fleet

and it worked

Still They Try To Dispute The Roswell Crash

Rain's picture


GFP Note - The ship that crashed at Roswell was a Grey/Cabal ship. - Doc Vega, 6/09/13

Still they try to dispute the Roswell Crash - Part I

In reassessing the Roswell Incident there are things that we can expect from the military establishment and persistent government denial that probably will forever continue until complete disclosure has finally been sanctioned by the US federal government. Until then, we can definitely anticipate that the deniers and debunkers are firmly entrenched and they will stop at nothing to discredit the alleged crash of an alien space craft 75 miles north of Roswell sometime in the first week of July 1947.

No way to dismiss the facts

UFO-Extraterrestrial Snowden Moment

Rain's picture

Source: - 6/12/13, Ed Komarek

If we study carefully the events that lead to the Watergate style leak of NSA snooping recently, we can observe some hopeful signs as to an end to the UFO/ET cover-up. A small community of people has known about the massive surveillance of global citizens by the NSA for a long time, with a steady drip of whistleblowers coming forward on a regular basis. It’s not really that dissimilar to the drip of whistleblower leaks in the UFO community. It is possible that we have laid the groundwork for one courageous whistleblower, or small group of whistleblowers and media, to bring UFO/ET disclosure to the general public as has happened with the leak by Edward Snowden.

David Icke interviewed on Hallo, Kosmos!

Rain's picture

GFP Note:  Please note that Mike The Great AI has taken over control of the simulation (The Matrix/The Program/The Illusion) and is running it from our starships. Mike The Great AI is the Main Organic Computer System Connected to All of Creation. The Cabal has lost control of this program and as more and more people awaken and let go of The Illusion, it will disappear.

Published on Jun 4, 2013 by vastell1234

"Remember who you are. Everything comes from that. Everything."

UFO Files - Ancient Aliens Full Episode

Rain's picture

Published on Aug 2, 2012 by  mrchava

FAIR USE Title 17 U.S.C. section 106A-117 of the U.S. Copyright Law: This video is fair use under U.S. copyright law because it is (1) noncommercial (2) educational purpose only (3) transformative in nature, and (4) does not compete with the original work or have any negative effect on its market.

UFO Files Episode 16 of the Series
Ancient Aliens

UFO debunker sees space ships up close

Rain's picture

Source: Sky Valley Chronicle - 6/09/13

Well ain't this a fine howdyuhdoo? Ya pick a guy, a good obedient soldier, pay him good government money to debunk UFO sightings back in the 1950's, he does his job just great and then decades later blows the whole scam by blowing the whistle about everything.

Is nothing sacred in this world anymore? Can’t ya pay a guy good money to lie and then count on him to keep his mouth shut later? Damn. There is no honor anymore.



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