The Oneness Sign by Peter Melton is today's symbol of oneness in a world that's striving for peace and unity. You can help by sharing this with your friends and family.
Last week multiple high level sources all confirmed an intensifying battle for control of the global financial system and thus the future of humanity. In the public sphere this is appearing in the form of riots in Turkey, blockades of the European Central Bank and massive global protests against Monsanto among other things. Under the surface there has been a rash of intrigues, arrests, threats and counter-threats. New alliances have also been reached between previously opposing forces, according to multiple high level sources.
GFP Note: To listen to the radio interview with witnesses of the 1966 sighting, visit the link at the bottom of the page.
Playground marks the spot of a mass UFO sighting - June 02, by KuljaCoulston
Kingston City Council's Steve Perumal has designed the playground complete with a UFO of around the same size and and position of those seen at Westall back in 1966. Shane Ryan is a researcher who interview over 200 people who saw the UFOs, and for many years has lobbied the council to create something on the site.
Find out what's being planned, and hear from some of those who saw the UFOs 50 years ago as they speak with Libbi Gorr.
Canadians saw more UFOs than ever before. In 2012, 1,981 sightings (compared to 986 in 2011) were reported. That's almost double the previous annual record of 1,004 reports in 2008, according to CBC News.
"It's something across the board," said Canadian science writer Chris Rutkowski, director of Ufology Research, who has compiled the Canada UFO report since 1989. "People in Canada were actually looking up into the sky more [in 2012] than in previous years."
UFO Appears To Deliberately Enter Mexico's Popocatepetl Volcano (VIDEO)
Huffington Post - Lee Speigel, 6/02/13
HuffPost asked Dantonio, who creates special effects and is contracted by the U.S. Navy, Congress and the Joint Chiefs of Staff in Washington, to weigh in on this latest video.
"What I think is that this is not a likely fake. I think, for the moment, this is a genuine image capture," he told HuffPost in an email.