Greetings: We return this day with more observations of your world and projections of what is to come. We begin with those humans who live under the yoke of tyranny or are a part of the physical oppression of others. They know quite well the role of physical force. It is the threat or the actual application of physical punishment, torture, or deprivation that keeps such families, clans, societies, and countries organized for the benefit of their tyrants. It is an age-old ways of controlling humans on your planet. Fears of physical harm force all into rigid structures.
Your so-call advanced societies have a much more subtle, but equally effective means of control; it is called money. Those who have it exercise various means of domination over those who do not. The elites, who have vast wealth, exercise absolute domination over the rest of such societies.
Humanity, often times to learn, to create or change, chooses a painful and arduous path to awaken to a new awareness of their reality. The subtleties of the higher levels of human consciousness are faintly detected or, perhaps, not heard above the din of everyday life. Humanity feels trapped in its reality, even worse in its perception. For reality is the result of one's perception. There are many stories about individuals that so easily could be saved if they just but reached their hand out for assistance. Salvation slips away with the belief that what is being offered is more dangerous, or salvation fails to match a preconceived idea.
Enormous 2000 mile long and 2000 mile wide Motherships glowing and blinking in lights just hanging there in the sky right above our heads... man.. 14 feet tall blue people mingling with us... smaller ones up to our waste level... Galactic languages... bizzar food LOL... incredible technologies... rides in space ships to other planets... drinking ET beverages in the star wars bar on these Motherships...sleeping on these Motherships.. dreaming in our sleep on these Motherships... visiting other worlds, sisters and brothers we are gonna be stunned ! Make no mistake .. its gonna blow our minds into the deepest dimensions imaginable !
What does Courage look like when you’re dancing between worlds? You’ve been holding a portion of your consciousness focused on the Real through the vortex of your Twin Flame heart. But, you also continually allow yourself to be drawn into the play, sometimes inadvertently and sometimes with intent. And, each time you enter the play, you’re magnetically attracted to the fear that has been created by the mass consciousness of little minds believing they could be separate from God.
Beloved ones, when you speak the language of Love, all of life speaks with you. You engage in a communication with all things that is rich and filled with beauty and magic, and every moment your life expands, your world becomes ever more astounding. Every exchange in the language of Love lifts you up ever higher, lifting your vibration with every sentence that you speak.
The energies of renewal are now coming forth in the flow of life and the cycles upon your Planet and bringing with them the energies of a new beginning. How this new beginning translates in your personal life is dependant on your attitude and perceptions and your ability to become the Master of your thoughts and emotions and your intentions to create a better way. There are cycles within cycles within cycles and upon your Planet and in the Cosmos, many of these cycles are now converging into alignment with a far greater Plan than has been understood by Humanity to the present time.
The opulence, the prosperity, the role of Creator-ship that you so seek is within the cellular structure of your being. It is not housed in a thought, it is not housed in a mediation, it is not housed in a way of life, but it resides within all potential tapped and untapped within the multi-dimensional structure that you exist within. When you sense a lack within your life, you immediately move your presence into that place. you are re-united within that structure of lack – not as a punishment, but as a learning. When you have a need within your life, move into it with a knowing. You house all potential.
After what we experienced in March we are probably looking at April with more than a little hesitation. The events on the world stage showed us how lives can be changed in a moment, that Mother Nature is still in charge, that no matter how technologically advanced we think we are, everything can be wiped out, taking us back to very simple basics of food, water and shelter. In our individual lives there was an opportunity to assess where we are, whether we are happy, what we need to let go of and how we are creating our life path. For many it was a sobering experience and that leads us into the possibilities of April.
As April begins an explosion of fire energy floods in as the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter and Uranus are all in the astrological sign of Aries. Aries, a fire sign, is primarily Masculine in its energy. As such it relates to the expression of your will and your desire to express and explore your individual self through your physical experience. At this phase of your evolutionary growth and development you can now move swiftly forward consciously utilising the fire energy to demolish any old, outdated and limiting patterns, behaviours and ideals and create a new consciousness based on the virtues of compassion, forgiveness and love.
Much of the energy of March was focused on change and transformation. This energy can be visually witnessed through the affects of Japan’s Earthquake and Tsunami, the resulting threat of nuclear contamination and the rebellions and revolutions occurring in Africa and the Middle East. This theme will continue into April but is somewhat toned down due to the influence of Saturn in Libra.