Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.


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~Winds of Change~

April 2011 Message from P'taah

The winds of change are blowing through your universe. Well, you know in a way it is you who is the wind. And it is you who will be changed, coming forth from a desire of the heart to fulfill the potential called human. To fulfill the new paradigm to be that you have created, thousands and thousands of years ago.

You are absolutely in every Now a Perfect and Eternal Expression, Extension, of the HEART of Creation. That is the truth of it. And all have said at sometime during this journey that you are upon, "If I create it all, why, why would I have created the forgetting?" And of course as I've always said to you, you created it simply for the experience of it.


Lia's picture

view chart for aries new moon:

The Aries New Moon has arrived! Since we've just created new intentions during the equinox to steer a new course this year, it's time to activate our creativity as much as possible. The 2011 New Moon in Aries is the big activator! With the Moon and five planets in Aries, closely opposite Saturn in Libra forming a wide T-square to Pluto in Capricorn, we are in for a wild ride this spring. Adding in the preceding planets in Pisces, we have a classic bucket chart: Saturn holds the handle with the other planets in the bucket, except Pluto is where the liquid pours out. Things are going to go so fast, that before this month is over, you may hardly be able to remember what you were doing just a few minutes ago. Nobody is going to escape radical change during this lunation; the more you can anticipate this one the better.


Lia's picture

Dear Friends,

The New Moon is Sunday, April 3 at 8:33 AM Mountain Standard Time. Do something active, connected, community oriented, something that initiates enthusiasm and inspiration. A lot of energy can be moved during this time so make use of it. Don't hide out in your hidey hole. Get out there and be in the world even if it is only to appreciate the beauty around you and the eccentricity and uniqueness of each living thing on the planet. Acknowledge the fertility you see around you and intend to initiate something that will be important and inspiring in your life. Think fertility as you look at your circumstances, challenges, opportunities and creative ideas.




Written by Patricia A. Liles.

New Moon: Sun and Moon in Aries 13º
Sunday, April 3, 2011 8:33 AM MDT


Lia's picture

Hello to you, We are the Arcturians.

We are here to speak to all of you in this way and in this moment of your time upon the Earth.

All is in unfoldment in this moment, in this allowing to be with us on this journey and rightly so we are upon this journey together.
We wish to speak to you of your fulfillment and of yourself as energy centers.

Upon your earth at this now moment, much is in flux. In a fluctuation, a sort of in-between a cosmic inhale and exhale. In this in-between there is stillness, a still point and we wish to bring you to this stillness so you allow yourself to receive the knowledge, the wisdom and the strength of all that you are…

Here in this moment of stillness is an opening, yes and it is an opening to a brightness of shining light, it beckons you forward into a field of expansion.

~The Miracle of Planetary Ascension has begun!~

Lia's picture

~The Miracle of Planetary Ascension has begun!~

Slowly we awaken to the dawning Light
Together we remember to release our fright

As fear is drained from the heart and mind
We find the world is sweet and kind

Like children we all look around
To explore the new world we have found

We wonder if our hearts were right
Could we now live in love and light?

We choose THIS world, we really do
And the darkness is forever through

We want the unity, peace and love
And accept the power of the Golden Dove

We are the planet on which we live
We do not take, for instead we give

We give to life our memory of
The joy of unity, peace and love

At last, we now have found our Home
From here, the Universe, we will roam

You may ask, “Did our unconditional love really change the Matrix or was it just our imagination?”

From: Multidimensional News From Dr. S. Caroll



Lia's picture

a message from Kachina Houska

Saturday, 26 March, 2011 


Mercury turns retrograde on March 30th @ 25° Aries with direct station occurring April 22nd @ 13° Aries. The current phase of retrograde comes to closure on May 11th when Mercury clears the shadow of retrograde.

Representative of our thinking aptitudes and perceptions, Mercury rules all forms of  communications, methods of transport and commerce. During retrograde periods glitches can occur within communication systems, modes of transport and commerce related dealings that require us to slow down and reassess our approaches and choices.

On a personal level cognitive skills are often challenged and making decisions generally requires extra patience and time. While MercuryRx periods are generally not considered favorable for making contractual agreements or committing oneself to new projects for anything begun from scratch during this time often needs to be reworked later or just doesn’t get off the ground at all. This period is conducive to putting efforts into ongoing projects through a whole slew of “RE-words” such as:  reorganize, reedit, renegotiate, re-navigate, reformulate, reconsider, redefine, reprocess, reinstall etc, etc.


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