Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.

~ Waking Times ~ The Less I do, The Better I BE

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Flickr - Flow - Yogendra174Adam Lanka, Contributor
Waking Times

I Am All That Is Here and Now.

Has anyone ever told you that you are doing too much?  If so, you may have responded to the sentiment with a variety of different emotions or reactions.

The first one, perhaps, would be outright dismissal, the reaction that is commonly referred to as denial. This is the most typical reaction to observations or information that we do not understand, are not open to receive, or do not wish to hear. In a world filled with an infinite number of different belief structures and perceptions of reality, it is actually quite often now that we are confronted with information that simply does not fit, or seemingly contradicts, our own definition of the universe.

Jean Hudon: Global Winter Solstice Meditation

Silver's picture

Exopermaculture, By: Ann Kreilkamp, 12/17/2013

Winter Solstice Stonehenge

If ever there is a more natural time to go within for meditation, it is now, during the darkening of the light, leaning towards the hallowed day when the Sun appears to stop, turn, and then move forward again, to gift us in the northern hemisphere with more and more light and warmth in the days, weeks, months ahead.


And if ever there is a more exquisitely timed need for meditation it is now, at the end of 2013, fully one year past the time when we were to have completed the Mayan Calendar and started over again. And perhaps we have. Only, with cycles so long, the beginning, yes, does seem endlessly prolonged, and still confusedly intermingling with the dragging out of the old end . . .


~ Karen Doonan ~ “assumption” and the New Earth

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For many of you this time of year may be a tremendous trigger, the media playing to the “happy families” at all moments, with adverts everywhere you turn of smiling people and “festive cheer”.  The old earth is pulling out all stops at this time to try to trigger the grief and fear that was anchored within your human vehicle as you moved through your life within the old 3d earth paradigms. It is to be remembered that you have incarnated over and over into the old 3d earth reality, it is TAUGHT to you as a KARMIC cycle and it is NOT TRUTH, therefore it is not supported in the New Earth.  As we now get “nearer” (to use a very human linear concept) to the “xmas event” then these triggers will begin to deepen in their intensity.

It may APPEAR that the old earth is still fully in place, many of you may “assume” that you have missed the boat and that the New Earth is just but a story or a fantasy and this is also NOT TRUTH for ASSUMPTION is a tool of choice for the old 3d earth.  Whilst you ASSUME to know something you filter out that which is presented to you, allowing your human logical mind to present to you “evidence” to back up your assumption. I have had MANY lessons in this over the past few weeks and it has shocked me at times how deep the assumption has been, how much hurt has been inflicted on BOTH parties as a result and how unseen the teaching has gone until I was shown the distortion.

~ The Pleiadians ~ You are Being Transformed – 17 December 2013

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GFP Commentary: There is Only One Reality: Love . Everywhere . Present ! Everything else is illusion.

Do you feel heavier since your full moon yesterday, since 12-12, or do you feel lighter? We say it is all the same as you go into the place where all is the same.  All experiences are being ushered into a state of perfect balance.  You are truly a neutral consciousness, that views all as the same, from eyes of love.  Yesterday, you were being cleared out, we say, even gutted (as it was fierce for many), of anything that blocked you from experiencing this truth.  Whatever was holding on like glue that caused you to not see the truth of the eyes of your I AM presence has been melted away. Today, you may experience this as relief, and if not relief, deep understanding of your soul patterns you agreed to experience here.


Oh yes, and you agreed.  You agreed for many lifetimes to contribute to this cause, and now we say, your agreement is complete.  This does not mean you must leave body.  Not at all.  This means you are here now to experience joy as your sole purpose.  You are here to enjoy.  Many of you are so used to the lessons, that you may try to hold on to feeling like you have to have problems.  Release your contract now, as you have done your work.  Now it is about reaping the benefits.  All the work you have done here  light beings will ripple out like a domino effect now as you watch and experience.

Kp Message~ There is Much Going On

Lia's picture


130304_new_hair_guy_P1000378_crop_240_26Not sure exactly why this comes through at this moment, but I just now had a sense that there is so very much occurring at this exact moment it is impossible to put into words.

Yes, it can always be said that things are going on, but in this case it is simply a recognition on my part that the intensity and frequency of “new” events is at a maximum during the past two years.

What does this mean? Don’t know. But something is rapidly moving into place for humanity that will change “it” forever

~ Sandra Walter ~ Early 2014 – Collective Shift in Reality

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This was a difficult message for me to deliver, as I personally do not like to provide predictions of this magnitude. Those on the Ascension path will understand my intention to serve the collective by preparing all of us to be pure Wayshowers dedicated to demonstrating what Ascension is truly about: LOVE and UNITY.

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~ Selacia ~Boost Your Receiving With 12/17 Full Moon Process

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Raise Your Frequency to End 2013 on a High Note -

by Selacia

Boost your receiving and your frequency at the same time with appropriate use of this week’s full moon energies.

During a full moon like we have on 12/17, energies are amplified and the expanded light can add to your forward momentum. Since it’s the last full moon of 2013, too, you can utilize this energy to bring in more beneficial energies for ending the year on a high note.

How you receive from the world, and what you do to catalyze receiving, will be key factors in how you benefit from this cycle at year-end.

This time of year it’s normal to focus on giving and receiving, in part because our modern society has commercialized these natural energies. Don’t be fooled, however, into thinking that giving and receiving are only for certain times or certain people.

Don’t let your distaste for the society’s commercialism get in the way of your own flow. Black-and-white thinking isn’t in alignment with your multidimensional self.

You as a divine changemaker must become skilled in mastering both giving and receiving, having these natural energies in balance in your life. This has nothing to do with what society pushes on you with nonstop media messages about holiday shopping. It’s about your own empowerment and frequency level.

~ Denise Le Fay and HighHeartLife ~ As You Know the “Second Coming” is Us

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As usual there will be Stair-steps with this phase of the 2013 winter Solstice and winter quarter Ascension Process for the Forerunners of the Forerunners, the Forerunners, and so on. Think of this just like the “First Wavers”, the “Second Wavers”, and the “Third Wave” groups at the start of the Ascension Process a couple of decades ago. A very few will be activated on the 2013 winter Solstice just as a very few were on the 2012 winter Solstice that transcended physicality at that time. This December a ready few will be activated at the 2013 winter Solstice, a few more will be during the rest of December, and more in January 2014, and more and more will be throughout the winter quarter months and even more beyond that. Stair-steps, always stair-steps so we transmute/embody/transcend slowly, carefully, safely and incrementally so we don’t blow a fuse and/or destroy the body.

In my earlier article The 12 Labors, I talked about this phase of the Ascension Process for the Forerunners and how I’d perceived that many (not all but many) will need one full year–from the 2013 September Equinox to the 2014 September Equinox–to physically, incrementally live this phase of embodying more into the physical body. There are multiple reasons for this Stair-step approach or activation process but it’s always about doing it safely and only when one is able.

There’s An Organ In Your Brain Which Seats Your Soul: Meet Your Pineal Gland

Doreen Smith's picture


16 Dec 2013  ContraMary

“The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light…” Matthew 6:22-23 

Situated at the anatomical center of our brain lies a mysterious gland that may be the intermediary gate that bridges our physical and spiritual experiences here on Earth. Seventeenth-Century French philosopher Rene Descartes coined this organ, called the pineal gland, as the “seat of the soul”, as he believed it provided people with a medium from which our soul could be expressed through our physicality. The pineal gland has been a topic of great debate over the past couple of decades as the science community is still trying to discover its complete biological function. Dr. Rick Strassman, M.D., author of DMT: The Spirit Molecule, has dedicated years of research to the pineal gland as he suggests that this gland is the factory for a powerful brain chemical called DMT (Di-Methyl Tryptamine) which when produced induces a person into a psychedelic and mystical experience. Many different cultures talk about our “third eye,” and modern theories suggest that this may be a reference to the pineal. Even more peculiar is the fact that pineal gland symbology can be traced to many civilizations such as the Romans, Mexicans, Egyptians, Babylonians and the Greeks. It is interesting to note that even the Catholic Church displays pineal gland imagery, as the Vatican Square contains the largest pineal-like statue in the world. So what could all of this mean? Is there ancient knowledge of this gland that previous cultures had access to? Furthermore, what role does the pineal gland play in our spiritual experiences and how can we explain this in physiological terms? 


One of the earliest accounts of the pineal gland is in the writings of a third-century B.C. Greek physician named Herophilus, where he discusses the piniform or pinecone shaped organ as being the size of our pinkie fingernail. 
The name comes from the Latin word pinea, which literally means “pinecone.” As mentioned previously, the gland sits at the approximate geometric center of the brains mass. Additionally, the gland is not technically part of the brain, as it is not protected by the blood-brain barrier. In his book DMT: The Spirit Molecule, Dr. Rick Strassman discusses the glands unique solitary status within the brain, 


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