Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.

Lets rejoice ~ White Cloud through Leanne Kerrison

Lia's picture


Let s rejoice in your time of Christ –mass. In your time of thankfulness, and giving.  In this remembering of the Christ energies, it is important to know that this is always your gift, not just in this time of Christmas. The gifts of forgiveness,  gratitude and love, are bestowed on your world right now, these gifts of love, reside in all off you. Let this Christ mass, the remembering and celebrations of these Christ energies, be with you always.

Always forgive, for it is what your heart is meant to do my friends, what it is meant to do. Always be grateful, for In gratitude, there is grace.  Always be gracious, as this is your souls sensitivity speaking. Always be kind, for it is in this kindness, that one can truly be in there power of now. Let this kindness pour out of you as this is what your world needs. This kindness brings forth gratitude in others, this gratitude in others restores ones faith, this faith brings them hope. Hope brings some peace and love.  

Nephilim message for 18th December 2013

Lia's picture

Greetings beloved ones, we are the Nephilim and we come to guide and to support as the New Earth frequencies begin to rise once more, to flow across and within planet earth in order to dissolve the old 3d earth frequencies that seek to keep themselves in place. This is NOT TRUTH and is not supported in the UNIVERSE of 3 and many of you at this time may APPEAR to be walking between worlds, unable to anchor fully within the New Earth and APPEARING to still walk in the old 3d earth paradigms.

~ HeartLightDG ~ A Long And Winding road

Eddie1177's picture

“Sometimes, the choice is to take neither path set before you, but to create a brand new one that only the soul can see.”  Lisa Gawlas

For the last six months, the path my friends and I have chosen leading towards our potential new home has been less than smooth or straight.  Every time we feel like something has fallen into place for us, within days or weeks it falls apart.  We hit a rut and our cart tips over, spilling the contents.  We find the road blocked and have to find another way to go around or how to climb over it.

This week we do that for the umpteenth time.

It would be easy to get so discouraged.  Or angry.  Easy to fall into  victimhood, aka the self-pity party.  It would be really easy to just give up.  And I admit I have had my share of those feelings lately, as one thing after another slips out of our grasp and I momentarily feel blindsided and perplexed as to how to move forward again.

I just have to keep remembering that I am choosing my reactions (to my creations).  Sometimes it takes me a few hours or even a couple of days to work through what I’m feeling.  Finally I realise I can choose to wallow in those feelings or I can find a different perspective.  I can choose to look at the events as pointing me in a different direction.  Perhaps this direction was not quite in line with my soul’s choice.

~ Brenda Hoffman ~ Join The Sparkle Fest

Eddie1177's picture

Dear Ones,

You have moved through many energies in the past few days – including the energies generated by the loving, sometimes sad, holiday spirit. Even though there is a solstice and full moon on the calendar, the energies emitted by those forces are less dramatic than what you are accustomed to. That is not to say you will not shift parts of your being during those events, but that it will feel more like a sparkle fest than a traumatic event.

Many question the phrase ‘sparkle fest’ for you continue to display the changes those transition waves create via physical or emotional symptoms. You find yourself experiencing emotional highs and lows, sleep pattern changes, digestive issues or other symptoms. All pieces you have experienced before. The difference is that the symptoms will be less evident and the results more precise.

Think of yourself as a diamond in the rough when you first began your new earth transition. You knew what you wanted, but not necessarily how to get there. The first cutting of your facets was painful and extremely frightening for most. Each shift produced another polish or trimming of facets. You now are a brilliant stone requesting a bit more polish.

Please note the difference. When you first experienced your uncut, unpolished diamond status, you asked for assistance from whomever seemed likely to reduce your fears. Now that you are a polished gem, you decide how much you wish your facets to sparkle.

~ Polona Aurea Dawn ~ Rays of consciousness within Creation

Eddie1177's picture

Dear Ascension Pioneers!

Welcome to my new video about the Wisdom of the Stars. I know there is a long intro/preface in the beginning part of it, but I felt so guided to speak about it and address this necessary topic, which so many tend to avoid. The only important thing for all Ascension Pioneers/ascending Souls within our further Self empowerment on the journey of the Self, is our unique purpose/Divine potential. This includes everything that is important for our Soul purpose, and it begins with the Rays of consciousness within Creation, on which we all travel with our uniqueness. It is the merging with that uniqueness and discovering our true purpose that matters on our journey as Ascension Pioneers. We are here in Divine service, first and foremost! The question that all Great Ones ask themselves is not "Who AM I," but rather: "What AM I? What vibrational Essence AM I to seed here and in all of Creation ... in order to birth new Life as a co-creator Self?"

Within Divine Love, Polona Aurea Dawn

The Creator Writings - Moving Forward and Expectation

Doreen Smith's picture


The Creator Writings


On occasion, there will be people in your life that are still sleeping. It is your wish and expectation that the person suddenly awaken, communicate and move forward with you. You may be sorely disappointed when this does not happen. The reason: EXPECTATION. You have the expectation that this person will suddenly begin to see things and move forward with you at the same pace. Very rarely do the energies of two humans match exactly, even those you call Twin Flames or Soul Mates. Work on YOU, feed YOUR soul, and love YOURSELF. If they choose to share your path, they will. ~ Creator



~ Message About Ascension~

Lia's picture

 by Ari E.

(Spirit Guide Solis)

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Message On Ascension and The Golden Age

“Ascension started taking place on Earth for humanity when the imbalance of Light and Dark had been disrupted for a long time.

Humans have been fooled and manipulated for far too long, so the Creator of All That Is divinely intervened. Though it is unknown to most people, this is a planet that has total free will given to all of its students or “inhabitants.”

Earth – or better known throughout the Universe as Gaia – is a highly popular planet to observe, mostly due to the fact that it’s an “Everything-goes-type-of-place.”

Evil, for lack of better word, has lived quite comfortably on Earth for thousands of years.

Humans always had God and the Angels on their side, and even though life on this planet could be a “living hell” it could also be Heaven.


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