
Happy December 2016 Solstice Precious Hearts!

Blue Diamon's picture
Happy December 2016 Solstice Precious Hearts!
May I/We (for We are ONE) take this opportunity to thank you most graciously from the Heart of our Soul for your support over the past 4 years.  Were it not for your continued support we would not have been able to do the service work we love and enjoy so very much.

The journey thus far has been sublime, magnificent, heavenly, awe-inspiring and beautiful! We exist in a state of blissful union as One Precious Heart, Soul and Mind.

We guide you to remain focused in your Hearts so that you too may enjoy the blissful union we so very much enjoy here on our Earthly sojourn.

In this now moment, we are less than 2 hours away from the Solstice which promises to provide for us, and for you, a further influx and burst of precious Diamond encoded Light Source energy which serves to propel us even further into the knowing of our Greater Self in One Unity Consciousness.

So we thank you for your continued support of our service work and we wish you everything you could possibly dream of in the magical year of 2017 that awaits you!

We love you and continue to offer you our everlasting and loving support!


Note: You are welcome to share our message. All we ask is that you please include these links:


2017 Divine Love and Galactic Codes of Light Pouring In

LuminanceRiver's picture

Imagine with me, this image. Imagine yourself in the crystal center of the earth. And in this image you are now miniaturized to fit on a crystal, a crystal that represents your soul.It contains the Akashic Records of your lives and experiences on earth. The end of the soul crystal is a pyramid shape, the point for you to sit on and with this it is like you are seated upon a crystalline pyramid. It is the activation of all lifetimes as one lifetime representing wholeness with all that you are, and also connected to all that is. Within this place, you access your whole souls knowing and also the earth's knowing and the galaxy's knowing. The higher knowing comes in on crystalline codes of light, through your human self now and transfers to your inner earth self, all deriving from the Great Central Sun and beyond and traveling through the earth's sun, yourself on earth, and this you that is within the crystalline core of Mother Earth, as a part of here. Receive all that is being gifted to you on the etheric level for a place of openness and worthiness of the transforming and transcendence energy to take you to a higher place.

The Council of Angels and Archangel Michael via Goldenlight ~ 2017: A New Horizon of Hope for Planet Earth

Goldenlight's picture

By Goldenlight,



© 2016 The Golden Light Channel. Message brought forth by Goldenlight, Please include this copyright and credit, original title, full message, and a link to the source message when re-posting this message.

The Council of Angels and Archangel Michael via Goldenlight ~ 2017: A New Horizon of Hope for Planet Earth


hollyirenecardoza's picture

I keep getting "PINGED" about THE DAKOTA 38 + 2 MEMORIAL RIDE and the CHIEF BIGFOOT/OMAKA TOKATAKIYA/FUTURE GENERATIONS RIDE. They are both haPPening NOW & THEY ARE IMPORTANT TO ME. I'm usually posting about them, and contacting the media at this point. I want to see the Rides in the mainstream news. This year, every time I think about composing a post for the Rides, my entire body gets very quiet and I just stare into space for a while. I'm not really sure what's going on with that yet. At the moment, it's progress for me that I can write just this. I feel very grateful that both are RIDING ON. Prayers are UP! #PEACE 


Energy Update ~ What can we expect to occur in the next weeks and in 2017

Blue Diamon's picture
So now that we are in the wake of the last of the Super Full Moon’s for 2016, what can we expect for the rest of 2016 and for the first quarter of 2017?

As the energy becomes more intense with the build-up to next week’s Solstice on December 21st we are indeed integrating vast amounts of higher frequency Light coded energy which is going to perhaps cause some physical discomfort for some of you. The discomfort which may or may not be experienced could be experienced as a tightening sensation in the cranium/skull and scalp, discomfort at the base of the skull at the medulla oblongata, and thus slight headaches could occur, as well as a tightening in the muscles of the shoulders if your body becomes tense.  Also an increase in the ringing sensations in the ears and high pitch sound frequencies may also occur. None of these are cause for great concern. Continue to reassure your physical body that all is well.

Following the Solstice we are again going to be experiencing some high frequency downloads as we look forward to the 1.1.1. Gateway on the 1st January 2017.

In February we are looking forward to the Eclipses on 10/11th and 26th. The penumbral Lunar eclipse on Feb 10/11th will be visible from Europe, most of Asia, Africa, and most of North America. The typical Ring of Fire of the solar eclipse on Feb 26th will be visible in a narrow belt stretching from southern and western Africa, much of South America, Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean, and Antarctica. In surrounding areas, a partial eclipse will be visible.


AstroEyes's picture

DECEMBER 13TH 2016 – FULL Super MOON IN GEMINI                                                                                                                              AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology – Cathy Lindsey

This is a very powerful and illuminating Full Super Moon in Gemini!  This is the last of 4 consecutive Super Moons that we have experienced over the last few months!  Super Moons generate greater gravitational and electromagnetic pulls…..on our tides, tectonic plates, the Earth, all its inhabitants, including ourselves…..and our psychic.  Triggering….accelerating shifts in consciousness.  This Gemini Full Super Moon also coincides with the peak of the Geminid meteor shower, making for a beautiful experience of the night sky. 

The energies are still chaotic…and changes seem to be everywhere.   We are in a time of transformation as we continue through the shift.  Remember…..this work isn’t easy and at times it can be uncomfortable.  When it is uncomfortable…..then we know we are doing the work!   So create some powerful intentions and manifest that the changes continue to move us forward with ease, and that out of the chaos comes creativity….to create an evolved existence.

This Full Gemini Moon is about communication and the sharing of knowledge.  The energy is also revolutionary and we are being asked to make choices.  We are at another critical turning point in our evolution.  It is time to move from the fear to the love that always present.


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