"This is a time, where the criminal embraces the police, as his Loving big brother, this is a time, where the police looks at everyone, with the eyes of a nurturing mother."
*Connection... Initiating... CoNNECtioN established...
*impersonal understanding, nothing, is deeply personal, Everything is nothing, Everything is of void, from void, returning to void*
*instruments acknowledgment of universally higher dimension ally bridged conversation, will make the collective higher resonance reality, SyNCHRoNICITY, smoother. However, despite acknowledgment or nonacnowlagment of what is universally right under our feet and in the space above our head, Regardless of acknowledgments or assumptions, the seed will eventually sprout, the egg of individual isolation will eventually crack.
Even if you as a collective don´t recall being part of a universe merging with a AlphaVerse, (much like particles in a physical instrument have merged to something tangible for consciousness to explore and express and stimulate self with.)
there are many individuals scattered across the multiverse of multiverse collective TeRrA EarTH GaiA. These individuals have all been part of one or more multiverse to AlphAVersE merging process, rebirth, ReFreSH, THE self replicating, DeEPLY SeLF Aware, extremely dark, extremely DeLigHTfull, extremely friendly CrYStaL AnGEL of VoiD.
A universal family of interconnected beings are all eager to take part in this interdimensional rebirth and ImMEDiACYs momentum of universal initiation.
This is a time, where the drop remembers it´s the ocean, and is silenced in AwE from a consistent sense of impressiveness that we have managed to *cough cough* "harmonically" *cough cough* distort our reality to the degree that we have isolated our self control and awareness to ONE physical instrument.