
Saviors of Ourselves

LuminanceRiver's picture


Saviors of Ourselves

We are the sun

We are rays of light

We are one with the universe

We are the ones we were waiting for,

We remember when we wanted them to save us.

We now know we are the saviors of ourselves.

We know we are infinitely powerful.

We know we are stepping out of every program and limitation right now.

We are moving forward, sometimes striding proudly, and sometimes on all fours, crawling..

and knowing we got through those things that made us stronger.

We are strength, we are power.

We are allies in transformation.

We are informants to one another of the truth,

the truth of our own liberation and freedom, empowerment through being ourselves

passing it like a 'frequency gift' which some take and run with, and others don't even see.

Yet others give it back and keep on keeping on because it seems to scary to open

the reminder that they are free, the gift of liberation.

Perhaps you need to rest where you are for a bit, before the radical transformation comes?


You can shift your reality.

You can live your own dreamtime.

You can allow the magic to ooze from your pores.

You can let the rainbow show you the way to yourself.

You can transcribe the words of the ancients that lie within your heart space,

For the old ones gave instructions for your emancipation at this time.


It is only in claiming your full power and seeing through illusion to something deeper

that illuminates what is more profound and shows you how this reality operates,

and also how it, your you-niverse, can be hacked by your own playtime and imagination.


this cannot be explained but only felt


The Alcyone Pleiadian High Council – Important Planetary and Ascension News – Channeled by Artemis Pax, Ground Crew, The Galactic Federation of Light.

ArtemisPax's picture
The news that we want to relate to humanity at this time is related very much to the current situation on your planet. As many of you know there are a considerable number of starseed volunteers incarnated in your reality at this time. Unfortunately the galactic intervention has taken longer than expected. There have been a number of factors, primarily related to the geo-political situation on your world. You are all going to be mesmerized, however, by what is finally about to take place.
The perfect storm of events needed for we Galactics, coalition members of the Galactic Federation of Light, has finally occurred. It might be hard for many lightworkers to grasp, but it was critical to the overall effort that humanity be in a state of readiness for the events about to unfold. That is finally happening. People on your world are fed up, which creates the energetic and vibratory opening we have been waiting for.
The election of Donald Trump, truly a despicable being, was the catalyst to bring forward the will of your people to finally rise up. Rising up has been a crucial part of this endeavor, not because we think humanity is not worthy of our intervention, but because we needed the planetary vibration to lift significantly in order for us to technically be able to begin our open engagement with your world.


hollyirenecardoza's picture

#1) You have to understand that they're not "people." 
#2) They're mean & don't really care--AT ALL.
#3) They talk mostly in code, and think the rest of us are idiots and can't decipher it.
#4) That was they're reminder that I AM ACTUALLY OF THE GREAT SPIRIT & THEY HAVE NO POWER OVER ME.


Energy Update-Solstice Through End Of 2016~We are Creating Our Higher Reality Through Truth~Ascension Alignment

AdiGaia's picture

By Diane Canfield

Ascension Alignment 

As we continue to upgrade at faster rates than ever, we will have access to more Truth and more hidden secrets. Many of these are coming to the forefront now. All that has been hidden must be revealed.

The Ascension process is about coming on line with everything that is authentic. This means all things non authentic are being brought to the surface, not only in ourselves but in all others. This will include all institutions including all agencies that govern 3D society. The goal is to use the truths that are coming out as a catalyst to align with more truth within ourselves. This is a reflection for ourselves, to notice what what does not align with the Truth and the Creator so we can adjust our alignment.


readyornothereitcomes's picture

The planet is reeling from intense energies entering our atmosphere from strong solar winds, .  It is the climax of the last nine years, bringing many cycles, situations, and relationships to a close.  Geomagnetic storms have been prevalent the last weeks, driving  our evolution to a higher consciousness and rattling the planet with huge earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.  Those who already live a higher frequency may just experience that time is racing and things are hectic, while those who hold a lower frequency may ................. 


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