
The Eagle has landed! What could his message be?

Blue Diamon's picture

The Eagle has landed! What could his message be?

“The Eagle portends great change in the air, a twist in the tale or a bend in the River called Life”, but what surprise awaits us as we approach this great bend? Will there be more rapids, or will the river become as calm as a great lake, just as the eye of the storm promises?

Spirit loves to speak in metaphors! It makes for better understanding apparently since each of us determines what these words may or may not mean.

Seriously though, the Eagle has landed right here in my little pine forest. He arrived about the time of the Equinox, at the start of Spring time and he’s been calling out to me ever since. Some readers may remember me blogging about another bird that appeared in my reality at about the same time of the year 2014. I called this my exotic bird because his call reminded me of the Amazon, although I’ve never visited there in this timeline. I only caught sight of him a few times and although his plumage appeared to be black, when the sunlight bounced off of his feathers I noticed he was the deepest sapphire blue.

My Eagle is also elusive since I’ve only caught sight of him a couple times surfing the thermal air currents, but I have heard him calling often. He did, however, land right in front of me in my dreams this morning. The strange thing is that he appeared to be more man than bird. Can angels shape shift? Nothing surprises me anymore and I know without a shadow of doubt that anything and everything is absolutely possible!

21:D How I Interpret the Healing Energy Being Known As Archangel Metatron

Rick Keefe's picture


21:D How I Interpret the Energy Being Known As Archangel Metatron

by Rick Keefe



After exploring and studying, to various and lesser degrees, many of the world’s religions, I realized that I was not inclined towards religious doctrine, because I learned to view any religion as a control system over people which granted a huge, imbalanced amount of power and control to the human beings who ruled at the top of their pyramid structure.

To me, religions can help to begin to lead people towards spirituality, until, invariably, the innocent seekers get caught up in the control mechanisms within religions.

I value freedom of spirit. Religions were too confining for me, and I don’t like the fact that so many wars were fought, and blood spilled, in the name of religions and their associated deities. So, after my years of religious exploration and after coming to my conclusions about religious structures, I avoided religion and chose to keep seeking spiritual wisdom anywhere I could find it.

Due to the very difficult domestic situations in which I found myself trapped during childhood, I found myself needing emotional and spiritual relief and comfort. I became a very enthusiastic collector of benevolent wisdom and philosophies for my own spiritual path, actively doing so since I was about age twelve.

Opening the New EarthStar Ascended SpaceLife Universal StarGate

AdiGaia's picture

Full Moon of Sagittarius



Opening the New EarthStar Ascended SpaceLife Universal StarGate



The New EarthStar Ascended SpaceLife Universal StarGate is now opening and will continue to bring in the new ascended universal spacelife to many areas of the planet during and after this Full Moon of Sagittarius.


This StarGate is empowering the creation of ascended spacelife structures to begin the Universal Ascended SpaceLife Creation and Civilization which is incorporating many of the currently available ascended spacelife forces throughout the planet.


-- to be continued --


*Free 3 Card Tarot Reading By Email

Galactic Factor's picture

Greetings to All Kinds, There is no need to add to the cart, since I am going to be sending you a FREE reading in your Email.

If you prefer you can click here

I am not a soothsayer and I do not predict futures.

My intention is to channel information to you, via the reading, in the

present now moment.

In Peace and Health



FROM Jon Eagle Sr. on "Veterans Stand with Standing Rock" ❤

hollyirenecardoza's picture

FROM Jon Eagle Sr. on "Veterans Stand with Standing Rock" 

"Veterans Stand with Standing Rock. You have no idea how good it felt to walk into this building and be told, "Fall in!"

"I wish America could be more like the Sioux. I think Creator made them so strong and stubborn because one day they were going to have to stand up for all of us." - Wes Clarke


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