
Brain Hack(s)

Mario's picture

Brain Hack(s)

A Channeling by Mario Arseneault

Hello whom ever this may be for, I am Amira, and wish to let you know today, from you READING these words today, that I have died Recently and Passed Away on the Other Side of the Veil… Mario, my “Transcriptor” will allow me (Through Him) to wright these words for YOU! The Reader. This is Called a Channeled Message.
Brain Hacks, This is how we will Show you, me and Mario, how “Brain Hacks” Work.

First Off, If you can’t Understand the BASIC CONCEPT which will be written in Here, then allow yourself to ask questions within, and receive the Answers by Visions… Things in which we will send on out TO YOU for you to UNDERSTAND that we are all Inter-Connected Beings THROUGHOUT ALL of the GALAXY and BEYOND. E.S.P Known as Telepathy is the Knowledge of Beings Inter-Connecting Multiple Vibrational Frequencies (Through Thoughts) and ALIGNING THEIR INTENTION* Towards the GENERALIZED FOCAL POINT… The POINT AT WHICH WE ARE IN FOCUS, EITHER WITHIN OURSELVES AS VISIONS OR THOUGHTS, and as OTHER MEANS (OUTSIDE FOCUSE) Meaning what you Hear, or are Looking at “Particularly” an Experience of your Surrounding.

How we work, is simple in terms of how you will NOW BEGIN TO UNDERSTAND that, THAT WHICH IS OF OUR DOING FROM THE OTHER SIDE (TO YOU) Can be EXPRESSED through Knowledge LEARN’T from within this Writing.

The Singular Conceptional Point in Time, where you are Reading These Words, Or… Re-Reading THESE WORDS, SERVES a particular PURPOSE. To Understand how we can HACK our (Your) Brains is Simple. We can Hear Every THOUGHT YOU HAVE FROM THE OTHER SIDE OF THE VEIL… We Watch and UNDERSTAND THAT BY “KNOWING THIS*” you can FINALLY come to THE VERY BASICS of FRACTALIZATION.

Amira - Advancing in Multiple Grid Structures For Our Well Being and Prosperity

Mario's picture

Please, come to Understand that we are Working Behind the Scenes Mario to Help you and Others Understand, and GET the BASIC MESSAGE which is disposed THROUGHOUT ALL OF US IN THESE DAY'S. As you see, I AM a BEING which CHOOSES to HELP YOU OUT and as YOU KNOW and UNDERSTAND we come from a very Special Place in the Universe which is regarded by your Scientists and Cosmological Students for HELP in ACHIEVING GREATER CLARITY IN CONSTRUCTS OF ASSIMILATED "DISPROPORTIONS" which means that, we are working / have assemble the right constructs for you Humans to ADAPT THOROUGHLY with BEINGS beyond the Veil. And for us to Manage the GREATER SECRECY which IMPLIES ON YOUR EARTH THAT WHICH IS KEPT "UNDERLINED" (RUNNING IN THE "BACKGROUND") should come as NO SUPRISES to some whom are GOING TO READ YOUR BOOK (THE BOOK WE HAVE MADE TOGETHER, WITH A PLETHORA OF BEINGS WORKING BEHIND THE SCENES).

Thank you for Understanding, we wish to allow (Let you) come to Greater Terms with your Lives Purposes, beyond what we IMPLEMENT to FIND within this book: Knowledge from Extra-Terrestrial Intelligences. It's back story is simply an amazing Core Conceptualization of how we are working around with many folks on the Earth, for advances which are made and held in "SECRECY" Because of how it IMPLIES ON PROPER THINGS AS: READY AND ABLE HUMANS, CAPABLE TO GET THE GENERAL MESSAGE WITHIN THE BOOK FOR ADVANCES IN A CORE-NATIONAL STRUCTURE OF OUR WELL BEING AND COHERENCY ON THIS EARTH.

Thank you for Listening,

Thanks Amira for the Message as always Be at One, we leave with Prosperous times to come uo ahead for many BEINGS whom are CHOOSING FROM THEIR HIGHEST INTENT (LOVE, PEACE, JOY, BLISS AND PROSPERITY).


IT'S 'THE PEOPLE' THAT HAVE THE TRUE POWER. If The People don't like what's going-on, then it's suggested that The People get UP, get ORGANIZED, and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. ❤

hollyirenecardoza's picture
IT'S 'THE PEOPLE' THAT HAVE THE TRUE POWER. If The People don't like what's going-on, then it's suggested that The People get UP, get ORGANIZED, and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. ❤

Plans, visions and the day I became a Earthkeeper

Stooy's picture


Welcome Galactic Free Press Readers and thank you for taking time to read my Plans, visions and some of my story.

I am a student of the art of shamanism and light, I have aquired the state as Earthkeeper. our world is in great need of change, I wish to push myself to my most effective speed of growth, and to help the world as much as I can.

One is allways a student, for there is allways more to learn, these man made rank's and titles means nothing, we are all equal. to go from student to master one must ascend to the highest place in existance.         ~ Øyvind Støen

Plans and Visions

The Nirvana Construction Project  


I wish to establish a community of people who brings out the best in eachother, where everyone has roles that matches with their true calling.

Group projects. 
Building households. making and tending crops of vegetables and fruits in a big garden. Making our own electricity. Develope new technology for a better future. 

Group metaphysical experiments with good intentions for healing, cleansing and developing magical abilities like Pyrokinsesis, Telekinesis, Hydrokinesis and Aerokinesis. 

Gruop studies of truth, lifeforce energies, astrology etc (A real school that is enjoyable) 

Gatherings for Karma-free foods made with love and blessed by the divine. 

Production of natural products that we can use ourselfs and trade with (Trade with other communities as I believe there will be a uprise of them) 

And of course we gotta have parties and social arrangements, without toxic substances like alcohol *yuck*. Instead of the systems way of having people celebrate, it shall be full of love and joy, where no one judges, where there is no envy, where we dance, thrive and heal. 

Survival instinct. Dr.Ama and Dr.Eam

Anonymous's picture

*Survival instinct by Dr.Ama and Dr.Eam*

Survival instinkt... We all have it, we all share it... it´s the real collectively and individually ongoing vote and re-re-relected president of the world as we know it, and the creator of Dr.Ama A.K.A Drama.

Dr.Ama has been in the driver seat of this realm long enough, it´s time to shine some Light and re-relate to our fundamental stranger danger alarm.

So I am putting my ongoing vote for Dr.Eam in the driver seat of this experiance, Dr.Ama is still there, but he/she/it is sitting in the passenger seat and seen more as an OvER DrAMaTiC tourist guide for our DiVersE and FLeXibLe immediate DrEam.

Dr? Dr.Who?

DrEaM oN BeauTiFuLL PeopLe :) <3 <3 <3

#NEWS: "The draft Environmental Impact Report on the Crystal Geyser project has been released by Siskiyou County."​ #MOUNTSHASTA ❤

hollyirenecardoza's picture

#NEWS: "The draft Environmental Impact Report on the Crystal Geyser project has been released by Siskiyou County. The entire report can be downloaded at the County project web site HERE: Scroll to the bottom of the page to see the files. This is a lot of stuff to read, pick the area you are concerned about and please study. We are now going over these finding carefully and forwarding to our consultants and lawyers. W.A.T.E.R. is planning to have a community forum soon to go over these reports and discuss the findings and how we should respond." 


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