WESAK READY! 2016 Mount Shasta Wesak May 20th-22nd [ART: Buddha Batik Painting, Mt. Shasta Shambhala Metaphysical Center & Store]https://goo.gl/EMI4Vv#WESAK
In the EARTHSTAR PEACE CALENDAR, this FULL MOON is the EAGLE MOON. WAMBDI WICASA, EAGLE MAN, HELPS ONE LIFT FROM MATERIAL TO SPIRITUAL MIND with the UNIVERSAL LAW OF SYMMETRY. "THIS UNIVERSAL LAW OF SYMMETRY TEACHES THAT THE SPIRIT WAYS OF CREATOR MUST BE REFLECTED IN PERFECTION IN OUR WAYS IN THE PHYSICAL REALMS. THE WAYS OF CREATOR MUST BE THE WAYS OF EARTH. Mother Earth teaches this way also. For in Her pristine nature, She is the perfect Reflection of the Divine. This is the goal to which She is moving at this time. It is the vision of your prophets and your seers as well. The Universal Law of Symmetry, shows that which is ABOVE is that which is BELOW. Between is a space. This is that MANIFESTATION SPACE. It is that Mirror of Self. This is the place of the Mind. For the Spirit is ABOVE and the Heart is BELOW; this SPACE in between is the Sacred Mind......EMPTY THE MIND.....FOCUS UPON SPIRIT.....BECOMING LIKE UNTO OUR CREATOR, "being a co-creator with Spirit." LISTENING TO THE DIVINE PLAN, SEEING SYMMETRIES OF OUR CREATOR'S HEART, UNDERSTANDING THEM FROM THE PLACE OF INNOCENCE AND APPLYING THEM WITH GREAT PRECISION UNTO THE VERY MOLECULES OF THEIR TRUTH IS THE ROLE OF THE CO-CREATOR WITH SPIRIT.
In the EARTHSTAR PEACE CALENDAR, we are still in the WHALE MOON, and we are in the last part of the fourth week of it. During the fourth week of a Moon, we pray with the GAPIPILLA OYATE, the ASCENDED MASTERS. ASCENDED MASTER, MAITREYA, "oversees" this fourth week of the Whale Moon, and STEADIES EVOLUTION THROUGH GRACE AND STRENGTH with the UNIVERSAL LAW OF MOVEMENT AND BALANCE, and "CONSIDERING IT ALL," MAITREYA's MESSAGE is being brought forth here:
FROM Delu Fan: "我們的社會需要更多的愛和包容,而不是分裂和仇恨! Our society needs more love and tolerance, rather than divisiveness and hatred!" https://goo.gl/3M1xcK#LOVEWINS
In the EARTHSTAR PEACE CALENDAR, this FULL MOON is the WHALE MOON. HOGAN IYOTAN TANKA OYATE, THE WHALE PEOPLE, HEAL EMOTIONAL, PHYSICAL, MENTAL and SPIRITUAL IMBALANCES with the UNIVERSAL LAW OF MOVEMENT & BALANCE. "The Whale People have guarded the secrets for Human Being. For we are older brothers and sisters to you. OUR SONG WILL AWAKEN YOUR MEMORIES AND WILL BRING HEALING TO YOU. HUMAN BEINGS HAVE SEVEN MAJOR ROLES AS EARTH GUARDIANS. ALL OF THESE TASKS ARE IMPORTANT FOR THIS WALK IN BALANCE. [Find out what they are here:http://goo.gl/yPM0mV starts on page 58] The Whale People wish for human beings to ponder on these seven gifts and to LOOK WITHIN to learn how to honor life through them. Learn to walk with these seven gifts. Honoring ALL life is the way to BALANCE; not just for yourselves, but for everyone. So stand, Human Being, as we the Whale People continue to teach you every moment through our Song and through our Thought. STAND AS GUARDIANS OF MOTHER EARTH. Stand up and take up your SACRED RESPONSIBILITIES.