The Galactic Free Press Newsletter

GFP Newsletter - 10/30/2017

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People come to me every day. I watch. Something is happening to someone's back, maybe just a back-ache. He comes to me, and if I say: It is nothing but a back-ache, go to the doctor; he doesn't feel very good. If I say: It is your kundalini rising, and look at his face, he feels very happy, tremendously happy. And in a hundred cases, ninety nine cases are back-ache.

He says: Something is happening in the third eye. But it is nothing, just a headache. If I say: Go and take aspirin or something, he simply feels badly. I see it in his face. He had come for something else, for recognition that he is growing, that he is reaching somewhere. Through headaches no one has ever reached. Not only does headache have to be left behind, but the head itself has to be left behind.

Watch yourself, be alert to what you are doing. Don't be a fool, and don't befool yourself. It is so easy to, but the Ultimate can happen only when this foolishness disappears. Nothing else will help.


GFP Newsletter - 10/29/2017

will's picture

Have you ever observed that whenever you are not thinking of others and not thinking of what they think about you, suddenly you have a different flow of energy within you, an unblocked flow - there is no block and the river flows to the ocean? And then whatsoever you do becomes a masterpiece - whatsoever! Your quality is now totally different. Now you exist on a different plane altogether and whatsoever you do, even a very small thing, becomes totally different.


GFP Newsletter - 10/28/2017

will's picture

The moment the doer leaves, everything starts happening because the doer is the problem. Let it happen. If meditation is not happening, you are still doing it. You are still a doer, you are still watching how and what others are thinking, whether they will judge you mad. If their judgement is in your mind you cannot be total, you are divided.

Only the ego thinks about others, because it depends on others. It is nothing but a collection of others' opinions, what others say about you. You are continuously on display, an exhibitionist: 'What are others thinking, what are others saying?' Because of these others your ego remains, becomes more and more solid, crystallized.


GFP Newsletter - 10/27/2017

will's picture

A moment will come in your meditation when only you will be in your way, nobody else. A moment is bound to come in your own growth also, when everything is clear and only you are in the way.

So never think about what others are thinking about your meditation. Never think about others: why they are judging you, how they are judging you. Their judgement is their affair, it is their business, it has nothing to do with you. You do your thing and do it totally; efface yourself utterly, then everything starts happening.


GFP Newsletter - 10/26/2017

will's picture

When you are nervous you are not yourself. When you are self-conscious, you are not your true Self; you are afraid, there is a slight trembling inside because others are going to judge whether they appreciate you or not - a fear has entered.


GFP Newsletter - 10/25/2017

will's picture

Real maturity is to attain an egolessness - a balloon with the skin off - then you are fully mature, a Buddha, one who is now awakened. Western psychology teaches that you should become a mature ego - it is good. If you are attaining it just to throw it, then it is good, because you can throw a thing only when you have it.

Attain an ego, it is good, but don't get caught in it. It is something to be attained and thrown. It is something you have to get, because if you don't have an ego, how will you achieve surrender? This has been a constant problem for me.

Eastern people come to me: Indians, Japanese, they can surrender very easily. They are almost ready to surrender, but they have nothing to surrender. Western people come to me; they are very, very antagonistic to surrender, and they have something to surrender. If they surrender, they will grow. And Eastern people, before they surrender something they have to attain a mature ego.

Remember only that which you have can be surrender. If you don't have an ego, what are you going to surrender? The Western psychology takes the first step and the Eastern religion takes the last.


GFP Newsletter - 10/24/2017

will's picture

Ego is a juvenile phenomenon. It is childish, it is foolish, it is idiotic, because through ego you simply cut yourself off from the universal flow; then you are no longer a part of it. It is as if a wave in the ocean says: I am total, I do not belong to the ocean - I have nothing to do with the ocean, I am separate. Ego is separation, and whenever a wave says: I am separated, the wave is foolish. The wave is one with the ocean.


GFP Newsletter - 10/23/2017

will's picture

If you can flow, if your energy can flow without any blocks you will achieve. But the moment you become self-conscious, block enters, immediately.

It is just like falling into sleep - if you become self-conscious you cannot fall into sleep. Now the West is suffering from insomnia, and sooner or later the whole world will suffer, because sleep needs self-unconsciousness.

And yet the whole civilization teaches you how to be more self-conscious - walk, do, move in life, the whole training is how to be a subtle egoist. The Western psychology says that a mature ego is needed; the whole Eastern effort is that a mature egolessness is needed.

In fact, when you become egoless, only then you are mature, never before.


GFP Newsletter - 10/22/2017

will's picture

Zen uses all types of skills to grow in meditation; calligraphy is one of them. If you have seen Japanese or Chinese calligraphy, you will become aware of a certain quality - there is flow. No other language can do that, because every other language has an alphabet. The Far Eastern languages - Chinese, Japanese, don't have an alphabet. They are pictorial languages; not the pen, but the brush is used, and the flow is the quality.

So a calligraphy is not only that which is written, it also carries something of the Master who has done it - the flow. Change is not allowed, you cannot correct it; you have simply to do it in one stroke. A very skilled Master, a very mindful state is needed. You cannot change it, you cannot correct it. If you correct it, the whole point is lost because then the ego enters. You simply have to flow with it.


GFP Newsletter - 10/21/2017

will's picture

If you grow in love, meditation will happen like a shadow. Love and meditation are two aspects of the same coin; if you have gained control of the one aspect, the other follows. If you meditate, love will follow - if you love, meditation will follow. This you have to choose.



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