Real maturity is to attain an egolessness - a balloon with the skin off - then you are fully mature, a Buddha, one who is now awakened. Western psychology teaches that you should become a mature ego - it is good. If you are attaining it just to throw it, then it is good, because you can throw a thing only when you have it.
Attain an ego, it is good, but don't get caught in it. It is something to be attained and thrown. It is something you have to get, because if you don't have an ego, how will you achieve surrender? This has been a constant problem for me.
Eastern people come to me: Indians, Japanese, they can surrender very easily. They are almost ready to surrender, but they have nothing to surrender. Western people come to me; they are very, very antagonistic to surrender, and they have something to surrender. If they surrender, they will grow. And Eastern people, before they surrender something they have to attain a mature ego.
Remember only that which you have can be surrender. If you don't have an ego, what are you going to surrender? The Western psychology takes the first step and the Eastern religion takes the last.