The Galactic Free Press Newsletter

GFP Newsletter - 10/20/2017

will's picture

When you attain to the innermost core of your being, you are happy without any cause, you are happy without any reason, you are happy without any excitement. There will be no boredom. And this is what happens in love also.

You need love, because only in love do you become self-unconscious; only in love does the other disappear. There is no need to be 'I'. With someone you love you can be alone. Even if the lover or the beloved is present you can be alone. The deepest possibility in love is that it helps you to drop self-consciousness.


GFP Newsletter - 10/19/2017

will's picture

A Buddha is so fulfilled, but there is no excitement about it. He's simply fulfilled. He has not achieved anything, nothing new has happened, but he has simply become so content with himself that it is very, very cool state of enjoyment - it is a cool state of bliss.

Remember, that is the difference between bliss and happiness: happiness is excitement; bliss is happiness without excitement. If there is excitement, sooner or later you will get bored, because only when the excitement is new it is excitement.


GFP Newsletter - 10/18/2017

will's picture

Excitement is a sort of anxiety - anxiety is a sort of excitement. If you are after excitement, you cannot be meditative, you cannot move to a solitary place, you cannot move inwards, because there you will be alone and there is no excitement. Excitement needs the other. Alone, how can you be excited? - Nothing is happening, how can you be excited? For anything to happen the other is needed. So if you are alone you become bored. If you move with society, live in relationship, then you become much too tense.

So going into loneliness won't help. But if you can drop your self-consciousness while living in society with others; in relationship if you can drop your self-consciousness, suddenly there is no tension and no boredom, and life is a constant celebration without any excitement. It is a very silent celebration. It is a joy, but without any excitement; it is a very, very cool happiness; it is a deep fulfillment, but without any excitement.


GFP Newsletter - 10/17/2017

will's picture

You may have observed in yourself and in others also, that there is a very deep urge to become unconscious. Puritans cannot understand it, moralists cannot understand it, hence the appeal of all types of alcohols, drugs, chemical intoxicants - why?

Preachers go on preaching against it but it has not changed a single person; not a single man has been changed through it. Humanity goes on moving on its path: puritans go on condemning, but nobody listens to them.

It cannot be an ordinary thing, something extraordinary is involved. That's why it is so difficult to try to change an alcoholic - very, very difficult, almost impossible. Why is there so much appeal in becoming unconscious? - because self-consciousness is such a disease, it is such a burden.

And there are only two ways to go beyond it: one is to fall into unconsciousness, the other is to become superbly conscious. Either move to superconsciousness, or move to unconsciousness.


GFP Newsletter - 10/16/2017

will's picture

When the outside and inside disappear, nobody dominates anybody, because a domination is not a good state of affairs. The one who dominates will be thrown sooner or later, the oppressors will become the oppressed, and the oppressed will become the oppressors. It is just a fight between your left hand and right hand and the whole game is a pretense. Remember this paradox: the more you go inwards, the less of the outer there is. When you really reach to the innermost, inner and outer both disappear. Then you are nothing, and everything.

In a school a teacher was asking tricky questions, and then she said: Charlie Brown, how will you define nothingness? Without a single moment's hesitation Charlie Brown said: Nothingness is a balloon with its skin off. That is you at the last moment, the skin off - nothingness. But then you have become the Whole because the skin was dividing you from the Whole.

And where is your skin? Self-consciousness, the ego is your skin. When the ego is off you become nothing and the Whole simultaneously, because they both mean the same thing.


GFP Newsletter - 10/15/2017

will's picture

If you divide you become two; if you become two, then the conflict arises, the whole game of inner war, an inner politics arises - who is to dominate whom? Either the outside is to dominate the inside, or the inside is to dominate the outside. If the outside dominates the inside you become a materialist. If the inside dominates the outside you become a spiritualist.

In either case you are half, you are not whole.


GFP Newsletter - 10/14/2017

will's picture

Thinking is digested into feeling - it becomes your heart, so love is still a more subtle bio-energy than thinking, but that too is not the end.

Again in love, that which is more subtle is absorbed and digested - it becomes your witness, your meditation. It becomes your awareness, but that too is not the end because still the witness is there, and when the witness is there the division is there.

The division has become narrow; you are coming almost to the center but the division is still there.

You are a witness - the subject and the object. Of what are you a witness? The division is still there.

Then at the last jump energy has become totally centered; the object and subject disappear. Then there is no witness, then you have gone to the Beyond, then you are as if you are not. You are and you are not; you have become the Whole.

This is the state, the final state where in one way you are totally, utterly annihilated, and in another way you have become the Whole. The son disappears, now you have become the Father. Now there is no Jesus, just the Supreme-most Father exists - the son is absorbed. Where will you draw the line between that which is outside and that which is inside?


GFP Newsletter - 10/13/2017

will's picture

You are hungry - you don't say: Hunger is inside so how can I eat the food which is outside? You eat the food and the food becomes your blood, and the blood becomes your bio-energy, and your bio-energy becomes your thinking, and your thinking becomes your heart, your feeling, and your feeling becomes your witness, and your witness becomes the Divine, the Ultimate. There is a subtle digestion on every plane.


GFP Newsletter - 10/12/2017

will's picture

These are the two planes of humanity: duality, the plane of duality, what Hindus call DWAITA, the plane of two; and non-duality, the plane of one, the plane of the non-dual. When you are divided you are in this world; when you are undivided, you have transcended - you are no longer here, you have penetrated into the Beyond. Then boundaries meet and the boundaries meet in you. So the whole effort is how to become undivided, how to become one.


GFP Newsletter - 10/11/2017

will's picture

Poetry exists somewhere beyond grammar - it is more music, less language, it is more a feeling and less a thought. It eludes, and that is the beauty of it - you cannot fix it. It is like a river moving, it is not like a pond. Prose is like a pond, poetry is like a river.



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