The Galactic Free Press Newsletter

GFP Newsletter - 11/29/2015

will's picture

You are so unique that only you can live your life and nobody else. And you are so original that trying to copy somebody else is simply destroying such a tremendous gift of God.

Sing your song and dance your dance and love your love.


GFP Newsletter - 11/29/2015

will's picture

God has given you a life to be lived, and lived spontaneously, with no pattern. Don't become a slave and don't become an imitator. Love yourself, respect yourself, and try to live your life the way you feel it. And even if you are a failure you will be contented. And imitating somebody else, even if you succeed, you will remain empty inside, filled with straw and nothing else. Alas!

The person who will succeed in imitating Christ will be the person who has completely destroyed his possibility of growing. He has been playing, he has not been living. And howsoever intelligently you try to imitate, imitation is unintelligent. Intelligence never tries to imitate.


GFP Newsletter - 11/28/2015

will's picture

I am against all kinds of imitation because I respect the individual. Learn from everywhere. Learn from Jesus, learn from Buddha - they have something great to share with you. Participate in that sharing, but never imitate.

You are here with me - never imitate me! Listen to me, understand me, feel me, feel my love for you, drink this presence that is available to you, participate in this silence, but don't imitate. There is no need for you to wear the same clothes that I wear or to eat the same food. There is no need to follow my lifestyle.

But the idea has become very deeply planted in you. You have been told again and again and conditioned for it. Nobody has ever told you to be yourself. Everybody was giving you an example:

"Be like that. Be like Jesus, be like Buddha, be like Mahavira" - as if your whole purpose here is just to act somebody else's life and not to live your own; as if God has not given you a first-hand life but only a second-hand life. This is disrespectful to yourself and this is disrespectful to God too.


GFP Newsletter - 11/27/2015

will's picture

What is wrong in imitating the great ideals taught down the centuries?

It is not a question of great ideals or petty ideals, it is a question of imitating. What you imitate is immaterial; the important thing is that you imitate. If you imitate you become a carbon copy. If you imitate you have betrayed your authentic being. If you imitate you are no more your being, you are no more your soul, you are no more yourself. You have committed suicide - and this suicide is far more suicidal than when you destroy your physical body. This is destroying your very psychology.

Imitation means you will not live according to your own spontaneity, you will live according to somebody else as your image; you will follow somebody else's character, behavior, way of life.


GFP Newsletter - 11/26/2015

will's picture

Be aware of the poison that the priests have poured into your beings. Accept whatsoever is a fact.

But priests go on rejecting facts: they say Jesus was born out of a virgin mother just to reject the facticity of sex. They cannot conceive of Jesus being conceived through sexuality. These are the poisoners. And they go on doing the other thing also: they cannot conceive that Jesus died on the cross, they say he was resurrected.

The whole of Christianity depends on two dogmas: one is the virgin birth of Jesus, the other is his resurrection. One is against sex, the other is against death - and these are the only taboos. And the whole of Christianity depends on this pathological approach, this neurotic approach. In Jesus' life they have denied two things, sex and death, and Jesus is the example you have to imitate. You have to become like Jesus.

Jesus is born as much out of sex as anybody else. Jesus was not a freak! He was a normal human being, a natural human being - more natural than you are. And Jesus died as everyone dies. There is nothing wrong in death; anything that begins ends.

But still there is something which never begins and never ends! - that is God. And that is in you too.

But to know that which never begins and never ends you will have to know that which begins and ends. Only in contrast will you be able to know the eternal. You will have to experience time and its process of change to know the eternal and the unchanging and the absolutely abiding truth.


GFP Newsletter - 11/25/2015

will's picture

The haggard young man went to his psychiatrist and com plained of a recurring bad dream. "Every night," he said, "I dream of a sign on a door and I push it and push it, but I can't open it."

The doctor took notes frantically. "And what does the sign say?"


You can go on pushing, your whole life, but if the sign says pull...

God says live, love, live dangerously, love dangerously, and you remain frozen in fear. How will you enter into the temple of God?


GFP Newsletter - 11/24/2015

will's picture

"We are the hollow men.
We are the stuffed men.
Leaning together.
Headpiece filled with straw.
-TS Eliot

If you are afraid to face your sexuality - which is the beginning of your life, which is the source of your life - and if you are afraid to face your death and the fear that it creates - which is going to be the end of your life - you are nothing but a "hollow" man, a "stuffed" man, a "headpiece filled with straw. Alas!" You are not a real man yet if you cannot face these two things. These two things have to be faced.


GFP Newsletter - 11/23/2015

will's picture

Just see how you are made with being and non-being. Something in you is present: that is your sexuality. That's why in deep sexual experience the past and future disappear and you are utterly present to the present moment and it becomes a moment of meditation. So is the case with death: if death suddenly is encountered, the mind stops, all past and future disappear again.

If you have been in an accident, when you see that another car is coming and there is no way to avoid it and the accident is going to happen - just a few seconds more and you are gone - in those few seconds all thoughts disappear. Suddenly there is silence, utter silence. Silence that you have been seeking your whole life and were not able to attain, is attained. It comes from nowhere. Death makes you again present to the moment; it brings you to the moment.

These are the two most potential experiences. Please, don't be afraid and don't avoid them.


GFP Newsletter - 11/22/2015

will's picture

Man is made of two things: being and non-being. Man is a strange phenomenon. Something in him is very existential, and something in him is very non-existential. The existential is sex, and the non- existential is death; and man is a combination of sex and death. And unless you know both without any prejudice, you will not be able to transcend, you will not be able to become a real meditator.

One has to face these two facts. These are the ultimate facts of life, and these are the tests: if you face them, unafraid, they are holding the keys to eternal life. It is through them that you will be able to enter into the kingdom of God.


GFP Newsletter - 11/21/2015

will's picture

It is through sex that life arises, it is through death that life disappears. Sex is the door from where life enters, and death is the door from where life disappears. These two doors have to be explored in their totality. And those who have looked into it have found that these two doors are not two; it is one door. From one side it is entrance, from the other side it is exit.

The so-called monk, the so-called old idea of sannyas are all escapisms, cowardly, utterly cowardly.

Running away, however, is never a solution. It is rather a form of weakness and cowardice. Minor forms of this weakness are called neuroses, and the acute forms of this weakness are called psychoses.

And your so-called religions have been teaching you only these two things: neurosis and psychosis.

Neurosis is a mild form, a mild dose of cowardliness, of not facing life as it is, and psychosis is the acute. The fully grown neurosis becomes psychosis; then you start escaping to the monastery, then you drop out of life - but this is not the way to go beyond. The way beyond goes through life, and life is utterly beautiful. Sex and death, both are beautiful.



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