The Healers Journal

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How to Heal and Rejuvenate Your Body’s Cells With Food and Herbs

HJ: Every day your body regenerates millions of cells.  This process can be supported and even increased in quality and efficiency by eating specific foods and herbs.  And furthermore, you can even target specific bodily tissues and systems with various medicinal substances, as is outlined in the article below.

The body is a remarkable machine that runs primarily on nutrients we get from the things we eat as well as various environmental factors such as air, water, sunshine, etc.  Of course there are spiritual and energetic factors as well, but that is beyond the scope of this article.  By intentionally ingesting these ‘supercharging substances’, you can promote the rapid regeneration, rejuvenation and healing of some of your body’s most important cells.

- Truth

6 Bodily Tissues That Can Be Regenerated Through Nutrition

From GreenMedInfo

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A Surefire Method to Experience More Joy and Compassion in Your Life

A Surefire Method to Experience Joy in Your Life

By Srikumar Rao, Ph.D. | Psychology Today | Srikumar S Rao


Galileo got it wrong.

The earth does not revolve around the sun. It revolves around you and has been doing so for decades. At least, this is the model you are using.

You live in a “me-centered” world in which you interpret everything that happens in terms of “What is its impact on me.” Your spouse gets a great job offer and you wonder what effect this will have on your relationship. Your daughter drops out of high school to begin an in-depth exploration of controlled substances and you wonder what your friends will think about your parenting. Your boss leaves the company and you wonder whether you wi...

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How to Make Big Changes in Your Life Effortlessly (Even When You Don’t Want to)

HJ: Accepting that change is inevitable is the first step in making it pleasurable, no matter how overwhelming, challenging or difficult.  The truth is that we decide what we want to believe about any experience or circumstance in our lives, either unconsciously or consciously.  So what do you want to believe about change?  Do you want it to be the most exciting, exhilarating experience you can have or do you want it to be like getting dragged to do something you hate against your will?  It is up to you how you want to go through it, knowing that it is the only constant in life…

And if you want to make it an experience of growth and expansion — and even happiness and joy — then read on, because the article below will teach you how to become a master of change and what’s more, how to make big ones effortlessly, even when you don’t want to.
- Truth

The 4 Types Of Change Everyone Experiences In Life

Are you mostly happy with the status quo, keen on making a shift or not really sure? Martha ...

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The Secret to Attracting More Love Into Your Life

HJ: Love begets love. And you attract as much love as you are ready to receive.  It flows to you in direct proportion to the amount you accept it into your life.  And the more give, the more you receive.  However, you must first love yourself in order to be able to give.

In actuality, you are pure love, but overtime we learn to judge ourselves quite harshly — we get insecure and criticize our ‘flaws’ and in the process cut ourselves off from much of our innate love.  But by healing your heart and mind through doing your inner work, of which this site is intended to be a catalyst, you can begin to tap back into the inherent, infinite source of love that you truly are.

- Truth

Attract Love by Allowing Yourself to Receive It

By Enoch Tan | Secrets of Mind and Reality | Trans4Mind


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4 Ways to Deepen Your Gratitude and Open Yourself Up to More Happiness and Abundance

HJ: Happiness, abundance, peace of mind, appreciation and joy are just a few of the benefits of an authentic gratitude practice.  And this is quite enticing, but it is important to always practice gratitude for the sake of it.  You cannot fool the universe and a conditional practice solely for the benefits brings limited results.  Authenticity is the name of the game.  When your gratitude is unconditional — when nothing is expected in return — everything is given in return. Like many things in the universe, a paradox indeed…

This is because to want is to lack.  Whether you are for or against something, you are attached to it in some way.  The path of zen is to be neutral — neither wanting or not wanting —  rather accepting and at peace.  This is a state of abundance in which all things needed come your way.  When you do not want or need, then you are complete.  And completeness begets more completeness.

Gratitude can be a very powerful path to this state.  Gratitude, combined with a deep level of acceptance and appreciation, is indeed unstoppable.

- Tru...

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How to Deal With Family and Friends Who Are Not At Your Level of Consciousness

HJ: Relationships are created and maintained through shared values and worldview.  When you shifts those things, people who don’t shift with you will typically fall away.  This is totally normal and natural but the unenlightened parties can sometimes make things difficult (as can the enlightened parties as well… but usually it is the other way around).  It’s easy enough to deal with when it happens between you and an acquaintance, but when it happens between close friends, family members or lovers, things can get a bit tricky…

In another well written and insightful article by the always venerable Steve Pavlina, he gives insight into the situation and some wise ways to handle it with grace and compassion. 

- Truth

The Evil Exit

By Steve Pavlina | Steve Pavlina


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8 Highly Effective Ways to Get Rid of Unwanted, Negative Thoughts

HJ: Thoughts are merely symptoms of more deeply held beliefs.  But thoughts can also be used to discover your beliefs.  By simply noticing your negative thoughts as they arise and then simply asking yourself “What must I believe is true in order to be having this thought?”, you can quickly trace it back to the belief from which it originated.  Then, becoming aware of this belief essentially causes it to lose its power over you.

Now, if you are having trouble finding the belief or you need a quick solution in the moment, the techniques below, particularly number 5, are profound ways to help you get through the moment.

- Truth

8 Ways to Get Rid of Unwanted Negative Thoughts

By Daniel Wegner | PsyBlog


Research ...

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10 Life-Changing TED Talks That Will Help Inspire You to New Levels of Growth and Happiness

HJ: The finest minds talking about some of the most important, powerful subjects in your personal evolution towards greater self-mastery, happiness and growth.  What more do we need to say?

- Truth

These Are Τhe 10 Amazing TED Talks You Need Τo Watch

By Adrian | Dumb Little Man

When it comes to acquiring knowledge, there is only one place on the Internet nowadays, every successful person would suggest without hesitation – TED talks. TED talks are the epitome of knowledge. Their motto – ideas worth spreading – signifies the purpose of this movement and justifies its amazing ability to effectively spread high-quality ideas in today’s internet’s chaotic environment.

Despite the amazing value TED talks have to offer, there is a small problem about them.

There are more than 1600 TED talks out there and you could spend hours trying to identify the ones that are more beneficial to you and your reality.

For that reason, I decided to draft this art...

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What to Do When You Are Feeling Stuck: 10 Ways to Get Your Life Moving in a Positive Direction

HJ: When you are feeling stuck, it’s a sign that something needs to change.  Usually that means simply looking at your life and situation differently, because after all, when you shift your perception, it changes everything.  Suddenly you find yourself seeing opportunities in challenges and lessons in ‘failures’.  You see the ‘puzzle’ that is life from a new perspective and things that were always there but that you didn’t notice previously suddenly appear and lead you down new, expansive paths.

However, that being said, feeling stuck at times is just part of life.  So don’t fret.  Don’t get depressed.  Don’t fight it.  Just accept that in this very moment, it’s what you need to experience.  Embrace it.  Doing this releases much of its hold over you instantly.  And then, as mentioned previously, start looking at things differently.  Get out of your normal habits and routines and shake things up.  Take a vacation.  Do something new or challenging… and your stuckness will float away like a cloud in the sky.

- Truth


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How to Master the 5 Stages of Life: Understanding Where You Are on the Path of Life

HJ: Life may seem chaotic and hectic at times, but in reality, it moves through 5 stages like clockwork.  And if you understand what those stages are, you can stay centered, happy, at peace and calm no matter what situation you find yourself in.  Because when you know what’s happening, it takes much of the fear and uncertainty out of the situation.  You begin to surf the waves instead of getting dragged around in the rip currents.

Life becomes a dance instead of a struggle.  This is a great article that will help almost anyone get needed clarity and peace with exactly where they are in life.

- Truth

How to Master the 5 Stages of Life

By Dr. Carmen Herra | Huffington Post


If someone were to play the movie of your li...


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