The Healers Journal

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19 Transformational Questions That Will Help You Find Greater Happiness, Fulfillment and Passion in Life

HJ: He who looks within awakens, he who looks without, dreams.  By asking yourself highly specific, probing questions, you can discover your souls deepest desires and unlock the inner workings of your mind.  These two things are the keys to a radiantly happy, fulfilled and passionate life.  From this point of power you can rewrite your internal programming and release yourself from subconscious patterns running your life.  And you can also discover your life purpose, which, when embraced, will launch you on your Hero’s Journey, which is essentially the adventure of enlightenment and transformation that we all came here to experience.

So before you proceed, ask yourself if you are ready to live your life to the fullest — with passion, joy, love and courage…  if so, proceed and spend some time looking within.  These powerful, transformational questions will lead you deep into your heart and mind…

- Truth

Important Questions to Ask Yourself

Nineteen probing questions to muse on

By Marty Nemko, Ph.D. |

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The 20 Healthiest Foods on the Planet

HJ: How much introduction does an article like this really need?  These are quite simply some of the healthiest, most healing and nutrient dense foods on the planet.  Eat more of them.  Period.

- Truth


20 Healthiest Foods on Earth


Here are 20 foods that offer the most benefits pound for pound than any other foods on the planet. They not only show up on our massive list of Superfoods they also make it onto plenty of top tens across the Internet, and several have long been known to provide plenty of nutrients and good things for the body. There are a few that you might not be familiar with, so consider this your introduction, and now you can get to know them better in the ne...

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5 Steps to Help You Live in the Present Moment

HJ: Life happens in the present moment and the present moment is where you will find peace, happiness, joy and contentment.  Living in the past or the future creates frustration, regret and unhappiness as we ignore the abundance and beauty of what we already have.  Being past or future focused keeps us trapped in wishing and wanting instead of having and being.

The present moment brings gratitude and liberation — freedom and tranquility.  It forces us to let go of expectations and appreciate things for what they are.  Most of us are so used to living in the past and future that it takes a little practice to get centered in the present moment, but once you do, it becomes easier and easier until it becomes your permanent state, at which point you are very much closer to that state of enlightenment that we are all driven to seek.

Below you will find a powerful technique, broken up into 5 steps that will help you achieve just that — a life lived in the present moment.

- Truth

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The 7 Keys to Creating Success in Your Life

HJ: Success does not just happen randomly, it is created by a very precise set of qualities you can cultivate in your life.  When it seems like success just came out of nowhere for somebody, in truth, at some level they had been embracing one or more of the qualities listed in this article AND their system of beliefs allowed for it, which is an important distinction.  And to be even more concise, it is not enough to just believe that something is possible.  You must also not hold any CONFLICTING beliefs as well, as these can ‘cancel out’ any positive, expansive beliefs you may hold and end up keeping you stuck where you are at or moving forward slowly.  this is why many people get frustrated thinking they are doing everything right but nothing is happening.  In truth, they are holding conflicting beliefs as well at a deep subconscious level.

You can think of it like those old scales where there are two plates on each side of a beam balanced on a tower.  One plate is your expansive/positive beliefs.  The other is you self-limiting/negative beliefs.  If your positive plate outw...

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How to Grow Your Gratitude Into a Powerful Force for Positivity in Your Life

HJ: Gratitude is one of the most powerful keys to happiness and abundance in your life.  Those who master the practice with authenticity and feeling often discover transformation beyond their wildest dreams.  Combined with inner work, specifically emotional releasing/clearing and the removal of limiting beliefs, you literally become unstoppable.  This triad — healed emotions, expansive beliefs and a solid gratitude practice — is perhaps the most powerful force for positive change in your life.

But of these three things, gratitude has the power to transform the other two.   It creates a powerful feedback loop — helping you to heal emotionally and remove limiting beliefs, replacing them with expansive ones.  As such, your gratitude becomes more authent...

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7 Surprising Things That Will Significantly Boost Your Health and Happiness

HJ: When we think of health, we typically think of what we eat, however our lifestyle habits are equally important in their own right.  We are now realizing collectively that health is about much more than exercise and diet, but encompasses our state of mind, our spiritual connection, our environment, our relationships and so on.  Health is truly holistic and the more we recognize and acknowledge that, the better our lives gets as a result.

This is a great article because it gets you thinking outside the box about health and has some truly insightful suggestions that will absolutely improve your life and boost your happiness if you more fully integrate them into your life.

- Truth

7 Weird Health Boosters That Will Surprise You

These 7 odd ways to get healthier sound off-beat, but they work!

By Meg Selig | Psychology Today

“C’mon. Really?!?”

That was my first reaction when I read about some of the weird health boosters described below. Many sounded too good to be true or just plain i...

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5 Steps for Getting Through Any Difficult or Challenging Situation

HJ: Challenges only become difficult when we resist them.  What you resist, persists.  And what flows shall pass.  And furthermore if you start looking for the lesson — the wisdom you can extract from the very thing you are experiencing that seems difficult or challenging in the moment — then your perspective shifts and that changes everything.

Life is what we perceive it to be.  Life is what we believe it to be.  So change your perceptions…  Change your beliefs… and you will change your results.  You are the artist painting the picture.  No one is forcing your hand.  You decide to what to create.  Will you paint big or small?  Will you paint something of beauty or something of pain…?  It is your choice…

- Truth

5 Steps for Getting Through Any Difficult Situation

How to survive and thrive during a ‘Lifequake’

By Howard C. Samuels, Psy.D. | Psychology Today

September 11, 2001 started out just like any other Tuesday. Men and women all over the ...

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4 Steps for Clearing Out Old, Unwanted Emotions

HJ: The key to getting rid of emotions is acceptance, simply because what we resist persists.  Resistance blocks the natural flow of energy and causes stagnancy.  Emotions are truly like clouds.  Eventually they dissipate.  However, we treat them like rocks… carrying them around with us — heavy, bulky and weighing ourselves down.  They become a ball and chain and cause problems as we try and grow.  However, if we treat them like clouds… they simply pass through and then evaporate.  This means accepting them while they are around and knowing they will soon leave.  Like the weather, they are ever changing.

Now, if you want to be happy pretty much all the time, then you need to adopt a belief system that sees the world in a way that accepts what is and sees the best in humanity.  This is because our beliefs generate our emotions.  What we believe gives context to what we experience and determines how we interpret a situation.  If we deem it to be a ‘good’ situation, we are happy.  If we deem it to be an undesirable or ‘bad’ situation, we become frustrated, upset, pessimistic,...

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2 Simple But Powerful Meditation Exercises for Reclaiming Peace of Mind

HJ: All the money in the world can’t buy you peace of mind. But that’s also the beauty of it.  Peace of mind is accessible to anyone at anytime no matter how poor or wealthy they are.  It is a universal gift whose only requirement is the ability to go within and just be.

That being said, there are exercises and techniques that can help you get to that centered place of peace quicker than you may be able to simply through trial and error.  Below you will find two simple but powerful practices/meditations that will rapidly accelerate your progress towards reclaiming peace of mind.  Now that is priceless.

- Truth

A 5 Minute Exercise To Reclaim Peace

By Sangeeta Bhagwat | Serene Reflection


Healing is a return to whol...

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How to Permanently Enhance Your Brains Performance

HJ: What if you could permanently enhance your brains performance in just a few minutes using a special technique know as the ‘priming effect’?  Would you follow your curiosity long enough to give it a try?

Steve Pavlina, one of the internets most respected personal development teachers did and found it to be one of the most powerful techniques he had experienced for self growth and increased intelligence and cognition.

The brain is not a static organ.  It dynamically responds, grows and is reprogramed based on how you use it.  So by using it in highly specific ways/patterns, like the ‘priming effect’ described below, it can be reprogrammed to function at a higher level.

This is a very interesting — and mind expanding — article.  Enjoy.

- Truth

Prime Your Brain for a Permanent Performance Gain (in a Few Minutes)

By Steve Pavlina | Steve Pavlina



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