The Healers Journal

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Living Spiritually: How to Unite Your Heart and Mind

HJ: A mind without a heart is dangerous and a heart without a mind is reckless, but when the two meet and are balanced in perfect harmony, we become wise.  And we then begin to live in full alignment with our true spiritual selves.

- Truth

Spiritual Evolution – Uniting Heart And Mind

By Brandon West | Project Global Awakening


We are all experiencing very specific life cycles, and they are designed specifically for us. They are like a university course designed to teach us a specific set of information, but instead of graduation they ultimately lead to energetic, consciousness, biological, and spiritual evolution (which are all the same thing).

Our life experiences and 

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The 4 Keys to Tapping Into Your Personal Power and Truth

HJ: You are powerful.  You are whole and you are entirely capable of anything you set your heart and mind to.  This article will show you how to tune into that power and bring it front and center into your life.

- Truth

The Powerful Self

Would you rather feel powerful or be powerful?

By Steven Stosny, Ph.D. | Psychology Today


To function at their highest level with maximum well being over time, people need to feel both empowered and valuable. Most of my posts over the past three years have been about value, specifically what happens when we fail to create it or when we violate the values we create. This post is about personal power....

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How to Stay Centered and Grow Through Life’s Biggest Challenges

HJ: Obstacles only exist in the mind of the person who does not yet understand that ALL experiences in life are intended to help you learn, grow and evolve your consciousness to ever deeper levels of awareness, peace and bliss.

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Navigating the Unknown: How to Grow Through Whatever Life Throws Your Way

By Manal Ghosain | One With Now


As synchronicity would have it, I got a chance to connect with a wonderful author and healing practitioner—Staci Boden. Staci recently released her book:Turning Dead Ends into Doorways: How to Grow Through Whatever Life Throws Your Way.

The ...

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20 Things to Remind You How Truly Amazing and Capable You Really Are

HJ: Even some of the most successful people in the world have moments when they think they are not good enough.  And it is never true.  Things may not be meant to be, but you are always good enough.  Always.  Don’t ever forget that.

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20 Things to Remember When You Think You’re Not Good Enough

By Marc Chernoff | Marc and Angel


Sometimes the hardest part of the journey is simply believing you’re worthy of the trip.

Truth be told, you can’t berate yourself into a better version of yourself.  And even though I know this, I sometimes still fall victim to my own negative thinking.  Sometimes I’m downright rude to myself.  I make a mistake, or fall short of my own expectations, and instead of treating it as a learning oppo...

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October 2014 Horoscope – Astrological Psychology

HJ: The position of the stars and planets at the moment of your birth does not determine the course of your life.  That is up to you.  However, what it does do is bestow upon you the talents, dispositions and personality with which you will navigate your path.  And therefore it is hugely influential, but, as always, you have free will to decide what to do with what you have been given.

- Truth

October 2014 Horoscope – Astrological Psychology

By Dr. Ron Holman | Discerning Wisdom

astrology healthy expression

Written in Twilight Language which Incorporates Spelling & Other Grammatical Intentions

Aries – 3/21 – 4/19

There is a flowering that is happening for you Aries du...

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3 Powerful Practices for Expanding Your Consciousness and Deepening Your Spiritual Awareness

HJ: To live consciously is to see yourself and your reality as they truly are.  And the measure of your level of consciousness is the degree to which you are able to experience and embody the fundamental truths which underlie all that is.  That does not mean that there is a right or wrong way to be, only varying levels of harmony with the essence of what is.  Even those at a low level of consciousness are perfect as is, learning the lessons they need to learn — having the experiences they need to have in this moment.  And this is equally true for those who are highly conscious.

However, that being said, it is useful to have a way to gauge spiritual progress and conscious evolution, lest we be fooled into thinking we are somehow finished… because the evolution of consciousness is never ending.  The higher you go, the more the mysteries of existence and the universe are revealed to you and the more closely you transform yourself into love, ether and pure creative bliss.

The 3 practices outlined below are powerful catalysts for hoisting yourself up the rungs of consciousness, if that is so...

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5 Keys to Creating Your Own Luck and Good Fortune

HJ: Luck does not happen by chance, it is created through a combination of intention and mindset.  The article below will help you develop both and learn to navigate the river of life in a way that puts you in the flow of luck, success and consistent good fortune.

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Make Your Own Luck

Five principles for making the most of life’s twists and turns.

By Rebecca Webber | Psychology Today


Mary McGuire-Wien and her husband, Charles Wildbank, had been searching for a new home on Long Island for more than a year, but every place they’d seen was either unsuitable or unaffordable. After one long Sunday of unsuccessful house-hunting with their agent, the couple was anxious to get back home, but got stuck at a traffic light right next to an old barn that was under reno...

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7 Powerful Ways to Unlock Your Full Potential and Live an Amazing Life

HJ: We all have the potential to create whatever kind of life we want for ourselves, however, in order to do that we must first get out of our own way.  This, in its essence is unlocking your full potential.  Always remember — you are perfect and whole beneath all the false things you have been taught to believe about yourself and the world at large.  Tapping into your full potential is the act of removing everything that is not you and revealing the divinity at your core.

As an aspect of the divine you have the ability to create and live like the divine.  This is your birthright.

As many wise Shaman’s have said, wisdom is the unlearning of that which is not true.  You are a sculptor and your life is the block of marble.  What will you create?

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7 Ways To Unlock Your Human Potential

By Brooke Alendra | Brooke Alexandra

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Working With Your Chakras: How to Heal and Balance Your Energy Centers

HJ: We exist on multiple planes: the physical, the mental and the etheric/spiritual — and it is this third realm in which the Chakras become very important.  Although, they do affect the the mental and physical planes as well.  That is because the Chakras are ‘fundamental’ — since all originates from the etheric/spiritual planes, an imbalance in the chakras will automatically have effects on the physical and mental planes as well.

This can show up as imbalance or tendencies in the body and mind such as disease, depression and so on in the negative and happiness, health, peace of mind and centeredness in the positive.  And when highly developed, can result in the opening up of higher psychic abilities.

The guide below will give you some powerful tools to begin working with, balancing and healing your energy centers, also known as chakras.

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Working With Chakras

By Denise Yamaoka | The Spirit Science

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How to Slip into the Flow and Get Life to Finally Start Going Your Way

HJ: Until we learn better, I think we all have this tendency to kind of resist the parts of life that we don’t like, and yet, it is this very tendency that keeps the situations recurring because what we resist persists.  We don’t get the benefit of seeing the lesson and wisdom in the moment when we are busy resisting events and circumstances in our life.  In a sense, we are denying them of their validity and meaning and so forcing ourselves to re-experience them until we finally extract the wisdom that they are intended to teach

On the other hand, when we embrace everything we experience with an open heart and mind — searching for the wisdom within the experience and understanding that there is always a higher meaning — then suddenly we slip into the flow and, in short order, everything finally starts going our way.

The flow is a beautiful state to be in. All of us have experienced it at one time or another — and it can be permanent when we ‘play by the rules’.  And the rules are so simple and easy!  Accept whatever happens with an open heart and mind.  Thi...


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