Collective Evolution

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Ibogaine May Be The Best Way To Kick Serious Drug & Alcohol Addictions

by Alanna Ketler, Collective Evolution

Ibogaine, an isolated active alkaloid, comes from the root bark of a shrub from central West Africa called Iboga. It has been used for thousands of years in ceremonies for spiritual development and in many tribes and cultures as a right of passage into adulthood. Iboga may be the most powerful psychedelic known to man.

In recent years it has been found to have amazing success with treating various addictions, specifically addiction to opiates.

Its ability to mitigate intense opiate withdrawals was discovered in the late 1960s. Since this discovery, studies undertaken by many research and academic facilities have proved that one of the 14 isolate alkaloids of Iboga — Ibogaine — is an extremely effective treatment for addiction to most substances, even the most addictive, like heroin, methadone, cocaine, methamphetamine, alcohol, and even nicotine.

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How Your Favourite Music Can Actually Get You High - Sort Of

by Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

We think of music as art, as entertainment, and as a pastime. It’s personal; it’s communal. Music is one of those things that, for many of us, can ignite innumerable feelings and memories in just one song, or even one verse alone. Throughout history, music was used for medicinal purposes, and research today has demonstrated that therapeutic value.

But now, new research suggests music could even get you high.

Without even knowing the findings, think about how you can relate to this idea. When you’re feeling stressed out, motivated or unmotivated, angry, sad, happy, celebratory, etc., music may be one of your favourite tools for heightening the emotions you’re feeling, or shifting them. According to the new study, this emotional response happens because music activates a chemical reward system in the brain — the same one that makes delicious food, intense exercise, and opioid drugs feel great.

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NASA Live Video Feed Cut Again As 6 Large 'UFOs' Creep Past International Space Station

by Joe Martino, Collective Evolution

New and strange footage from NASA’s live feed of the International Space Station appears to show six large objects scurrying by. This is not the first time this sight has been seen, but this instance contains unique characteristics.

As you can see in the live video below, relayed by the American space agency, the objects flying by move from the right of the screen towards the left. Unlike previous instances where only 1 object comes into frame, this video contains six UFO’s that are resulting in n outcry for explanation from viewers.

The phenomenon was originally spotted by a UFO enthusiast at Streetcap1 who shared the clip with the popular YouTube channel called SecureTeam10. They are a group of UFO experts who track down clips, investigate footage and put their findings out to an eager audience online.

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How Vedic Philosophy Influenced Nikola Tesla’s Idea of ‘Free Energy’

by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

The Properties of Space

*This is an older article that originates from Collective Evolution, a couple of updates have been made.

Science works best when in harmony with nature. If we put these two together, we can discover great technologies that can only come about when the consciousness of the planet is ready to embrace them. One example is “free energy,” also known as “zero-point energy,” which utilizes the substance that exists all around us and converts it into usable energy. This would give us a limitless source of energy, and would practically wipe out all poverty on the planet. (more on this later in the article)

The properties of space have been postulated by many, from ancient Vedic philosophy, Eastern Mystics, various ancient civilizations throughout human history all the way to Descartes, Einstein, Newton and more. Humans are curious beings, and our quest to discover “what is” will never end.

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Cosmetology Student Under Investigation After Giving Free Haircuts To The Homeless

Update: We've been informed that after massive public outcry, the investigation has been dismissed!

by Alanna Ketler, Collective Evolution

You may recall the story of a young man named Juan Carlos Montesdeoca, a cosmetology student from Tucson, Arizona, who decided to give back to his community in an amazing way. In honour of his mother, who had lost her hair during cancer treatment, Montesdeoca decided that he would offer free haircuts to the homeless people in his city.

Who would have thought that this selfless act of kindness would come with the risk of destroying his future career in cosmetology before it even begins? A witness has filed a complaint with the state of Arizona’s Board of Cosmetology, alleging that Juan Carlos had been practicing cosmetology without a license issued by the state, which is technically true, since Juan Carlos has not yet completed his program.

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British Online Supermarket Launches Trucks Powered by Food Waste

by Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

It’s easy to take for granted things we have no problem obtaining, like money to purchase food to keep us full and happy every single day. But have you ever considered the detriments of buying too much food from the grocery store, only to find weeks later that some of your items have gone bad? Or perhaps you’re not a leftovers person, and choose to scrape the remainder of every meal off your plate and into the trash. Many of our routine practices regarding food may seem harmless, but food waste is a massive global issue that must not be ignored.

report by UNEP and the World Resources Institute (WRI) found that an estimated one-third of all food produced worldwide, worth around US$1 trillion, gets lost or wasted in food production and consumption systems. This figure converted into calories means that about 1 in 4 calories meant to be consumed for nourishment are never actually eaten. Such statistics, among a world full of hunger, incredulous food prices, and social unease, reveal the environmental, moral, and economical issues surrounding many of our ‘normal’ food practices.

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A Former Goldman Sachs Partner & George Soros Employee Is Now Officially The U.S. Treasury Secretary

by Kalee Brown, Collective Evolution

President Donald Trump’s cabinet picks have stirred up some controversy in the U.S., and his latest selection is no exception. The Senate just confirmed Steven Mnuchin as U.S. Treasury Secretary after voting 53-47, suggesting that Trump may not be as “anti-establishment” as he would like us to believe.

A highly experienced business associate, and chairman and CEO of the hedge fund Dune Capital, Mnuchin may seem like a suitable fit to those who don’t see the bigger picture. Mnuchin spent 17 years working at Goldman Sachs, where he eventually made partner and created a fortune of $46 million. Mnuchin also worked at Soros Fund Management, whose founder, George Soros, is a key member of the shadow government disguised as a philanthropic billionaire.

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Why Psychedelic Drugs Are Having A Medical Renaissance (Video)

by Alanna Ketler, Collective Evolution

It has been truly amazing to witness how many things in our world are now changing that were once considered impossible. We have been able to see this to a large degree with marijuana use and research, which is revealing more health benefits and even cures for various ailments every day.

In my lifetime, marijuana use has gone from extremely illegal, to a little bit less illegal, to decriminalized, to the point where now I can literally walk into a cannabis dispensary with a health concern, get a card, and leave with cannabis in my possession — legally.

This is in Canada, mind you, and I know it is not like this all over the world, but even four states in the U.S. have now fully legalized marijuana, and it seems as though all of Canada is heading in that direction, too.

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Mysterious Ancient “Stonehenge-Like” Circles Found in Amazon Rainforest

by Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

The Amazon rainforest is one of the world’s greatest natural resources, with its incredible vegetation continuously recycling carbon dioxide into oxygen. Having been referred to as the “Lungs of our Planet,” about 20% of Earth’s oxygen is produced here.

The impenetrable lushness of this revered rainforest lends to both its ominous reputation and the misconception that it was an untouched wilderness prior to European exploration. As discoveries continue to show, indigenous people altered the land far before then.

Now, researchers have found that the Amazonian rainforest was transformed over two thousand years ago by ancient people who constructed hundreds of massive, mysterious earthworks.

Brazilian and U.K. researchers found the more than 450 massive geoglyphs that had been hidden for centuries by trees by way of deforestation in the Brazilian rainforest. The earthworks span an area of about 5,000 square miles.

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After Seeing A UFO & Extraterrestrials, This Painter Is Delivering A Message From Space

by Kalee Brown, Collective Evolution

After seeing a UFO or an extraterrestrial (ET), would you share your experience with others? Odds are that tons of people out there have had encounters with ETs, but were too scared to come forward. There is a huge stigma surrounding UFO and ET phenomena, which is largely due to mainstream media and Hollywood.


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