Collective Evolution

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Numerology: Here’s What Your Name Says About You

by Alanna Ketler, Collective Evolution

You may have heard of numerology before and perhaps you didn’t give it much credit or brushed it off as some new age mumbo jumbo, but what if you could test it out for yourself and see what it can actually represent? If you found it to be accurate in being able to describe details in your life would you accept that there’s actually some truth to it or brush it off as mere coincidence?

Are You Seeing Repeating Number Sequences?

Up until very recently, I hadn’t given numerology much thought at all, but for the last decade or so, I’ve been seeing 11:11 quite regularly. In fact, I’m sure a lot of my Facebook friends get annoyed with me because I always feel the need to share “11:11!” when I see this on a clock, or license plate or anywhere really.

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How Sunscreen Could Be Causing Skin Cancer, Not The Sun

by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

Summer may be a long way off, but it’s never too early to start thinking about protecting your skin. For most people, this means covering themselves in sunscreen, which corporate marketing campaigns encourage at every turn. Yet, while we do indeed need protection to prevent sunburns, blocking out the sun entirely is not ideal. Rich in vitamin D, it offers a number of other health benefits, including, oddly enough, cancer prevention. We’ve been made to fear the sun, and, as a result, adults and children are choosing to drench themselves in a bath of toxic, hormone-disrupting chemicals.

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Lucid Dreamers Found To Produce The Fastest Brainwave Frequencies Ever Recorded

by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

Lucid dreaming is one category of dreams that many people experience. It occurs when the individual is dreaming and during that dream the individual is completely aware that they are dreaming. Some people report a low-level lucidity state where one is aware they are dreaming but not able to alter the content of the dream. Other people have experienced high-level lucidity where one is aware they are dreaming but are also able to alter the dream, and have the freedom to do whatever they desire within the dream.

Dreams are a fascinating phenomenon as they provide us with insights into a world full of experiences we cannot perceive or create in a completely conscious state. Or can we?

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Fukushima Radiation Spikes To Record Levels: It’s Really Time To Shut Down All Nuclear Power Plants

by Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

A massive undersea earthquake devastated the Japanese coast in March, 2011. As the world watched on in terror and horror, a tsunami forced Tokyo Electric Power Company-operated Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant offline.

The consequences of having placed a nuclear facility near one of the world’s most active fault zones soon became a major topic of discussion. According to a Japanese Parliamentary panel tasked with investigating the disaster, Fukushima was a “profoundly man-made disaster” that was “the result of collusion between the government, the regulators and TEPCO, and the lack of governance by said parties.”

The radioactive impact seemed immediate, yet six years later, the damage has yet to fully be assessed.

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10,000 Year Old Rock Paintings Depicting Possible Extraterrestrial Visitation & UFOs Discovered In India

by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

Our ancient world continues to become more mysterious by the day, as 10,000 year old rock paintings depicting possible extraterrestrials and UFOs have been found in Chhattisgarh, India. These can be added to the long list of mysterious and unexplained “ancient art” that seems to lend to the belief that our ancient world and the people who lived at that time had contact with beings that did not originate from this planet.

According to archaeologist JR Bhagat, these paintings depict extraterrestrials. The Chhattisgarh state department of archaeology and culture is planning to seek the help of NASA and ISRO for research regarding the paintings.

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Crystals For Beginners! Here Are The Top 10 Essential Crystals & Their Uses

by Alanna Ketler, Collective Evolution

Are you new to the wonderful world of crystals? Has something drawn you to them, and do you have an incredible urge to collect as many as possible, but have no idea where to begin? There are thousands of different crystals and stones with many different properties in existence, and aside from being very beautiful, they all hold tremendous healing potential.

In the past, I never really understood crystals. I had friends who would hold them and immediately begin to feel their “power” or properties, saying things like, “Oh wow, this one feels very energetic,” or “This one is a very loving, protective stone,” etc. While I believed in the potential power of crystals, I felt as though I was not intuitive enough to feel it, or my friends  were exaggerating, or perhaps that crystals only worked for certain people.

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The Difference Between Healthy Love & Unhealthy Love

by Joe Martino, Collective Evolution

“What is love?” is perhaps one of the most pondered questions of our existence. Is it a feeling? An emotion? Is it who we are? Is it something we all feel? Love can make us feel and do many different things in our lives and today we’re going to explore the idea that there may be two types of love: healthy love and unhealthy love.

Types of Love

To set up the context for this exploration, let’s quickly define what’s going on here. Generally we hear love defined as either conditional or unconditional. Conditional love would be loving something based on a certain set of conditions being met. i.e. “I only love this person if they do this for me, if they don’t, then I don’t love them.”

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The Woman Whose Eyes Have A Whole New Type of Colour Receptor – She Can See What We Can’t

by Collective Evolution

Do you see green the same way that I see green? Every now and then, we find ourselves wondering such questions, as we have all come to know and agree on the use of generic colour names like blue, yellow, green, and so on to distinguish and analyze life around us. Surely, we are all unique in the way we view colours to a degree, but at the end of the day, green is green, and so we leave it at that. But not everyone is quite like this.

After searching for more than 25 years, neuroscientists in the UK have come across a woman who has an extra type of cone cell — the receptor cells that detect colour — in her eyes. This means she can see a whopping 99 million more colours than the rest of us, and belongs to a very small group of people with super-vision called “tetrachromats.”

The majority of humans, referred to as “trichromats,” have three types of cone cells in their eyes, with each one thought to be able to distinguish around 100 shades. Together, our three cone cells can distinguish roughly 1 million different colours. Those who are colour blind, however, only have two functioning types of cone cells.

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New Study Links Aluminum Adjuvant Via HPV Vaccine To Neuroinflammation & Autoimmune Reactions

by Kalee Brown, Collective Evolution

A paper titled “Behavioural abnormalities in young female mice following administration of aluminum adjuvants and the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine Gardasil” was withdrawn after being published in January 2016. You can read the abstract on PubMed here, which states that it was withdrawn by the Editor-in-Chief “due to serious concerns regarding the scientific soundness of the article.” You can access the full study here.

The paper was also said to have used a “seriously flawed methodology” and that the claims made were “unjustified.” This isn’t the first time a paper that tried to expose the health risks regarding vaccines was retracted or scrutinized, so this raised some concerns within the scientific community. As it turns out, five months later that same paper was republished with some significant changes, although the findings remained the same.

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Why Karma Has Nothing To Do With “Getting What’s Coming To You”

by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

The concept of Karma, which dates back thousands of years, is taught by various cultures throughout human history. Despite its proliferance, the idea of karma seems to be generally misunderstood and frequently tossed around without any real understanding of its true meaning.

What is Karma?

In the Bhagavad Gita (one text out of many from multiple cultures that speak of Karma), there are constant dialogues about how to attain what’s referred to as “moksha,” which is the release from the cycle of rebirth. It is a sort of transcendent state or freedom from the world we currently know — a world in which our senses deceive us. It’s a state of bliss that can only be attained when we have freed ourselves from the web of karma. Once we reach that point, our soul is ready to move on to another experience that goes beyond rebirth.


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