Collective Evolution

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5 Reasons Meditation May Decrease Your Risk of Cancer

by Kalee Brown, Collective Evolution

For approximately 5,000 years, people have been practicing meditation and proving the positive impact it can have on the body and mind. Science is now catching up to what many Yogis and Buddhists have known for years, as many researchers are studying the powerful effects meditation can have on human health.

There is a stigma surrounding meditation that it’s only beneficial for your mental health. However, meditation can provide numerous physical health benefits as well, outlined below.

1. Meditation Decreases Stress

It is scientifically proven that chronic stress can increase your risk of many diseases including cancer. This is because stress prevents our bodies from quickly making infection-fighting T-cells and worsens our immune reaction to foreign invaders.

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What Happens When You Grow More Produce Than You Can Eat? Well, Give It Away Of Course!

by Alanna Ketler, Collective Evolution

GROW FREE is a project started by Andrew Barker, from Victoria, Australia, who – by the way, also happens to be a writer here at Collective Evolution! This project was started with Andrew’s vision of a community where locally grown food is shared with one another… for free!

This project involves setting up carts around the city and offering any kind of food, but generally locally grown produce, to anyone who might need it, or just want it. Not everyone grows the same crops, so it’s a good opportunity for neighbours to share the fruits of their labour with one another, and with those who don’t have the means to have their own gardens.

As Andrew says: “The carts are a medium where people of the community can share with one another, they’re for excess homegrown produce, seeds and seedlings, preserves, eggs, etc.

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BREAKING: Army Corps of Engineers Halts Dakota Access Pipeline Construction

by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

Construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline has been halted. The decision was made by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, who told water protectors that the current path of the pipeline will be denied, according to a statement from the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe.

CBC, being one of North America’s largest mainstream media outlets states that, “for months, thousands of people have descended upon a handful of camps in the area to voice opposition to the pipeline. The largest is the Oceti Sakowin Camp, which is managed by the U.S. Army Corps.”

MSNBC news is also reporting it, showing up after ignoring so much.

Many mainstream media outlets are only now conveniently jumping on the story.

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Why Our Microbiome Is So Important For Health & How Modern Life Damages It

by Will Hartfield, Collective Evolution

What comes to your mind when bacteria are mentioned? For most people, bacteria and microbes suggest disease. However, there are billions of very important bacteria that literally share the human body and help it function. These microorganisms are collectively known as the microbiome.

Microbes are found living in various parts of the human body. Although there has been limited research on the microbiome, scientists have begun to appreciate its role in human health. According to the United States National Library of medicine, there are more than 1 trillion microbes living in the body, with the largest colonies being harboured in the gastrointestinal tract. These microbes are associated with regulation of digestion, protection from disease-causing organisms, and the development of a strong immune response.

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Eye Gazing: Science Reveals How It Affects Our Communication

by Kalee Brown, Collective Evolution

Eye gazing is one of the most powerful practices on this planet, allowing us to experience a deeper connection to ourself and others. Many people, including myself, have had indescribable experiences while eye gazing, such as seeing auras, past lives, and other images. By simply looking into another person’s eyes, you can discover more about yourself, humanity as a collective, and our roles as spiritual beings.

What causes us to experience these intense feelings and visions by doing something as simple as eye gazing? Why does verbal communication all of a sudden become so difficult when we make eye contact? Scientists from Kyoto University decided to study this ever-growing phenomenon.

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Study: Single Session of Ayahuasca Can Defeat Depression

by Alanna Ketler, Collective Evolution

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), an estimated 250 million people of all ages suffer from depression, making it the leading cause of disability around the world and a significant contributor to the worldwide disease burden. More people are on antidepressant medication now than ever before, and the numbers keep rising.

Ayahuasca, the most powerful psychotropic known to man, is a brew of two different Amazonian plants, Banisteriopsis caapi and Psychotria viridis. This pairing has been used for centuries in healing ceremonies in the Amazon, but over the past decade or so, it has gained worldwide prominence, with thousands of people travelling across the globe to participate in indigenous healing ceremonies, typically in South America and most notably in Peru.

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Over 2,000 U.S. Veterans To Form Human Shield At Dakota Pipeline Site

by Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

According to demonstration organizers, more than 2,000 U.S. military veterans plan to form a human shield to protect protesters against the North Dakota Access Pipeline, in response to a federal deadline that pressures peaceful activists to evacuate the camp they have been occupying.

Growing exhausted of the protests, North Dakota law enforcement has sought desperate measures to put the event to an end, while those occupying the site are determined to make change no matter how long or hard they have to fight. Law enforcement had previously tried to cut off supplies to the camp, but failed to follow through due to public outcry and a growing awareness of their unethical treatment of the protestors.

Protestors have been rallying for months to stop the $3.8 billion Dakota Access Pipeline from moving forward, as it would disrupt the lake near the Standing Rock Sioux reservation, harming water resources and sacred Native American sites.

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10 Life Changing Books That Have Resonated With Millions of People

by Mark DeNicola, Collective Evolution

Thousands upon thousands of personal development and spirituality books fill the shelves of your local book store. While they all offer wonderful food for thought, here are 10 in particular that you shouldn’t miss out on. 

The world of literature is a magical one. Despite being equipped with only words, books have the incredible ability to make us think, feel, and imagine new worlds.

As an avid reader, I can think of a number of books that changed my life for the better. While many of these were works of fiction, I’d like to instead focus upon 10 largely nonfictional works devoted to personal development.

While most that I will be listing have topped several best-seller lists at one point or another, an astonishing number of us have still never taken the time to read them.

Here are 10 books that I believe have life changing potential:

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The Rainbow Prophecy: Why Standing Rock, Fidel Castro, Black Lives Matter, & Ancient Egyptian Hybrids May Be Connected

Article by: Luke Miller of Truth Theory.

Before I start this article I just want to say this is my interpretation of things; I could be wrong and I don’t claim to hold the ultimate truth, but here is the way I see it.

The word bird in its numerical form creates the number 33, which is a master number. A lot of ancient Egyptian images combine the bird and human form.

The words human, woman, and man all equal 3 when using sutra digit maths. So to me, the number of man/woman/human and bird is 333, which is mind, body, and spirit unification. It also equals 9, and also 6 (33) and 3. The 9 represents the end of an era, as we are currently in 2016, which is 2+0+1+6=9. But don’t worry: We are not all going to turn into birds! This is simply a metaphor.


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Kevin Gilbert Has A Powerful Message For Those Sending Him Death Threats

by Joe Martino, Collective Evolution

You have seen his live videos all over Facebook about his time down at Standing Rock, the man has been a dedicated water protector, there on the front lines telling the world the story the mainstream media refuses to cover. And we love him for it.

But not everyone has warm feelings about Kevin it seems. Pro DAPL workers and locals of Bismarck, the closest major city where the pipeline is being constructed in North Dakota, have not been happy about the resistance to the pipeline’s construction. Water protectors have been peacefully and prayerfully protecting their land and water from the inevitable oil leaks that would destroy their drinking water and millions more. It is these people who have not taken liking to Kevin’s work in spreading the water protectors message.

I spoke to Kevin yesterday about a recent development. He has been receiving death threats and nuisance calls so frequently that he had to change his phone number. We spoke about what the nature of those calls were and he had a message to those sending him those calls that was incredibly touching and powerful.


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