Collective Evolution

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New Moon In Sagittarius: A Turning Point

by Carmen Di Luccio, Collective Evolution

We are starting a new lunar cycle in Sagittarius on November 29th at 12:18pm Universal Time. Each New Moon brings in a new wave of energy which plays out over the following 29 days. This one is an opportunity for us to work with the Sagittarian energy in new ways through conscious intention and action.

Mercury will appear as if it is slowing down over the following weeks before going retrograde on the 19th, which will last until January 8th. Many of the things that we put in place during the first 3 weeks of December will go through a ‘testing’ phase during the retrograde. Alternatively, this can also be a time where we will be revisiting and adjusting previously conceived structures, goals, and visions.

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How Slavery Was Never Abolished & Simply Evolved Into The Prison System (Documentary)

by Kalee Brown, Collective Evolution

To many, the end of the Civil War in 1865 represented the end of slavery; at least, that’s what the history books tell us. In January of 1865, the Thirteenth Amendment was passed, freeing millions of black citizens as they finally received emancipation. The Thirteenth Amendment reads: “Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.”

It is clear that a loophole exists, which allows slavery to continue within the confines of prison walls. The documentary 13th explores how slavery was never abolished, but actually shifted into the modern prison system, ultimately fuelling mass incarceration of black citizens. In fact, 1 in 3 black males will serve jail time at some point in their lives, whereas only 1 in 17 white men will. Don’t let government propaganda fool you: The only reasons for mass incarceration in the U.S. are racism and profit.

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Veterinarian Drove 900 Miles To Help Injured Horses At Standing Rock

by Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

The ongoing protests against the Dakota Access Pipeline have put water protectors in some gruelling and dangerous situations, causing people around the world to put together ways to help those fighting against the unjust construction as opposed to simply sit on the sidelines, like Charmian Wright.

Upon hearing reports of horses getting hurt during the protests, Wright, a veterinarian with 30 years of experience, immediately chose to take action.”I am passionate about the issues that are being addressed at Standing Rock,” she said. “But when I saw videos of horses being injured, I knew I had to go there.”

The Standing Rock Sioux and their allies have not stopped fighting to protect the construction of the pipeline from going forward, as they believe it would intrude on Native American land, and that a leak could damage the contamination of fresh water.

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Understanding the Science of Ayahuasca

by Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

In recent years, the hallucinogenic drug ayahuasca has become increasingly popular in the United States, so much so that it’s become a trendy thing. But centuries ago, shamans in the Amazon rainforest began using the medicinal brew as a means for guiding people through visual and auditory hallucinations.

Ayahuasca refers both to the Amazonian healing ceremony as well as the sacred beverage that is drank during it. The brew is touted both for its ability to provide mental clarity as well as expel liquids and solids from the body, allowing for detoxification.

Shamans in the Amazon rainforest have found the medicine to heal the body, mind, and spirit, prescribing a ceremony to treat people of numerous ailments. Steeped in intriguing history, it’s also part of a current boom of Westerners looking to try out its psychedelic properties as a means for ridding themselves of the burden of limiting beliefs, freeing themselves of the past, and resolving negative energy stored from troubled times in their lives.

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Scientists: Earth’s Magnetic Fields Carry Biologically Relevant Information That ‘Connects All Living Systems’

by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

Science has recently shed light on the fact that what we used to perceive as ‘human’ aura is actually real. All of our bodies emit an electromagnetic field, and this fact plays a very important role far beyond what is commonly known when it comes to understanding our biology, and the interconnectedness we share with all life.

For example, did you know that the heart emits the largest electromagnetic field of all the body’s major organs? These fields and the information encoded into them can change based on how we are feeling, what we thinking, and different emotions we take on. The heart even sends signals to the brain through a system of neutrons that have both short-term and long-term memory, and these signals can affect our emotional experiences. The emotional information that’s modulated and coded into these fields changes their nature, and these fields can impact those around us. As Rollin McCraty, Ph.D, and director of research at The HeartMath institute tell us, “we are fundamentally and deeply connected with each other and the planet itself.”

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BREAKING: Millions Watch As Water Cannons, Rubber Bullets, Tear Gas, Concussion Grenades Being Used On Peaceful Protectors

by Rajie Kabli, Collective Evolution

A situation is unfolding as you read this. A live feed with currently 60k people watching, 56k comments and 80k shares (and growing) is being shown on Facebook. Kevin Gilbert seems to be the only LIVE feed coming from Standing Rock at a police blockade on a bridge on HWY 1806. They are using extreme force on unarmed, peaceful water protectors. It is sub-zero temperatures right now at Standing Rock and police are using water cannons to spray the protectors. Tear-gas is also being used. In the LIVE feed, Kevin interviews a friend who was on the front lines providing blankets to people when she was heavily tear gassed and as a result, she vomited and peed herself.

According to UnicornRiot, this all started when protectors attempted to remove the blockade on the bridge to open up the HWY. There were also mentions of Dakota Access bringing in drills under the cover of night.

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CIA Contractor Shares His Unbelievable Story About A UFO Sucking Up Water & Three “Men In Black”

by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

Every single year the topic of UFOs continues to gain traction with regards to credibility and evidence. A lot of information has emerged over the past few years that has taken these subjects out of the ‘conspiracy theory’ realm and into ones of serious inquiry.

This particular story originates from the US governments Stargate Program, which lasted more than two decades. The program studied various topics within the dimensions of parapsychology, such at telepathy, psychokensis, remote viewing and more.

It’s an excellent example of unacknowledged and waived Secret Access Programs. These programs do not exist publicly, but they do indeed exist. They are commonly referred to as ‘deep black programs.’ A 1997 US Senate report described them as “so sensitive that they are exempt from standard reporting requirements to the Congress.” (source)

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15 Profound Awakening Quotes From Alan Watts

by Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

In the middle of yoga class the other day, sweaty, exhausted, and holding a pose for what seemed an eternity, my teacher reminded me of the wisdom of Alan Watts with a single quote that would ultimately make me forget about the physical discomfort I was in, and allow me to fully connect to the beauty of the moment at hand.

“The more a thing tends to be permanent, the more it tends to be lifeless,” she said.

The recitation reminded me in that moment that what I was feeling was not permanent, and I was choosing to be there to be enlivened, not lifeless. I wanted to feel, to sweat, to dig deeper mentally and physically. And so I let it happen, and suddenly the moment was exactly what I wanted it to be.

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New Study Out of Canada Reveals a Direct Link to Fracking & Earthquakes

by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

Hydraulic fracturing, also known as hydrofracturing or fracking, is another method used by the oil and gas industry to release hydrocarbons from deep below the earth’s surface. To fracture rock formations, companies must drill a vertical shaft into the earth, often penetrating some two or three kilometres.

A horizontal well bore is drilled in an area believed to contain trapped natural gas or oil. Under high pressure, a cocktail of chemicals, water, and sand are pumped into the well. This pressure creates fissures/cracks/fractures in the shale formation, from which oil and gas can escape.

Despite the dangers and inefficiency of this process, fracking continues. It wreaks havoc on the environment and has also been linked to earthquakes.


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