Collective Evolution

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Research Proves Psilocybin’s Ability To Effectively Treat Alcoholism

by Alanna Ketler, Collective Evolution

Alcoholism is one of the most common addictions of our time — and one of the most dangerous. According to the World Health Organization, over 140 million people across the globe suffer from this disease. Alcohol related illnesses and disease cause over 80,000 deaths in the U.S. each year and around 3 million worldwide, making alcoholism one of the top preventable causes of death, with about 6 percent of all deaths attributable to this disease.

One of the biggest challenges with alcohol today is that it is so widely accepted and even strongly encouraged within our society. Everywhere you look there are advertisements for alcohol, liquor stores, cocktail hours, and social “get togethers,” all of which are meant to convince you that alcohol is a necessary and normal part of our culture, and that drinking it will make your life more fun and exciting.  What they fail to articulate are the negative effects alcohol can have on your life and the lives of people around you.

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The Powerful Practice of Eye Gazing

by Joe Martino, Collective Evolution

The very first time I experienced eye gazing I was floored by what I felt and saw. The connection you feel with another human being, the visualizations of past lives, future potentials and more, all can become very real while engaging in this exercise. Of course, there are many different intentions you can set before a session of eye gazing that can bring out an array of outcomes, but let’s jump into a rundown of how to go about an eye gazing session and from there we can explore what the benefits of such a practice might be.

When eye contact between two people is initiated and maintained, an invisible energetic circuit is established between the two participants, dissolving the barriers that ordinarily separate them from each other, drawing them ever closer into a shared awareness of union.”  Will Johnson

Right off the top it’s possible that some of us might think this is some “new-agey” or spiritual practice. I can assure you that eye gazing can be used by anyone and while the experiences we may get from a session might be different, everyone will certainly feel something and likely benefit from it.

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Scientists Find Evidence For An Extraperceptionary ‘6th Sense’ Existing Somewhere In The Brain

by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

In 1976, a presentation was given at the Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers (IEEE) on a paper published by the Institute on behalf of Hal Puthoff and Russell Targ.

The paper was titled “A Perceptual Channel For Information Transfer Over Kilometer Distances: Historical Perspectives and Recent Research.”

Puthoff, who held a PhD in electrical engineering from Stanford, at the time was commissioned by the CIA/DIA and Stanford Research Institute to direct the Stargate project, which was one of many secret government programs that remained hidden from public knowledge for more than 20 years.

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23 Words For Emotions You’ve Felt, But Couldn’t Explain

by Rajie Kabli, Collective Evolution

Language: It’s a beautiful thing, and powerful, but it can only go so far. There are times when it feels like it fails us, unable to do justice to some of life’s most intense experiences. The depth and scope of our emotions are what make us truly complex beings, and this can really leave others, not to mention ourselves, guessing what are we feeling in certain moments.

Graphic designer John Koenig has written a collection of invented words, called “The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows,” that highlights some of the gaps in our language. It addresses those times when we experience complex emotions that have no definition, and can leave us feeling like we’re the only person who’s ever experienced them.

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We’re About To See A Record-Breaking Supermoon. Biggest In Nearly 70 Years

by Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

This year, 2016, has seen an endless array of mesmerizing astronomical events. And with only a couple months left in the year, there’s still more to talk about.

On November 14, a spectacular supermoon will occur, where the Moon will be the closest to Earth it’s been since January 1948. This event is even more significant because the Moon will appear up to 14% larger, and 30% brighter, than the typical full moon we are used to viewing. The Moon won’t be this close to the Earth again until November 25th, 2034.

Supermoons aren’t all that rare, but they sure are interesting, as the Moon has an elliptical orbit, with one side referred to as the perigree that is around 48,280 km (30,000 miles) closer to Earth than the other side, which is called the apogee.

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Almost No Children In France Are Medicated For ADHD: Here’s How They Define & Treat It

by Kalee Brown, Collective Evolution

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), approximately 11% of American children between the ages of 4 and 17 have been diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) as of 2011. However, if you ask the American Psychiatric Association (APA), they maintain that even though only 5% of American children suffer from the disorder, the diagnosis is actually given to around 15% of American children. This number has been steadily rising, jumping from 7.8% in 2003 to 9.5% in 2007.

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Evidence of Psychic Abilities Explored By Scientists in A New Video Series

by Adrian D. Nelson, Collective Evolution

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Is telepathy real? Can mind affect matter? Can we sense future events? Below are 4 short films introducing research into mysterious capacities of the mind, researchers call “psi.” 

In these films, I’ve tried to capture some of what I find fascinating and profound about these controversial effects. They were created as part of the NextGen Initiative at the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS).

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Breaking: CDC Blocks Testimony of Their Senior Scientist Who Blew The Whistle on Severe Medical Malpractice

by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

Have you heard of Dr. William Thompson?  If you haven’t, you’re not alone. His story was completely ignored by mainstream media outlets, the same way that they recently ignored the fact that the Pentagon paid a PR firm half a billon dollars to make fake terrorist/news videos. 

Dr. William Thompson is a longtime senior CDC scientist. He has published some of the most commonly cited pro-vaccine studies — studies which purport to show absolutely no link between the MMR vaccine and autism, for example.

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7 Steps To Observing Your Mind

by Allie Stark, Collective Evolution

We are taught from a very young age that regular exercise and nutrient-dense foods are the recipe for a long and healthy life. What we are not often taught is how our overall health, well-being, and behaviours are deeply impacted by our ability to observe our mind and our thoughts. In this entry, I will share information with you about the power of your thoughts and some simple steps for you to begin observing your mind.

I have been working with a client who is trying to implement more exercise and movement into her everyday life. Given her current work hours, we decided that she could commit to walking to and from work twice a week in order for exercise to be interwoven into her current schedule. For the first few weeks, it went really well. However, last week she shared with me that on both of her walks, she had been confronted by strangers on the street directing overwhelmingly vulgar, racist, and hateful comments toward her.

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Popular UFO Researcher Found Dead Days After Texting: ‘If Anything Happens To Me, Investigate”

by Alanna Ketler, Collective Evolution

British researcher and ‘conspiracy theorist’ who was visiting Poland to give a talk about his research into UFO’s was found dead on a sofa just days after sending a fearful text to his Mother.

Max Spiers, 39, was starting to make a name for himself in the realm of alternative research specifically into the topics of UFO’s and government cover-ups. Like many researchers in this field, he began to seem worried that his line of work was making him a target to those that do not want specific information known.

In a chilling text to his Mother, Vanessa Bates, days before his death, Spiers wrote:

“Your boy’s in trouble. If anything happens to me, investigate.”


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