Collective Evolution

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How Cannabis Transformed My Severely Autistic Son

by Mary Biles, Collective Evolution

“People who don’t live severe autism can’t really understand what it means. It’s life in the shadow of hell,” says Israeli Abigail Dar, mother to 23 year old Yuval, who began showing signs of autism at the age of 18 months.

Yuval is one of a growing number of children being diagnosed with autism, which according to the World Health Organization affects 1 in 160, a figure that rises to 1 in 68 in the United States.

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How GMOs Quietly Became a Staple In Our Society By the Corporate Food Industry

by Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

Genetically-modified organisms (GMOs) have undoubtedly become one of the most controversial food and environmental subjects to date. Food companies fight GMO labeling, various food chains and brands have chosen to cease including GMO ingredients on their menus and in their products, health advocates continue to push for GMOs being banned altogether, and yet, lurking in the background is the Big Food and industrial corporations quietly making large profits at the expense of our health while the fight continues to unfold.

There remain so many unknowns about GMOs that have people concerned, including the long-term health effects of ingesting them and the harm the plants and farming methods have on the environment. And while numerous studies reveal that GMOs can, indeed, be harmful to human health, for instance, eloquent statements assure people they are okay.

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Super Moon In Taurus: Unleashing Our Gifts

by Carmen Di Luccio, Collective Evolution

We are having a Full Moon in Taurus on November 14th and in the early hours of the 15th in eastern Australia and New Zealand. In the Western part of the Americas, it will appear the most Full on the night of the 13th.

Like last month, it will be another ‘Super Moon’, which is when it is closest to Earth and appears larger. This one is the largest since 1948. Considering that it is also in Taurus, a sign that the Moon is ‘exalted’ in,  this Full Moon is a special one.

The effects of a Full Moon become more noticeable in the 3 days leading up to it, and still present during the 3 days following, but is stronger when it is closer to the exact moment. The exact time of the Full Moon will be 1:52 pm Universal Time (Click here for your time zone)

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Millions Around The World Are Watching..

by Rajie Kabli, Collective Evolution

The North Dakota Access Pipeline protests rage on. The latest comes today when a Dakota Access company resumed construction of its pipeline that is said to run under the Missouri River after requests from Army Corps were ignored to wait as they assess re-route options.

The protesters call themselves water protectors. The Missouri is their main source of water and they are protecting the land, water, and air of ancient native burial grounds. Camps formed back in April and protests began in August. Members of the Sioux Indigenous tribe of Standing Rock are going up against Energy Transfer Partners, the oil company looking to finally complete the last 2000km of a pipeline running through 4 different states (Illinois, Idaho, South Dakota, North Dakota). This whole project has $3.8B invested in it from 17 national banks and a host of other investors.

But, there seems to be a bigger issue at stake here, one we’ve seen many times in the past but never confronted head on. That is, corporate interests and profits taking precedence over the health and well-being of the people and the land.

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A Simple Guide For How To Realign Your Chakras

by Rajie Kabli, Collective Evolution

There’s a system in our body that is very subtle, yet if it’s thrown off you will feel it in many aspects of your life. It’s sometimes tough for people to accept the energetic system of the chakras because it’s not like we can look inside our abdomen and see our third chakra doing its thing in our solar plexus, but there are very real physical manifestations that can play out when a chakra is deficient or excessive. For example, headaches, depression, gut issues, money problems, colds/sicknesses, heart ache, fertility issues, and lots more.

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This Street Grows Its Own Food For The Entire Neighborhood

by Alanna Ketler, Collective Evolution

More and more, people are joining an initiative to grow their own food and in turn, are fighting the current corrupt systems. You may have heard of the popular Grow Food Not lawns movement, which has many people turning their front and back yards into gardens for growing food.

I mean when you think about it, it makes a lot more sense: what benefit do lawns provide us with anyways? They don’t attract bees, are a lot of effort to maintain, and generally require a lot of pesticides and fertilizers to keep the pests out and the grass growing lush and green. Surprisingly, in many States in the U.S. it is actually illegal to turn your front yard into a garden.

Two Australians have started the country’s first integrated edible streetscape after being upset over the grocery store price of a single lime. These folks are aiming to live a simple organic lifestyle that includes community and of course, fresh food.

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The Revolving Solar-Powered Home That Won Big at California’s First Tiny House Competition

by Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

The tiny house movement seems to get bigger and bigger each year (pun intended), and now there’s even competitions for it!

California’s first tiny house competition took place recently, and showed off some genius ideas. Called the SMUD Tiny House Competition, the grand prize was a whopping $10,000, provided by partner sponsor Raley’s Family of Fine Stores along with other sponsors.

The competition was held the week of Oct. 10 at Cosumnes River College in Sacramento. First place was awarded to Santa Clarita University students, who created a 238 square foot structure boasting astonishing attributes from a technological and design standpoint.

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These Plants Are Oxygen Bombs & They Clean The Air In Your Home

by Joe Martino, Collective Evolution

Everyone would love to have a fresh, clean living space to come home to each day, and while part of that is up to us, we can put some house plants to work to keep our air clean quite effectively. Thankfully, NASA’s Clean Air Study helps us know which are effective.

Environmental toxins are important to cut down on. With toxins entering our body from our air, clothing, food, water, cosmetics, soaps, shampoos etc, not being aware of what we’re exposed to can increase our risks of disease.

Eighty-four thousand chemicals are legal for commerce in the US. Incredibly, all are essentially unregulated. In 2011, chemicals accounted for more than $763 billion in revenue. For example, the six billion pounds of BPA produced every year generates about $8 billion in profits for its manufacturers.

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Putin’s On Trump Victory: Russia Ready To Restore Peace With US

by Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

Today America is divided. People are sad and others are happy. And somewhere in between everyone is staring at each other in confusion as to how to strike up a conversation without offending someone else. Today is strange, historical and exhausting to talk about. But the results have been finalized and Donald J Trump is America’s new president. There are many things that will happen as a result of this, and Russia is already weighing in.
According to Russian President Vladimir Putin, Russia is prepared to move forward with restoring a healthy relationship with the United States. This came after the news of Trump’s victory rolled in.
Putin spoke at the presentation ceremony of foreign ambassadors’ letters of credentials in Moscow, saying:
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Denver To Hire Hundreds Of Homeless People To Work For The City

by Alanna Ketler, Collective Evolution

Over the next year, the city of Denver, Colorado will try something new. While some people will consider this outrageous, others will wonder why we’ve never tried this before: the city will make paying jobs available to the hundreds of homeless people without jobs.

The Denver Day Works Program started November 1st and is expected to run until next October. The program will offer day-by-day jobs to the people who are currently living on the streets. The work will be for the city and will include park maintenance, planting trees, and clearing snow.

Spokesperson for Denver Human Services, Julie Smith said: “We want it to be low to no barriers. No background checks. Do you want to work? We’re going to put you to work today.”


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