Collective Evolution

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Breaking: Judge Rejects “Riot” Charges Against Amy Goodman In North Dakota

by Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

From a media standpoint, one thing has been very clear regarding coverage of the Dakota Access Pipeline event: it’s extremely taboo to report on. I say this because until Amy Goodman, a Democracy Now! journalist, went to the main protest site of what she refers to as “the standoff at Standing Rock” on September 3, not one of the major American broadcast networks had assigned a reporter to go onsite to report, nor had they even mentioned the protest on air.

Earlier today, on Monday, October 17, 2016, Amy Goodman was set to walk into the Morton County–Mandan Combined Law Enforcement and Corrections Center to turn herself into the local authorities. Goodman was charged with rioting, even though she was simply onsite to report the news. Even though the charges have now been dropped, this still speaks volumes about mainstream media and the US legal system.

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Binging & Other Unhealthy Food Habits Many People Share: 4 Tips To Start Eating More Consciously

by Katrina Love Senn, Collective Evolution

Have you ever devoured a whole bag of cookies or crisps while you were feeling distracted, exhausted, or emotional? And then, completely forgotten what (or even if) you had eaten?

I know I have!

In the past, when I was feeling sick, stressed, and overweight, I would constantly find myself eating food throughout the day, just trying to get enough energy to keep myself going.

But all this changed when one day my body completely collapsed and I was intuitively guided to start my own healing journey.

It was on my healing path that I discovered the idea of eating consciously. Embracing mindful and conscious eating habits helped my attitude toward food and my body change for the better.

I healed my body of chronic health conditions including asthma, eczema, chronic fatigue syndrome, and adrenal exhaustion, among many others.

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What Some ‘Charities’ are Actually Doing With Your Money? Not All Good Causes Are Created Equal

by Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

I regularly find myself faced with a predicament at checkout counters of places like grocery markets and pet stores: “Would you like to donate a dollar to this charity?”

Sometimes I do it because it feels right. Other times the look in the attendant’s eyes makes me feel guilty and pressured, and I oblige, as if I wasn’t asked, but told. Other times, I refuse because I’ve already done it, and I make sure to tell them that, as opposed to simply saying no. But when this conversation came up with a friend the other day, they advised me to ask, next time, “How much of the donation money actually goes to the charity?”

A quick sweep of the web will reveal why this question is so important.

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Wikileaks’ Podesta Email Mentions “Zero-Point Energy”

by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

“Dear John, Because the War in Space race is heating up, I felt you should be aware of several factors as you and I schedule our Skype talk. Remember, our nonviolent ETI from the contiguous universe are helping us bring zero point energy to Earth. They will not tolerate any forms of military violence on Earth or in space. The following information in italics was shared with me by my colleague Carol Rosin, who worked closely for several years with Wernher von Braun before his death. Carol and I have worked on the Treaty on the Prevention of the Placement of Weapons in Outer Space, attached for your convenience.”

Above is the email sent from Apollo 14 astronaut and 6th man to walk on the moon, Dr. Edgar Mitchell to Johan Podesta, the head of Hillary Clinton’s campaign and long time politician.

You can read the rest of the email straight from Wikileaks here, and also download the documents attached on the website. 

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Nestlé Taking 3.6 Million Liters of Precious Groundwater A Day From Small Town In Severe Drought

by Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

The repercussions of Nestlé’s controversial decisions continue to surface. Most recently the bottled water giant outbid a small town in Canada pushing to secure long-term water supply through a local well. The outcome caused a national boycott of Nestlé as a result.

Activist group, The Council of Canadians, launched the boycott on Thursday shortly following the news that Nestlé outbid the Township of Centre Wellington, Ont. for the well that has the potential to give it a new water supply.

The activist group stressed the critical need for bottled water industry reform given the fact that the country continues to battle drought and depletion of ground water reserves.

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Trouble Sleeping? 4 Herbs That Help You Get A Good Night’s Sleep

by Mark DeNicola, Collective Evolution

Insomnia can be a debilitating affliction, leaving us physically, mentally, and emotionally depleted. And it can be surprisingly difficult to overcome, its causes complex and often mysterious.

If you do suffer from insomnia, you are certainly not alone, as a 2013 study from the CDC revealed that nine million Americans use prescription sleeping pills to help them sleep at night. When you factor in how many unwanted side effects generally accompany pharmaceuticals, that number is certainly alarming and in dire need of change.

Thankfully there are healthier, natural solutions for you and your loved ones to turn to should you have trouble sleeping. Here are four of the best herbs that you can start using today to help you get a good night’s rest:

1. Lavender

Most of us are familiar with lavender-scented soaps and detergents. Lavender’s distinctive aroma is enjoyed by most, and thankfully, it grows in many places around the world (including the United States and Europe), making it relatively easy to find.

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Why The Struggle Is Bigger Than One Pipeline: Oil Company Lied About Safety of DAPL

by Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

The Dakota Access Pipeline has exposed a harsh reality many were unaware of or attempted to ignore: U.S. oil interest and government co-conspirators will bulldoze over any and all obstacles standing in their way of collecting billions from exploiting fossil fuels.

While the Standing Rock Sioux tribe, and thousands of supporters across the country, have vehemently protested the 30-inch pipeline, Energy Transfer Partners have, without blinking, stolen land from private landowners, ruined ancient Native american burial grounds, and put hundreds of waterbodies in harm, including the Missouri River water source of the tribe.

The people of Standing Rock have even filed a lawsuit to halt the construction from further damage, as has one of the South Dakota Native American nations and landowners in Iowa. Meanwhile, other members of the camp have taken nonviolent actions, locking arms around construction machinery to stop the digging. Many have been arrested as a result.

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The Science Behind What Happens To Your Body When You Go Organic – Because People Still Don’t Believe It

by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

When it comes to eating organic, and encouraging others to do so, it’s not uncommon to hear a response in the form of, “well, how do we really know it’s organic” or “it probably doesn’t even make a difference.”

This is still common, but with more uproar within the past few years about the concerns surrounding the pesticides that are constantly sprayed on our foods, science is now stepping in to examine the difference.

Furthermore, a number of countries are completely banning the pesticides commonly sprayed on food in North America, and for good reasons, some of which are outlined below.

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10 Companies That Control Almost Everything We Eat & Drink (Infographic)

by Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

Scour the aisles of the grocery store, and you may be astonished to find just how many types of Pringles there are out there. But while there seems to be no end to the diversity of junk food, a comprehensive infographic has been put together to show you just how few corporations provide us with the hundreds of products available at our fingertips.

Oxfam International created the infographic that exposes an inconceivable reality: Just 10 main corporations manufacture the majority of what we purchase at the market.

“What we did is we took certain issues … [and] we saw the kind of impacts they had on the ground,” Chris Jochnick of Oxfam told NPR. “We released reports about those issues and those impacts and how they’re tied to the 10 largest food and beverage companies. And then we pushed the companies to begin to address them.”


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