Collective Evolution

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What Causes Addiction? A Very Fascinating Study Shows We Might Be Completely Wrong About It

What causes addiction? Many shake their heads at the various forms of drugs that infiltrate our society and take over loved ones,’ acquaintances’ and strangers’ lives. We try to blame these poisons for people’s addictions because we believe the very fundamental value of humans is better than that. But is it the drugs that we should really be pointing the finger at?

The following video is adapted from Johann Hari’s New York Times best-selling book Chasing The Scream: The First and Last Days of the War on DrugsThey explain that, beyond the idea of the definition of an addiction, which says that, after 21 days of use, your body will begin to crave that substance as a result of chemical hooks in the drug, it is also our connection to each other and our environment that has an immense impact.

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The Vimanas Of Ancient India & The Tales Of Ancient Flying Machines

If you are interested in the modern day UFO/ET phenomenon,  you can click here, this should take you to the exopolitics section of our website where you can find all of our articles on the topic. This article, however, will deal with a fraction of historical accounts of supposed ancient flying machines and extraterrestrials.

We have spiritual beliefs today, but not like the ancients. Thousands of years ago, people confronted forces well beyond their control and understanding: hence the gods. During ancient times, it was universally held that human civilization was a gift of the gods. Whether in Egypt, Mesopotamia, Israel, Greece, Scandinavia, Britain, India, China, Africa, the Americas or elsewhere, most people believed the gods brought them the tools of civilization – agriculture, writing, medicine – everything worth having. When the monotheistic religions became dominant, the gods became a God, but the beat continued. – Richard Dolan (1)

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7 Ways To Buy Organic Products Without Breaking The Bank

There is a lot of controversy surrounding the word “organic.” While many people are educated on the importance of opting for organic due to the ever-growing list of foods inflicted with GMOs, synthetic pesticides, roundup herbicides, growth-promoting antibiotics and more, they simply can’t seem to fathom spending more money on a product when the cheaper option is in front of their face. And although it can easily be said that, while you spend less money on non-organic, you might be upping your risk of spending more money on medical bills in the long run, perhaps what people need to focus their energy on is ways to be both organic and budget-friendly.

Here are a list of ways you can buy organic without breaking the bank:

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Eating Organic Vs Eating Conventional When You’re Pregnant – What Science Says For Your Baby

Creating awareness regarding the dangers associated with our modern day food industry is a big theme here at Collective Evolution. This information can’t be shared enough; there are good reasons why a number of countries banned certain pesticides as well as GMOs from being grown in or imported to their country, and you’ll find a few of these reasons below.

According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), organic farms and processors must not use any genetically modified ingredients. This means that organic farmers can’t plant GMO seeds, an organic cow can’t eat GMO feed, an organic soup producer can’t use any GMO ingredients, and so on. Farmers and processors must show that they aren’t using GMOs and that they are protecting their products from contact with prohibited substances from farm to table. In order for something to qualify as organic, it must also be free from most synthetic materials, like pesticides and antibiotics. (source)(source)

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Spectacular Photos Reveal Newly Protected Great Bear Rainforest (PHOTOS)

In a world often filled with saddening news in relation to the state of our environment, I’m happy to share a positive announcement about a temperate rain forest in British Columbia, Canada.

The stunning Great Bear Rainforest of B.C. is approximately 6.4 million hectares in size, runs along the Pacific coast of the Canadian province, and is home to dozens of animals — including cougars, wolves, and the kermode bear (a unique subspecies of the black bear).

Thanks to new legislation passed earlier this week, 85% of the rainforest is now protected from logging. Both Conservationists and First Nations people have been fighting for the protection of this rainforest for over 20 years, so it’s great to see at least 85% of it come into place.

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Why Genetically Engineered Trees Harm The Planet & How We Can Stop Them

Genetic engineering involves high-tech methods to integrate genes straight into an organism. It’s a term that has caused an overwhelming amount of controversy and concern in the food industry because of their effect on our health and the environment. And while the battle to get back to the basics and live from the earth once again is ongoing, there seems to be a new threat to this ideology.

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Former Bush Official Exposes The Much Needed Truth About US Politics – ‘The Ship Is Sinking’

For ages, citizens of various Western/developed nations have witnessed the infiltration of several countries situated in the Middle East for supposed security reasons. Take 9/11 for example, which had nothing to do with the country of Iraq, yet was then used to justify the infiltration (by the Western military alliance) of that country. This invasion resulted in the loss of millions of innocent lives in that country alone, and for what? We were told that it was to fight terrorism, but as time went on, millions of people started to realize that 9/11, and many other so called ‘terrorist’ threats, were actually pure fabrications; that these ‘false flag’ terrorist activities are completely manufactured by the same military alliance that claims to be going after the perpetrators of these events in the first place. The war on terror appears to be being purposefully prolonged for the benefit of the many powerful people who maintain vested interest in that prolongation — the people for whom profit is derived from conflict. There could be a number of reasons why this has happened, and according to many, it’s to establish a New World Order.

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See Why & How This School Teaches Kids To See With Their Eyes Closes

Many claim that we are all born with a natural intuitive ability to perceive beyond our known senses, and this notion is well established in the teachings of various ancient texts. While that of course does not alone make something true, we now also have a wealth of scientific data which confirms this ability.

According to The Art of Living, which is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives, these natural intuitive abilities are more visible and ‘alive’ in children “whose minds are still fresh, less obsessive and more in tune with nature.”

The Art of Living process attempts to help children tap into the intuitive abilities of the mind, which, according to the movement, are “demonstrated by them seeing colours, reading text and identifying pictures with eyes closed.” They believe that deep and enigmatic faculties are present in a latent form in every child. To make these faculties blossom and become more firmly established, the mind needs proper nurturing and nourishment. That’s where the Intuition process offered by The Art of Living comes in.

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7 Critical Things We All Need To Stop Saying To Ourselves

I’m a firm believer that, unless you have some dastardly villain out to get you and your loved ones, we are all our own worst enemy. As much as we all may have that handful of traumatic experiences, caused by the unkind words or actions of another, we can all think of an endless number of times when our thoughts did much worse.

Don’t believe me? Think of how many times you thought of an idea, only to be quickly shut down by thoughts relating to fear, laziness, and belittlement — to name a few.

Given that life by its very nature already throws us more than enough curveballs, why do so many of us maintain the habit of sabotaging our own existence? When did self-ridicule and doubt become the norm? And would we still live in a world where true leaders and risk takers are so hard to come by if we weren’t this way?

As part of my own journey towards more inner confidence, I’ve come up with 7 things we need to stop saying to ourselves so often:

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Watch The Most Truthful & Honest 3 Minutes In Television History

I think we can all attest to the immense popularity of television these days. While the average viewer has pulled their attention from live TV over to OnDemand platforms, the love for and obsession over television programming remains strong. I see this as a reflection of the state of not only our world in the West but also of the average person; more than simply wanting to be entertained, we enjoy being distracted from our everyday lives.

Have you ever watched a television show or movie and noticed you were becoming immersed in the characters and their stories? Perhaps there were times in your life when you may have wanted to do what you saw on TV or in a movie? Maybe you wanted your life to play out that way when it comes to a job or a relationship, or maybe you infatuated so much with characters that you started to act like them, be like them, buy posters of them, and so forth.


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