- 12.12 - Clarion Call ! Calling all Sovereign Beings- Your Assistance Is Needed -Mother Earth Needs your Help!
- December 3, 2012 Planetary Alignment with Giza Pyramids (Orion's WOW Its Getting exciting
- Poof for December 2, 2012: No Worries
- Message from Thoth, Maat & Hermes © channeled by Clairewww.sourceofgoodness.com28.11.12
- Important Message from The Earth Allies About The Galactic Alignment
- Marlene Swetlishoff ~ HILARION’S WEEKLY MESSAGE ~ 2December2012
- Montague’s Message for Sunday, 2nd December 2012~ People are Waking Up
- From Terra to her wondrous children of light
- Madulla Oblongata
- Heavenletter #4392 Building This World , December 3, 2012
- A beautiful day
- Coronal "Curveball"
- ~The Rare Alignment Begins ~
- Fran Zepeda ~ You Are Making Great Leaps in Consciousness~ 2
- ~ 2012~ We Shall Be FREE~
- The Flower of Life and The Fully Reactivated Key of Life Creators gift to Humanity for 2012 and Beyond
- The True History Of All Pyramids
- The Vaccine Hoax is Over
- North Star's Distance To Earth Shorter Than Previously Thought, Polaris Study Shows
- Your time is here. Feel the love around you now as it increases in intensity~by Ron Head
- God Communicates His PERFECT Wisdom with Each of You Melchizedek’s Weekly Message ~
- How To Increase Your Awareness and Expand Your Consciousness
- Timewave Zero December 2012 Time Ceases to Exsit on December 21st
- German banks asked to facilitate medicine sales to Iran
- Want to Manifest?
- Could a Syria-style Internet blackout happen in the US?
- DEAD~ON Planetary Alignment on Dec 3 MULTI Confirmed!
- ~ Earth Ally Will Harader~ Michael & Lucifer The Truth
- 'Polar Wander:' Earth's Outer Layers May Be Drifting Over Molten Core
- We are Moving Into the Stargate Everyone! Enjoy The Ride!
- Dec 3 - 9, Doreen's Weekly Oracle Card Reading
- Paradigm Shift Radio Ep24 ∞ Perseverance, Discipline, Awakening. Ft Michelle Infinity
- ~ Cleansing River of Love~ Coming Through~
- ~Where is the Kingdom of Heaven? Where Is God? Where Is Love?
- Lakota Dakota Sacred Prayer ~ Wakan Wochekiye
- Lucas - The World Up Side Down - Just New Perspectives - 2 December 2012
- Whats Going to Happen On December 21st 2012?
- Louisiana Sinkhole Evacuees Won't Be Home For Awhile
- ASCENSION MEDITATION -- Lord Ashtar -- 12/3 - 12/10
- Coast To Coast AM – Drunvalo Melchizedek Interview – 2012 & Earth Activations – 3 December 2012
- VIsionkeeper - Free to fly at last
- Ohio Sinkhole Devours Four Football Fields Of Land, Stretch Of State Highway 516 Near Dover
- Template Portal
- Oracle Report - Monday, December 3, 2012
- Drew – Best Natural Herbs for Anxiety and Depression – 2December2012
- Eden Clark: Our Shifting DNA: Research, Symptoms, Food for Thought…
- Ron Van Dyke: 03-12-2012: WHICH AGE ARE WE REALLY IN? WHERE ARE WE?
- Rose-Tu delivers! 300-pound baby elephant born at Oregon Zoo (Video)
- Mother's forgiveness gives convict second chance (Video)
- Winds Spur Wildfire Evacuations in Rocky Mtn. Park
- Snow is expected as UK weather worsens
- Heart Song for December 3rd 2012
- Volcanic activity world-wide 1-3 December 2012
- Latest Earthquake Activity - December 3, 2012
- Third Strong Storm in Week Drenches West
- Angela Peregoff – The Week Ahead: 12.03.12
- Earthquakes strike Vanuatu, Romania, Alaska, and Central America
- Jennifer Hoffman – The Energies Of December
- At last, how many alien civilizations are there?
- Origin of intelligence, mental illness linked to ancient genetic accident
- Typhoon Bopha heading for southern Philippines
- Ups and downs in the daily minimum solar irradiance
- 2MIN News December 3, 2012
- Experts warn dangerous build-up of magma occurring at many of Japan’s 110 active volcanoes
- 12-3-12 Bill Ballard ~ Experiencing Dimensional Slides More Often as WE Near Zero Point
- SaLuSa – 12/3/2012
- Allowing Your Glory and Greatness to Be
- The Master Shift - 12.12.12 - Global UNITY Moment - Let's Make History!
- December 2012 Countdown - Introduction
- The Purple Flame Decrees are Here: A Message from St. Germain and the Transition Team
- California School For The Deaf Football Team Wins League Title, Draws National Attention (VIDEO)
- Champions of the Future
- New Era Begins?
Greetings Love Beings, WOW, almost speechless again as the Energies Of Love are Spiriling aorund the Planet Ignited by a rare alignment which occurred for us last night aligned with the Giza Pyramids. The Amount of Light Pouring into the Planet right now is simply amazing, and its only up from Here! We Love You, Love The Earth Allies
12.12 - Clarion Call ! Calling all Sovereign Beings- Your Assistance Is Needed -Mother Earth Needs your Help!
December 3, 2012 Planetary Alignment with Giza Pyramids (Orion's WOW Its Getting exciting
Published on Oct 1, 2012 by amd03288
Rare Even....On December 3, 2012, the Planetary Alignment (of Mercury, Venus, Saturn) with Giza Pyramids (Orion's Belt). Could this event signal the end of days?
You can Join us for this Magical day at Our Weekly Staff Meeting Monday Morning December 3rd, at 10:30am Pacific at this Link: http://tinychat.com/soundofheart
Poof for December 2, 2012: No Worries
Dec. 2, 2012 | Source
Greetings and Salutations:
I must apologize for the interview that folks heard on the net, I have turned down many interviews in the past, this time I did not know I was being recorded so, I was little ‘blue’ for some listeners. Much info I have been sitting on for years and have kept to myself. When you Know the game and the players, you know the lies being perpetrated thru the media. When the info is given to the public, I won’t be one of the people shocked by what is told, I’ll be relieved. And my head won’t be exploding anymore with ‘contained’ intel and info. Just because you know something doesn’t mean you need to speak it out to the uninitiated that have no background in understanding.
~by Sandra Walter, Creative Evolution
www.sandrawalter.com Repost for current events
I described how a vortex works in my eCourse last week; how the Earth is passing through the smallest part of the hourglass right now. We get the galactic squeeze for a few more months, with the big push on December 21.
Besides the chaotic effect it has on our schedule, it also provides a brilliant possibility which we have been waiting for a long time. A blink to the Milky Way, or 300,000 years for many of us.
This galactic squeeze creates a few unique experiences:
* Diminishing Magnetosphere – different frequencies of light penetrate the planet and everything on and in her being
* Dimensional overlap – aka thinning of the veils, aka Astral collapse, aka global warming
* Rapid Evolution aka Jump time
Important Message from The Earth Allies About The Galactic Alignment
The Energy of December 21st, 2012
The Earth's Destiny is about to be Fulfilled, the Emergence of Unconditional Love is being Birthed on this Planet within every Beating Heart. This Love will be making its presence Known to the Inner Heart of everyone. As this Love arrives in full intensity, this energy will flow through everyone's Hearts, where the Truth of One's being comes Alive. This will be arriving from All The Alignments, Events, Portals, and Stargates of this Magical Month of December.
The Paradise of the Original Plan for Planet Earth=Heart is unfolding. The Shift for this manifestation is occurring within the Center of all that is, which is LOVE, and ONLY LOVE. This Shift into Oneness is Happening Now and will climax on December 21st, 2012. This IS an Unstoppable Energy which is arriving and is Going to Burst Forth into All Of Humanity's Dna and Body Holograms. As Per The Decree Given To Humanity By MotherEarth and The Company of Heaven.
Marlene Swetlishoff ~ HILARION’S WEEKLY MESSAGE ~ 2December2012
December 2~9, 2012
Beloved Ones,
Keep working your disciplines and do not falter. There is much that is transpiring in the world around you and it is important to stay grounded and in a place of calm centeredness. Your individual Light is expanding day by day and affecting those around you. You do not see this but it is so. You are the catalysts for change just by your presence as you daily walk your path on Earth and therefore you influence more than you can ever know, your Light is that bright and illuminating. Those who experience your Light are moved to introspection of their own life and ways of being.
There will be many activities of Light in this month all around the world and this is lifting the potential for Humanity in all ways. It is a time of gathering together in great numbers to open up the gates of higher dimensions and the greater possibilities that they represent to Humanity and the Earth. We are delighted by your intentions to be a part of this momentous and pivotal moment in the cycles of time. Find the activities that are of the greatest resonance to you and make your intentions be for the highest good for all.
Montague’s Message for Sunday, 2nd December 2012~ People are Waking Up
Veronica my dear, you can see it all around you now: people waking up. They are refusing to accept what they had blindly accepted in the past. The Stand for Justice in so many countries is gaining strength. There is a determination to support their fellow human beings who have been so badly treated while the world turned a blind eye. No more will this situation be allowed to carry on. The bully boys now find themselves isolated and alone. They are having great difficulty coming to terms with the new situation.
This month of December will uncover so much. We are making steady progress, my dear. Much happens behind the scenes that you are unaware of, as yet. There is a lot of unrest in the United States: questions are being asked and explanations are being demanded.
The corrupt stand no chance of holding on to what they acquired by corrupt means. It is a time for everyone to know who he is; his true history; and what the future holds for him. You, my dear, and your team, are struggling to bring forth real evidence of your true history. This throws a completely different light on everything you have been taught. You are endeavouring also to change the energy, so that light alone exists, and all ties with the corrupt are removed from your planet.
From Terra to her wondrous children of light
I am your Mother, I am Terra and I would like to speak with my wondrous children of light. Some can hear me, some can feel me but there others who have closed their minds - believing that I am but inanimate soil, rocks, gases, minerals beneath their feet.
This is a time of great momentum my beloved children of light, we have been working together towards this upcoming Golden Age for some time although many have forgotten….but many many millions of souls have awoken or are awakening to the true nature of their being and the sacred connection we have together, with each other and our star families.
We have a symbiotic connection beloved ones and combined we can bring the divine plan into being – where only the highest vibratory frequencies are maintained – where only peace and love dominate – no fears, no 3D struggles but only Truth and Light and Joy – with you deciding how best you want to be of service to the All that Is.
Madulla Oblongata
The word medulla oblongota is something that has been stuck in my mind since I began posting in Sept., I think it was. I just knew in my Ab/Heart that it had a connection to not so Ancient Egypt, what, I had no idea. Not sure if this means ANYTHING to anybody, even me, so, here it is.
“The Trans-Himalayan school... locates Sushumna, the chief seat of these three nadis, in the central duct of the spinal cord, and Ida and Pingala (the two Witnesses of the Apocalypse) in the left and right sides respectively. Ida and Pingala are simply the sharp and flat of the note FA of human Nature, which, when struck in a proper way, awakens the sentries on either side, the spiritual Manas and the physical Kamas, and subdues the inferior by means of the superior.
“The pure Akasha passes through Sushumna (the medullar canal). Its two aspects flow in Ida and Pingala (the pair of sympathetic cords that are entwined around the spinal medulla). These are the three vital airs, symbolized by the Brahmanic thread and are ruled by the will. Will and desire are the superior and inferior aspects of one and the same thing. Hence, the importance of purifying the channels... from these three a circulation is established which from the central canal penetrates the whole body.
“Ida and Pingala function in the curved wall of the vertebral column in which is found Sushumna (the medullar canal). They are semi-material, positive and negative, Sun and Moon, and put into activity the free and spiritual igneous current of Sushumna. Each has its own particular path, then, if this were not so, they would irradiate the whole body.”
Heavenletter #4392 Building This World , December 3, 2012
Heavenletter #4392 Building This World , December 3, 2012
God said:
When you run after something, ask yourself: “What for? What is your purpose? What are you caught up in?”
Whatever it is, what makes you buy into it? It has been said that whatever you buy, you are buying the dream. A new lipstick will make you more beautiful. Who does not want to be more beautiful? You buy a new tool. It will make you handy.
Your dream of an exciting seminar is to come away with a great how-to, how to make money or how to succeed in some way in the world. Then what, beloveds? What then?
What is the world for, and why are you in it?
You may be eager to take a seminar. It has great appeal for you. Perhaps it will open the financial gates for you or promise to give you a special power. I ask you again, “What for? How does it serve?”
By all means, gain financial success. Yet, I must ask: “Where do you go from there? What are you going to do with it when you get it?”
A beautiful day
The goal for the day was to have fun while doing something for my 88 year old mother with love. The adventure began about 1PM when a friend of my picked me up for a drive to the other side of the city. We both noticed the cloud formations which looked like angel wings. They covered the beautiful blue sky as we made our way through the busy streets.
We stopped for lunch at a nice restaurant and shared so many happy stories about things that had gone on since the last time we had been together. Everyone in the restaurant was smiling and having fun. The food was excellent and we tried an Italian Margarita, something either of us had experienced before. Quite tasty. Neither of us ate much, enjoying instead the surroundings filled with season decorations. This is one of my favorite season because of all the multi-colored lights that are displayed.
From the restaurant we went to visit an adult foster home for my mother. It came to my attention in a way that is very unusual after asking help from my angels. The angel wing clouds were still in the beautiful blue sky. I took my video camera along to record this for my sister who lives in Houston, TX and for my mother to see as she is house bound by her physical frailties.
The home was warm, friendly and everyone in there was happy. Part of the name of the home was Loving Hands. It lived up to it's name. It is my mother's wishes to stay on that side of the city and not be a burden on any of her children and maintain as much independence as possible. This met all our dreams and desires. The owner was decorating the house for the holidays while tending to her clients needs but took the time to answer all our guestions and show us how she kept records for each of the people who lived there.
~The Rare Alignment Begins ~
You can Join us Live NOW~
Intense Energy of Love Is Incoming!
You can Join us Live At This Link:
The True Real Power of Love changes Everything!
According to what we are researching this Alignment begins Sunrise in Egypt and 8pm pacific for us~
Love The Earth Allies
Fran Zepeda ~ You Are Making Great Leaps in Consciousness~ 2
Greetings, dear travelers to higher dimensions and beyond. What you partake in is monumental, a feat cherished and honored by all of us in the Galactic and Celestial Realms.
What you do from here on out is indicative of your next level of attainment. You have built up to now quite a foundation for yourselves and it just gets more full and embodied for you. You are treading on grounds that you were once very unfamiliar with, but lo and behold, you settle into them quite nicely, dear ones.
Nancy B. Detweiler, M.Ed., M.Div.
December 2012 marks the end of 3rd dimensional living. Earth is ascending to the 5th dimension and inviting all Earth humans to accompany her. The 3rd dimensional plane of duality will no longer be a part of Earth.
What does Earth ascending to the 5th dimension mean? No negativity can exist on 5th dimension, where only Unconditional Love, Peace, and Abundance for all are present. That means no more pain, illness, or deprivation of any kind for a single member of the Earth human family.
Ascension, in 2012, is a cosmic event. Our entire solar system is moving forward, out of darkness into the Light. December 21, 2012 marks the end of numerous cycles of time: a 2000 yrs. cycle, a 5000 yrs. cycle, a 26,000 yrs. cycle, a 78,000 yrs. cycle, a 26 million yrs. cycle, and a 225 million yrs. cycle. It is a very momentous time never experienced in human and planetary history.
The Flower of Life and The Fully Reactivated Key of Life Creators gift to Humanity for 2012 and Beyond
The Vaccine Hoax is Over
The Vaccine Hoax is Over
Freedom of Information Act in the UK filed by a doctor there has revealed 30 years of secret official documents showing that government experts have
1. Known the vaccines don’t work
2. Known they cause the diseases they are supposed to prevent
3. Known they are a hazard to children
4. Colluded to lie to the public
5. Worked to prevent safety studies
Those are the same vaccines that are mandated to children in the US.
Educated parents can either get their children out of harm’s way or continue living inside one of the largest most evil lies in history, that vaccines – full of heavy metals, viral diseases, mycoplasma, fecal material, DNA fragments from other species, formaldehyde, polysorbate 80 (a sterilizing agent) – are a miracle of modern medicine.
Freedom of Information Act filed in the US with the CDC by a doctor with an autistic son, seeking information on what the CDC knows about the dangers of vaccines, had by law to be responded to in 20 days. Nearly 7 years later, the doctor went to court and the CDC argued it does not have to turn over documents. A judge ordered the CDC to turn over the documents on September 30th, 2011.
North Star's Distance To Earth Shorter Than Previously Thought, Polaris Study Shows
As Seen on Huffington Post Science By: Tariq Malik
Published: 11/30/2012 02:51 PM EST on SPACE.com
The famed North Star has been a beacon in the night sky throughout human history, but a new study reveals the star is actually closer to our solar system than previously thought.
Scientists studying the North Star Polaris found that it is about 323 light-years from the sun and Earth, substantially closer than a previous estimate of 434 light-years by a European satellite in the late 1990s. The new distance measurement may help astronomers in the pursuit of several cosmic mysteries, such as the hunt for elusive dark energy, researchers said.
To read the rest of this story visit Huffington Post Science
Your time is here. Feel the love around you now as it increases in intensity~by Ron Head
Our message for today will be short and to the point. Every day now will be more intense than the one before it. You are clearing all remaining trauma and negative beliefs… if you so choose. Everything is up to you, dear friends.
Release your love of drama, as well. You do not need it to make you feel alive any longer. All sorts of things are emerging into your awareness from under the rocks in your subconscious. Don’t grab onto them and do the why me thing now. The answer to that is that you must see them, decide to let them go, and release them into the light for the last time. If you dwell upon them, you will only succeed in feeling battered about and they will remain with you to be brought up again, making tomorrow another intense day.
God Communicates His PERFECT Wisdom with Each of You Melchizedek’s Weekly Message ~
~ December 02 ~ 09, 2012
Received by: Julie Miller
December 02, 2012
Timewave Zero December 2012 Time Ceases to Exsit on December 21st
Commentary from The Galactic Free Press~ This is for Your Awareness Only, He is obvioulsy not connected with the Awakening Community as far as awareness of these incoming energies. We find it fascinating how the timeline he states moves into eternity and there will be no more time waves after december 21st! He also states he feels many events will unfold this month. We ask for the Highest Outcome and Smoothest passageway for Al!, Change is Here Love The Earth Allies
German banks asked to facilitate medicine sales to Iran
PressTV Sun Dec 2, 2012 2:7PM GMT
Germany has called on its banks to authorize financial transactions with Iranian banks in a bid to ease restrictions on the sale of much-needed medicines to Iran.
In a letter carried in the Sunday issue of Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, the German Foreign Ministry called on German banks to stop blocking transactions with Iranian banks for medicine sales.
The letter has been sent by German Foreign Ministry diplomat Emily Haber to President of the Federal Association of German Cooperative Banks (BVR) Uwe Frohlich.
To read the rest of this story visit PressTV
Want to Manifest?
Manifestation For Dummies:
Yes! It is THAT simple! There are four easy steps (Cobra lists three, but I added one more)
Step 1: Make your decision of your free will for what you want (note that not making a decision IS a decision, and the cabal has taken advantage of this for millenia) Make your decision, and stick to it!
Step 2: Feel it, act as if your decision has already happened. Experience it in your mind. Imagine it. Feel it in your body. By doing so you are becoming a living example of your manifestation.
Step 3: Receive it! Take physical action. Take steps. Educate yourself on what you want to happen. Be ready and take the steps to be there when it does happen. Note--manifestation is not instant!--it can take ten, twenty years for it to happen. The reason why so many people fail in their ability to manifest is that they Give Up Too Early in the manifestation process.
Step 4: This is my step--Give Thanks to the Universe for providing this thing you manifested to come to you. It is important, very important, to stay grounded, to stay humble, to know your part in the manifestation process, by giving thanks. It is like writing a Thank You card that your mother taught you to do. It is courtesy and respect for the unseen forces in the manifestation process, and will increase the likelihood of MORE gifts being given to you through your power of manifestation.
That is it!
(taken in part from this post http://reikidoc.blogspot.com/2012/12/yoda-105-2012-and-you.html. This and more intel from the Laguna Beach Cobra Conference are under the 'Yoda' titles and search functions)
Could a Syria-style Internet blackout happen in the US?
Devin Coldewey , NBC News
A graph showing of Syrian Telecom's outgoing traffic dropping to zero.
The ongoing Internet blackout in Syria this week, like the one that occurred in Egypt early in 2011, prompts curiosity as to whether such an event could happen in one's own country. Here's one measure that gives a rough idea of how difficult it would be for your government to legally shut down the Internet.
First, it should be explained that the cutoffs in Syria and Egypt weren't the result of a physical disconnection, like bombing the cables or cutting the power to servers or relay stations. A country can take itself off the map largely by removing itself from the Domain Name System and Border Gateway Patrol, the software and databases that tell computers and servers how to contact one another.
DEAD~ON Planetary Alignment on Dec 3 MULTI Confirmed!
Hello friends, just woke up here and reveived an email from tyberron regarding dec.3, 2012.
"There is a very interesting planetary alignment that will take place in two days Dec 3, 2012. Some astrologists and astronomers believe that it is an extremely rare, precise & significant planetary positioning over the Pyramids at Giza. Although there seems to be some differences on the occurrence rarity, it is none the less quite potent and timely .
The December 3rd alignment is an important 'code, step as we enter the countdown to the 12-12-12 Ascension. Much is happening and December 3rd alignment absolutely provides downloads onto the planet that not only effect Giza, but the entire planet, as Giza feeds into all vortexial portals, including Easter Island and Arkansas."
Two days ago I had a fun synch within a (369) blog when I was reading a comment from our dear Jyothis!
My guides tapped Me on the shoulder and I started to do some counting, ......this was my reply:
> Dead ON ~ 666....love it, thank YOU!
~ Earth Ally Will Harader~ Michael & Lucifer The Truth
Michael & Lucifer~ Brilliant Repost
Archangel Michael, the Prince of Light, and Lucifer, the Prince of Darkness,
locked in battle for all eternity over the fate of mankind, or so
the church would have you believe. It's perhaps the most rearranged
and misinterpreted story of them all. Allow me to explain a quite
different version of events.
God and the Angels were together in Oneness, Everything was still united as One. Creation existed,
but individual experience of Creation wasn't yet possible. It's like
having a cake, but not getting to eat it, what fun is that? Creation
wanted to experience itself being Creation, and so the Divine Plan
was formed. Some of the Angels would enter into a dream, where they
would pretend to be outside the Oneness so they could participate in
the unique aspects of the Oneness. The one you know as Lucifer was
the first to volunteer to “leave” Heaven, while Archangel
Michael was the head of the angels who stayed. No conflict here,
rather everyone working together towards the same Goal.
'Polar Wander:' Earth's Outer Layers May Be Drifting Over Molten Core
'Polar Wander:' Earth's Outer Layers May Be Drifting Over Molten Core
We are Moving Into the Stargate Everyone! Enjoy The Ride!
Pubblicato in data 02/dic/2012 da GalacticCentral
Dec 3 - 9, Doreen's Weekly Oracle Card Reading
Pubblicato in data 02/dic/2012 da 4AngelTherapy
Blocks are lifting, the veil is thinning, and new abundance is coming into your life. The earth is calling for your help and prayers.
Paradigm Shift Radio Ep24 ∞ Perseverance, Discipline, Awakening. Ft Michelle Infinity
Pubblicato in data 02/dic/2012 da SKULLBABYLON
Lakota Dakota Sacred Prayer ~ Wakan Wochekiye
Published on Nov 29, 2012 by TolecfromDakote
Wakan Wochekiye - A Dakota & Lakota Sacred Prayer
This prayer was given to me in a rapid dream sequence & vision back in the summer of 2008. I give all thanks & blessings to - Tunkashina / Tunkashila, Great Grandfather, Wakan Tanka, the Creator, Great Mystery - for sharing this beautiful and sacred prayer with me. Ninety 99% of what you read is in its original form as I remembered it and excitedly wrote it down coming out of sleep... that is except for some minor punctuation.
I hope these words touch your soul deeply as they did me.
This prayer is a gift to all of the Dakota, Lakota, Nakota... and all other indigenous people to Grandmother, Mother & Turtle Island.
For the sake of clarification, the planet Dakote, home ancestral planet to the Dakota, Lakota, Nakota & many other Native People... it is in the Taygeta star system, located in Winchincala Sakowin, the Seven Sisters, known by the Lakota as the - 7 Little Girls, known by most people as - the Pleiades constellation.
Mato Was'tečaka
Andromeda Council
Lucas - The World Up Side Down - Just New Perspectives - 2 December 2012
It feels like a fools bumpy ride on the longest (inter)dimensional rollercoaster of the universe, being sometimes up, sometimes down, going left right and in curves and loops. In all you feel the nearing excitement of having dared to be on this ride that will bring you to the most beautiful bliss and feeling that you'd wish for. It is just that what your journey on this planet you have chosen to be experiencing the duality is about.
You feel the calling to get home, the feeling to be getting back at that place we all came from. The source. The oneness and love are as the perfume of flowers that soak the air with their beautiful smells and exotic tones and those flowers just wanna let you know to be just joy and bliss. The manifesting new is showing up in surprising ways, and things unfold just in an other ways than you thought it to happen. The new perspectives on things show you to see in another way all that is.
Whats Going to Happen On December 21st 2012?
Pubblicato in data 03/dic/2012 da GalacticCentral
The Earth's Destiny is about to be Fulfilled, the Emergence of Unconditional Love is being Birthed on this Planet within every Beating Heart. This Love will be making its presence Known to the Inner Heart of everyone. As this Love arrives in full intensity, this energy will flow through everyone's Hearts, where the Truth of One's being comes Alive. This will be arriving from All The Alignments, Events, Portals, and Stargates of this Magical Month of December.
to read the full Message:http://soundofheart.org/galacticfreepress/content/important-message-earth-all...
Louisiana Sinkhole Evacuees Won't Be Home For Awhile
Huff Post - 11/30/12, Susan Buchanan
(This is an updated version of an article published in "The Louisiana Weekly" on Nov. 26, 2012.)
At the eight-acre, Bayou Corne sinkhole in Assumption Parish, owners of slab houses are waiting for methane-gas monitors to be installed in December. The sinkhole deepened in November and coughed up debris and hydrcarbons late in the month. Cypress trees fell into the gap. Residents are watching natural gas being flared from the site and are ventilating homes while bayous around them bubble.
Over 200 people, who were evacuated or voluntarily left 110 homes since August, are staying away. They felt tremors last summer when the sinkhole formed after an underground cavern wall was breached. The hole on the western edge of the Napoleonville Salt Dome, contains salt water and crude oil, and is on swampland leased by Texas Brine in Houston from Occidental Chemical Corp.
Coast To Coast AM – Drunvalo Melchizedek Interview – 2012 & Earth Activations – 3 December 2012
The interview starts around 38:00 min
VIsionkeeper - Free to fly at last
Free to fly at last!
Over the past year we have devoted so much energy towards opening our hearts and being love, yet at the same time we were always glancing sideways to keep our eyes on the dark ones and what they were up to. No more. They have gotten all the vital energy from me they are going to get. It is time to concentrate on pure unadulterated Joy! If we want joy in our lives at long last then we must BE joy on all levels. Spend every waking moment looking at what is right in the world not what is wrong. Forget wrong! There is no such word in the new world, think right and everything it entails. Put your blinders on to everything that is wrong in 3D and focus on what is right and wonderful in 5D. It is nothing more than training your mind to look for the good and bypass the bad. It is like any other habit we add into our lives, it takes about 30 days to take hold and become part of our routine.
Ohio Sinkhole Devours Four Football Fields Of Land, Stretch Of State Highway 516 Near Dover
Huff Post - 11/30/12
Now that the election is over, things are getting back to normal in Ohio. It took only a few minutes for a massive sinkhole to devour several acres of land and a stretch of State Highway 516 on Wednesday, WHYC reports.
The hole, spanning the area of roughly four football fields, collapsed near a lake where the Newton Asphalt Company has spent years dredging for sand nearly 50 feet below the surface, according to Fox Cleveland.
To watch the video and read the rest of this story, visit Huff Post.
Oracle Report - Monday, December 3, 2012
Monday, December 3, 2012
Disseminating Moon Phase
The long night of the Full Moon/Black Moon phase has ended and now it is time for the phoenix (us) to begin its rise from the ashes. It certainly was quite an experience. With this, the energy lifts quite a bit today. Something is happening at the deepest level of our beings: an activation. A new element is emerging within. Our radiant codes (which comprise our energetic fields aka frequencies) are recombining. This beautiful process is happening so that we can not only come into closer communication and alignment with the planet, Gaia-Sophia, but also to make us stronger. During this Disseminating Moon phase we will begin to gain insight into ourselves and into our lives that helps us complete Sophia's vision - to express our full potential and uniqueness. Consider this: the divine being embodied as our planet was so enthralled with what we create that it pulled her out of her home in the Galactic Center. The very least we can do is honor this by playing our part and expressing the potential inherent in our individual radiant codes. You may not have any idea what this means for you personally, but that's ok because we are still shifting formation and pursuing our individual spiritual vision quest until the very last day of the Third Quarter Moon phase. Continue on with the journey today and facilitate the process by spending time outside. We need the power of nature to restore us from the heaviness of this month's energy which reached its apex at the Full Moon. During Disseminating Moon phases, the mission is to pay close attention to what we hear. This is the way spirit communicates during Disseminating. I heard the birds (phoenixes) singing today. What about you?
Drew – Best Natural Herbs for Anxiety and Depression – 2December2012
The Golden Age Daily December 2, 2012
Pictured St. Johns Wart
Natural herbs for anxiety and depression
St. Johns Wart – This is easily among the most common herbs for depression and anxiety treatment. There are people who have had success with this herb for anxiety, so it would be something that you should consider if you have never tried it. It has been clinically tested in comparison to popular antidepressants and has actually been found to be just as effective, if not more effective than some (e.g. Paxil).
Sam-E – This is an over-the-counter herb that you can buy in order to help with anxiety and depression. There isn’t as much support for its effectiveness as there is for St. Johns Wart, but some people swear by it to help reduce their symptoms.
Eden Clark: Our Shifting DNA: Research, Symptoms, Food for Thought…
Evolve Your Soul
As we continue this time of rapid transformation we are evolving not just our collective consciousness, but also evolving at the cellular DNA level. If you look at current anthropological beliefs, numerous times in history there have been “unexplained” jumps in evolution of various species. Humans are going through this same jump right now. Numerous studies are being launched to track – and are finding – new DNA strands being activated (we normally have 2 DNA strands, but many now have 3, and it is said we are moving to 12). In some cases, children are now being born with the new DNA strands already activated.
Published on Dec 3, 2012 by paradoxman316
To the astute, objective and honest observer, we are in a paradigm shift. The signs are available for anyone and everyone to read, if we choose to see. I see it; and it is likely that most of you who are my friends and subscribers see it as well. Yet as I ponder what I see, I have to admit that the changes I have hoped for and wanted so much are not coming as quickly as I would like. They are much more subtle and progressive in nature; which brings me to the questions regarding Cosmic Time. Which age are we really in? Are we in an Iron Age rounding a bend and starting to move towards a new Bronze Age, or the Age of Pisces becoming the Age of Aquarius? Where are we in our Cosmic evolution? These questions were triggered after watching the video: 2012 Crossing Over, A New Beginning (http://youtu.be/hlfYHAV1i8w).
Rose-Tu delivers! 300-pound baby elephant born at Oregon Zoo (Video)
KomoNews.com By KATU.com Staff Published: Nov 30, 2012 at 9:21 AM PST Last Updated: Nov 30, 2012 at 2:25 PM PST
PORTLAND, Ore. - Oregon Zoo officials have announced that Rose-Tu has given birth to a 300-pound bundle of joy - and it's a girl.
Officials said the pregnant elephant gave birth early Friday morning after about 30 hours of labor
To read the rest of this story and view the video visit KOMONews.com
Mother's forgiveness gives convict second chance (Video)
CBS News, November 30, 2012 7:12PM
Renee Napier embraces Eric Smallridge.
/ CBS News/Pensacola News Journal
(CBS News) TALLAHASSEE, Fla. -- Not many convicts consider themselves blessed, but Eric Smallridge does, and for good reason. He's getting out of prison -- way early.
"It's going to be like being on borrowed time, because I know I should still be in prison, because the justice system said I should still be in prison," Eric says.
Winds Spur Wildfire Evacuations in Rocky Mtn. Park
Weather.com - 12/02/12
The Fern Lake Fire burns in Rocky Mountain National Park's Forest Canyon area in this file photo from Nov. 9. National Park Service
Rocky Mountain National Park, Colo. — A wind-stoked fire has burned at least one cabin and forced the evacuation of several areas in and near Rocky Mountain National Park.
"While not as strong as past days, winds will continue to be an issue for the Fern Lake fire," Jon Erdman, a meteorologist with The Weather Channel, said Sunday.
To read the rest of this story, visit Weather.com.
Snow is expected as UK weather worsens
Times of Malta - 12/03/12, AP
Not a Christmas card! A robin sits on a snow-covered fence post in Northumberland, as cold weather sweeps across the UK. Photo: PA wire
Widespread snow is expected to fall across England and Scotland as the severe weather continues to take hold of Britain.
Many areas will see up to three centimetres of snow mark the early days of December, while 15 centimetres are predicted to fall in the Scottish mountains.
To read the rest of this story, visit Times of Malta.
Heart Song for December 3rd 2012
The Heart Song for December 3rd 2012 is Frank Sinatra singing Best Is Yet To Come
Frank Sinatra Best Is Yet To Come Lyrics
Volcanic activity world-wide 1-3 December 2012
Source: Volcano Discovery - 12/3/12, by Volcano Bulletin
Paluweh volcano (archive photo)
Latest Earthquake Activity - December 3, 2012
Source: USGS.gov
Follow the link to see quake
activity for the past seven days.
Visit Live Earthquakes Map
for live quake reporting.
Map of the quake in Tonga
All quakes with magnitude 4.5
or greater are highlighted.
December 3
Third Strong Storm in Week Drenches West
Weather.com - 12/03/12, AP
SAN FRANCISCO — The third powerful storm in a week drenched an already saturated Northern California, but concerns of serious flooding eased as the system moved through faster than expected. In fact, the powerful storm ended up dumping more snow than rain on the California-Nevada region.
The storm dropping as much as an inch of rain per hour Sunday in some areas, toppling trees and knocking out electrical service to tens of thousands of people, officials said.
To read the rest of this story, visit Weather.com.
Angela Peregoff – The Week Ahead: 12.03.12
"Thank you, God, for this good life, and forgive us if we do not love it enough." - Garrison Keiller.
This week Gaia taps into the ruling universal energies of manifestation and intentionally works with the vision she has for herself. Being part of her physiology means that we, too, begin a move in the direction of self-motivation, self-expansion, and conscious decision making. You are able to delight in the manifestation of what you want, not having to wait for it to show this holiday season gifted from someone else. I wholeheartedly encourage you to make benefit in all ways for yourSelf. It is a prosperous time if you are authentic and intentional. If not your shadow may take over and all manner of contentiousness will arise. You may give yourself away in co-dependant ways that are not actually helpful. You can get trapped in belief systems that benefit the ego, but not the spiritual You. It's time for your desires and will to create what is in the wisest interest for you at this specific time. Empower your thoughts, feelings, and actions this week with choices that facilitate a harmonious universe opening to support your path rather than closing doors and limiting you.
Earthquakes strike Vanuatu, Romania, Alaska, and Central America
Source: The Extinction Protocol - 12/03/12
December 2, 2012 – VANUATU - A strong 6.4-magnitude earthquake has struck off the Pacific island nation of Vanuatu, but no tsunami warning was issued. Seismologists say the quake had a relatively shallow depth of 34 kilometers. The quake struck just before midday local time, and was centered 108 kilometers northwest of the capital, Port Vila, the United States Geological Survey said. There have been no immediate reports of damage or injury. Vanuatu lies on the so-called “Pacific Ring of Fire,” a zone of frequent seismic activity caused by friction between shifting tectonic plates. It has been rocked by several large quakes in recent years, averaging about three magnitude 7.0 or above incidents every year without any major damage. –NST
At last, how many alien civilizations are there?
Phys.org - 12/03/12, Bruno Martini
Frank Drake writes out his formula for estimating alien life in the galaxy, the Drake Equation.
Origin of intelligence, mental illness linked to ancient genetic accident
Phys.org - 12/03/12
Researchers have identified the moment in history when the genes that enabled us to think and reason evolved. This point 500 million years ago provided our ability to learn complex skills, analyse situations and have flexibility in the way in which we think.
Professor Seth Grant, of the University of Edinburgh, who led the research, said: "One of the greatest scientific problems is to explain how intelligence and complex behaviours arose during evolution."
To read the rest of this story, visit Phys.org.
Typhoon Bopha heading for southern Philippines
CNN.com - 12/03/12, By Jethro Mullen
- Typhooon Bopha is expected to hit the island of Mindanao on Tuesday morning
- It carries wind gusts as strong as 210 kph (130 mph)
- The Philippine weather agency warns of flash floods, landslides and possible storm surge
- The typhoon comes almost a year after a storm killed more than 1,200 people on Mindanao
(CNN) -- A powerful typhoon is bearing down on the southern Philippines, threatening to bring fresh destruction to a country that has suffered a series of severe weather-related disasters in the past year.
Ups and downs in the daily minimum solar irradiance
Source: The Watchers - 12/03/12, By Chillymanjaro
With quite regular intervals of about 27 days which Sun takes to make full rotation circle, the Sun alternates between an active hemisphere with relatively many sunspots , and a hemispheric “face” that is pretty much void of these dark blemishes. For as long as it lasts, this is quite a helpful tool for the medium term space weather forecasting. The last 6 months, both PROBA2/Lyra (in UV and X-ray) and GOES15/XRS (in X-ray) have been monitoring almost periodic ups and downs in the daily minimum solar irradiance.
Experts warn dangerous build-up of magma occurring at many of Japan’s 110 active volcanoes
Source: The Extinction Protocol - 12/03/12
December 3, 2012 – JAPAN – Japan should brace for a catastrophic volcanic eruption at some point, say experts, citing a massive buildup of magma at many of the nation’s 110 active volcanoes. The last particularly serious eruption in Japan occurred in 1914, when Mount Sakurajima in southern Kagoshima Prefecture blew its top. According to study by volcanologists, Japan, which lies on the Pacific Rim of Fire, has been shaken by more than 1,000 volcanic eruptions over the past 2,000 years. “The possibility of a major eruption in the future is real,” said Yoichi Nakamura, a professor of volcanology at Utsunomiya University who has been analyzing volcanic eruptions with a team of researchers.
12-3-12 Bill Ballard ~ Experiencing Dimensional Slides More Often as WE Near Zero Point
Pubblicato in data 03/dic/2012 da pearls2u
I am experiencing more dimensional slides as the frequencies increase and old patterns and limitations are being released in my own consciousness. These dimensional slides used to be with much time betwee, years between when I was young, and now are occurring many times each day. Im sure others may also be experiencing these and I have written about them before. They are such wonderful experiences, but maybe rather scary to someone who does not know what is going on. Here is a link to an article I wrote earlier this year when they were happening about once a month... Presently Im having this experience several times each day. LOVE!
SaLuSa – 12/3/2012
SaLuSa – 12/3/2012
December 3, 2012
Did you think that the 21st. December would ever come around, and now here it is on your doorstep? There are still empowerments to come before the special day, and each and every one of you planning to ascend should be perfectly ready. Have you yet realised the importance of your part in Ascension, and what an amazing occasion it is going to be? Can you comprehend what is taking place throughout the Universe, and the great changes of magnificent proportions? What powers can wield such command over the elements and all that is? Dear Ones it is no less than God who decreed that Ascension would take place at this time. The experiment of duality has run its course and you have experienced it, and come out of it with flying colours. You have not yet realised what a wonderful achievement you have made, yet in the end it was always known you would succeed.
Allowing Your Glory and Greatness to Be
You are a multidimensional being. Most people are aware of their persona, which consists of thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and their physical body. However, there is another aspect of Who you are, an aspect that contains your greatness and glory. This aspect has many different names such as Source Energy, Higher Self, Core Being, and so on. What you call it is not important. What is important is that you come to know that your Source Energy exists in a natural state of Abundance, Health and Love. Your Source Energy is much larger than the persona and more powerful. However, the persona has the free will to choose whether to allow the energy of the Source that you are to flow through you or not. The key to tap into the beautiful golden energy of your Source is allowance.
December 2-9, 2012
Beloved Ones,
Keep working your disciplines and do not falter. There is much that is transpiring in the world around you and it is important to stay grounded and in a place of calm centeredness. Your individual Light is expanding day by day and affecting those around you. You do not see this but it is so. You are the catalysts for change just by your presence as you daily walk your path on Earth and therefore you influence more than you can ever know, your Light is that bright and illuminating. Those who experience your Light are moved to introspection of their own life and ways of being.
There will be many activities of Light in this month all around the world and this is lifting the potential for Humanity in all ways. It is a time of gathering together in great numbers to open up the gates of higher dimensions and the greater possibilities that they represent to Humanity and the Earth. We are delighted by your intentions to be a part of this momentous and pivotal moment in the cycles of time. Find the activities that are of the greatest resonance to you and make your intentions be for the highest good for all.
The Purple Flame Decrees are Here: A Message from St. Germain and the Transition Team
The Purple Flame Decrees are Here: A Message from St. Germain and the Transition Team, Delivered by Giselle Koy
- Posted on December 3, 2012
Greetings on these beloved holidays on Planet Earth. May thanks be given for all the plentitude and abundance here, and soon to be seen. You will need a new word for gratitude for so great will your heart be filled with thanks. It will be beyond measure and beyond a word. This is certain. Gratitude will not come in spurts in those moments when you remember but will be a constant fountaining of awe, delight, thankfulness and blessings. Blessings will beget blessings for as you bless you will be blessed. And this goes for every virtuous quality cultivated here on earth.
As part of the transition team of Ascension, which by the way is in full swing, I am here to speak to you of the changing of the guard so to speak.
I spoke to you earlier about how I too will be ascending and moving on to other realms. The mighty I Am Presence we have all shared as our passageway out of 3D will now be enhanced with a new set of decrees. These are the Purple Flames of the We Are Presence.
Yes congratulations on our arrival to “oneness” consciousness. Most of you can feel it as you look around and see all as family. The constant vigilance of invoking the Violet Flame has created the passage into the We Are Presence and its accompanying golden center. Yes this is a sphere of refined violet flame, it’s crowning glory of achievement, its heralded victory.
California School For The Deaf Football Team Wins League Title, Draws National Attention (VIDEO)
The Huffington Post | By Hayley Hudson
Posted: 12/02/2012 2:26 pm EST Updated: 12/02/2012 2:46 pm EST
Underdogs:California School for the Deaf
Source You Tube
During his first year coaching the Eagles, Warren Keller led the 19 high school football players straight to a league title. It would be an impressive feat for any team, but it becomes even more remarkable when you consider this: All of them are deaf.