- Volcanoes Today,19Feb2013 - recent updates on world-wide volcanic activity: Sakurajima
- snippits of info
- Gaia Portal Update~ Resolutions are Proceeding at this End Point Period
- ~ Chat Session Photo's~ We are Moving!!!!! ENERGY!
- Sheldan Nidle PAO Webinar: Unraveling the Updates
- Cobra Signs in the Sky
- Update by Sheldan Nidle~Transformation is underway
- The Heart Song for February 20th 2013
- Latest Earthquake Activity - February 20, 2013
- Visionkeeper - The Evils Of More…
- Life in the illusion has been practically lifeless
- Six Years in Space for THEMIS: Understanding the Magnetosphere Better Than Ever
- Morning Blessing: 02.20.13 Yeee Haaaaaa Wednesday!
- Life Confirmed in Buried Antarctic Lake
- 3MIN News February 20, 2013: Sunspot Update, Quake Watch
- The Connection Between Love, Peace and Joy and The Law of Attraction – by Debbie Erasmus
- Cosmic Waves of Energy Hitting Now
- The Celestial Team ~ One More Time~Human Beings Are Beings Of Frequency!
- Sarah-Jane Grace: Starlight, Star Bright
- Russian Meteor Blast Bigger Than Thought, NASA Says
- Dana Mrkich ~Asteroids, Meteors, Birth And Death ~19 February 2013
- Etna volcano current activity: new strombolian activity at Bocca Nuova
- Archangel Gabriel's Daily Channeled Messages
- Current Happenings: We are Here NOW!!
- The Trinity of Blessings™ Attunement
- Re~Hearter. Chat Sessions Starting Now ~ ALL are welcome. Join us!
- ~Important Peaceful Transition~
- ~ A Message from The Earth Allies~ I am Making a Commitment Today right Now!
- The Angel News Network Newsletter ~ Truth and Honesty
- Hummingbirds Migrating Earlier in Spring
- Unprecedented Radar Reflectivities and Snowfall Rates
- Heavenletter #4471 Come Closer to God
- Parched western Qld seeks drought declaration
- Short Update~Whats Going On,On Planet Earth=Heart?~ Join us Live
- Rainbow-Colored Cloud Hides Baby Black Hole
- Jesus through John - It has made you aware that something of enormous importance is missing from your lives
- We Want YOU to Declare Peace on Earth!
- Re~Post: 'Fairy Circles' In Namibia Grasslands Remain A Mystery To Scientists
- Italy’s Mount Etna volcano rattled by explosive eruption (Video)
- Let’s Go Wayyyyy Down the Rabbit Hole and Bring Jesus and Mary and YOU there too!
- Unconfirmed Tornado Reported in Chico, Calif
- ~Feeling the Results of Motivated Faith~ By Earth Ally Wes Annac
- Big Story Weather – February 20, 2013
- Northern Hemispheric Snow Cover Trends
- Volcanoes Today, 20 Feb 2013 - recent updates on world-wide volcanic activity: Etna
- The Oracle Report Wednesday, February 20, 2013
- Volcanic activity worldwide 19 Feb 2013
- RE~Post - Roswell UFO Was Not Of This Earth And There Were ET Cadavers: Ex-CIA Agent Says
- Is cloud seeding preventing further flooding in Indonesia?
- Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Trust
- Daily Tarot Reading ~ 2/20/13 ~ Change is Afoot
- The Year of the Comets: Three Reasons Why 2013 Could be the Best Ever
- The manuscript of survival – part 271
- Red tide won't go away
- The Respons~Ability Of Choosing Truth
- Friday Is an Extremely Sacred Day: 2-22-2013: Celebrate Divine Love
- I Know That Our Galactic Family is Here! How About You?
- Blasted Out of Our Comfort Zone, The Matrix and Commitment
- 2-20-13 Bill Ballard ~ New Persons Are Waking In Mass Not Realizing Thoughts
- The Symbol of Creator
- Bulgarian government resigns amid growing protests
- Lightworkers, Adult Indigos & those pesky FOO (Family of Origin) issues!
- Storm Reports: Snow, Sleet Cover Northeast Roads
- Russian meteorite: hunt for debris begins, but was it a comet?
Greetings Love Beings, We have to say that the Mayans were correct about the dates of February 18~19th as we have had a huge shift in the energies in the last 48 hours. We actually have Cosmic Waves Of Energy assisting Us In the Planetary Upgrade Process. If You are not experincing these shifts and changes its most likley due to clinging to the old paradigm. With these energies coming in they are asking you to surrender and let go as the Divine Plan is in Full Activation. The Key now is To Stay Present and Centered in the Present Moment of Now. You can Join Us Live today as we Will Be discussing these Energies Beginning at 10:30am Pacific at this Link http://tinychat.com/soundofheart Also, We have 8 days left to Complete our funding goal which keeps us here In Complete service every Moment. We are about 1400$ behind. This site is complelty Free to All including the newsletters. We Only ask those who can share to share. The Press is now read by 70,000 People WOW! Way to Go Humanity! Thanks for Keeping us Going Love The Earth Allies
If You would Like a Physical Address You can Contact us Through the site and we will release this Information.
Volcanoes Today,19Feb2013 - recent updates on world-wide volcanic activity: Sakurajima
Source: Volcanoes Today Tuesday Feb 19, 2013
Sakurajima (Kyushu, Japan): After a period of frequent strong explosions, the volcano seems to be taking a rest and is back with smaller explosions at a rate of 1-3 per day.
A webcam video has been posted showing an explosion on 8 February:
snippits of info
Maybe its just me. I have difficulty with the details. Dont get me wrong, I can quote you the details of the inside hull of one or more of these ships without question and be dead on accurate but I cant seem to channell even the basic data thru.
We seem to be on the right page.
Were talking about the right things...
The ACIO refered to seems like the InterWorld council(maybe Im on the Alliance Terran channel for some reason?) and the meetings I remember having. But they were smaller in discussion with open voting, IIRC.
..or is the speaker refering to a crew-wide broadcast like the NAVY has before disembarkation post drunken hayday disaster last inport period?(DUMB Drunken USN Sailors...when will they ever learn?)
'Magic kingdons and requirements' sounds to me like ETHERICAL lifeforms and such...like Chaos stones, theres nothing here like one. [Like Quartz with energy so vibrant it physically creates from mere thought...]
"We are doing an Akashic Records Review by bringing the Truth to the Citizens of Earth who are the Only Ones Who Have The Power To Change It." -this one concerns me. Does this mean we are the only ones to change our fate? If so, I have a Stargate to find...dunno about you.
The TEN MILLION part comes with the 30 acres Im hearing from Lord Wolf. (TO EACH)
Life was not meant to be so compact.(or wasted all at once)
The ship names dont ring a bell, but seem to be common knowledge of who is on what ship, and is fairly consistent no matter where you go.
Niburu..Prometheus...close enough. Its an Orange-y Cargo vessel with lots of transports(or warships, depending on perspective) aboard. Not the largest amount of decks, but there are enough. Serves a smedical ship and cargo transport. Ive been on this one or one like it.(and some wonder Y I look at the skies...)
Gaia Portal Update~ Resolutions are Proceeding at this End Point Period
Silence in these moment-to-moments is most helpful. Formerly clashing energetics have begun to resolve and centering with Higher Self in the silence is perhaps the most efficient means to allow these to resolve fully.
Resolutions are proceeding at this end point period in humanity-duality history. Hue-manity arises out of this. By this we mean Hue-manity General.
Global consciousness expansion follows 100th monkey embracement of Hue-manity, by humanity (small h).
Sheldan Nidle PAO Webinar: Unraveling the Updates
Published on Feb 18, 2013
Sheldan Nidle - Purpose of Galactic Federation Updates
To see other Webinars: http://www.paoweb.com/webnarch.htm
Cobra Signs in the Sky
2012Portal Tuesday, February 19, 2013
The first sign that appeared was the lightning that stroke the dome of St. Peter's basilica in Rome within hours after the Pope resigned:
Update by Sheldan Nidle~Transformation is underway
9 Ahau, 8 Zac, 9 Eb
Dratzo! We return! Your world has moved even closer to its victory over the dark! There are signs everywhere of what is shortly to happen. Your sacred secret societies have compiled the legal instruments to force the major governments of your world to resign. In consonance with this the military and police forces of these nations have come together in secret to assert that each of them is more than ready to use their powerbases to give their respective governments no other choice than to resign when this course of action is called up. This indication will be given when Heaven advises us that the time to do so has arrived. All our liaison personnel stand at the ready to give the long-anticipated command to everyone. Meanwhile, we wait, and look to our heavenly advisors for the signal that it is now the proper time to bring the dark to its knees. This single command will permit the abundance to be delivered, which in turn indicates that the numerous dark governments of your globe are to resign. A batch of legal papers signed weeks ago is ready to be delivered at a moment's notice. Your deliverance is not far away!
Latest Earthquake Activity - February 20, 2013
Source: USGS.gov
Follow the link to see quake
activity for the past seven days.
Visit Live Earthquakes Map
for live quake reporting.
Map of the 5.7 quake in Tonga
All quakes with magnitude 4.5
or greater are highlighted.
February 19
Visionkeeper - The Evils Of More…
One World Rising Posted on February 20, 2013
It is time to be free of all our past conditioning that governs our private worlds. We have been well-trained our entire lives to be taught the necessity of MORE. The continual striving for more money, more things, to do more, be more. It has been all about the simple word ‘More’. The very act of striving for more of anything gives ourselves the repeated message that life isn’t complete just as it is. It sets us up with a meme of we are not good enough which in turn sets us up for a life long struggle to solve a problem that never existed in the first place! We bought into it, we believed it and it became a way of life. We have been so caught up in it that we didn’t even realize the detrimental messages we were sending to ourselves. And we wonder why the world is the way it is right now. The world is totally lost and struggling to find its way back to source. We must begin by finally grasping the truth that our worlds are complete just as they are.
Life in the illusion has been practically lifeless
Johnsmallman's Blog 02/20/2013 by John Smallman
Humanity has collectively chosen to awaken. Of course it could not have chosen to remain slumbering indefinitely, because slumbering is an illusory concept that is only possible in the illusion, but it could have further delayed its decision to wake up. However, once that decision was made there was no possibility of reversing it, because that decision started the awakening process.
It is a little like raising the blinds on a sunny morning, allowing the daylight to stream in and rapidly clear away the fog of sleep. Full wakefulness demands your attention and gets it, filling you with energy and enthusiasm for the wonder of Life and all that that makes possible. It is the greatest of all the divine gifts that your Father has bestowed upon you, because it makes the others meaningful; without Life they would have remained unknown and unappreciated. Life in the illusion has been practically lifeless, and consequently most of your Father’s gifts to you have remained barely noticed or mostly ignored. When you awaken they will be instantly there to greet you, and your appreciation of them will burst into bloom.
Six Years in Space for THEMIS: Understanding the Magnetosphere Better Than Ever
Source: NASA.gov - 2/19/13
Morning Blessing: 02.20.13 Yeee Haaaaaa Wednesday!
My life is lived in conscious contact with the Divine!
Everything I think, say and do reveals the divinity within me!
Today is a brand new adventure framed by the illusion of another day!
Infinite supply visions itself as, and through me!
The vitalizing energy of spirit renews and restores my body temple!
Appreciation and gratitude are my way of life.
How grand to have an In-The-Body experience!
And so it is! Amen
Life Confirmed in Buried Antarctic Lake
Weather.com - 2/19/13, Becky Oskin, OurAmazingPlanet
Lake Whillans lies beneath a 66-foot (20-meter) wide ice stream that moves about a meter per day, as opposed to something like a meter per year for the surrounding icecap. Photo: WISSARD Project
Blobs and smears of microbial life growing in clear plastic disks are confirmation of a community living in a lake buried beneath the Antarctic ice, scientists studying the lake have said.
Water retrieved from subglacial Lake Whillans contains about 1,000 bacteria per milliliter (about a fifth of a teaspoon) of lake water, biologist John Priscu of Montana State University told Nature News. Petri dishes swiped with samples of the lake water are already growing colonies of microbes at a good rate, Nature News reported.
3MIN News February 20, 2013: Sunspot Update, Quake Watch
Source: YouTube.com
Published on Feb 20, 2013
The Connection Between Love, Peace and Joy and The Law of Attraction – by Debbie Erasmus
A famous movie a couple years back exploded the Law of Attraction all over the Internet and started the New Age revolution in conscious creation. The Law of Attraction is a Universal Law that states `like energy attracts like energy’. In other words, this law has a boomerang effect attracting into your living experience that which you give out. The term the Bible uses is that you `reap what you sow’.
The movie states that what you think about, you create. And if you add your feelings and emotion to the equation, you create your living experience. The Law is always working for you, whether you are aware of it or not. What you are experiencing depends largely on the level of vibrational energy you are sending out there into All That Is, or the Universe as it is called in the movie. So if you are not living the life of your dreams, it may be time to look at lifting your vibration.
Cosmic Waves of Energy Hitting Now
Published on Feb 19, 2013
We are in the Moments where all of the Real Prophecies of Love and Truth are Being fulfilled.
This is being accomplished by a vast Light Network of Pure Truth Energy arriving via the Internet, that is contagiously spreading across the Planet. This energy is assisting in the Complete Unification of Humanity with Mother Earth=Heart. This is Required as Mother Earth Moves into the Galactic Center.
Humanity is in the Midst of the Transformation into Spirit, and this is Inevitable.
When it was stated that The world would be destroyed by fire, this was actually true. What this means from a Higher Perspective, is that the world, which is an illusion, in the Light of Humanity Awakening into Love, would dissolve, cease to exist. The darkness is being removed~dissolved by the Light of TRUTH. Through the sharing of True Information and Being Love in action, dissolves the illusion. This is the event that is in Process of unfolding right now.
The Celestial Team ~ One More Time~Human Beings Are Beings Of Frequency!
Ah, hello again, Beloved!
How often have we come to you in this way, over the past two and more of your years? Hundreds! And why did we begin when we did, to collaborate with our Judith in order to transmit our frequencies and messages to you? Because it was TIME. It was “time” to begin to prepare you for the crossing of your solstice threshold of 12.21.12, and into the very NOW that you are in. And how often we have repeated the very same messages in many different ways over these years, always callibrating them to attune with your own fluctuating frequencies of the moment! How often our Judith has written the same messages in different metaphors and words to match our continuing re-callibrations!
And WHY have we done so? Why did we not move on to give you even more information, more interesting guidance, more varieties of frequency activation? Well, we hope you have far more than an inkling as to “why” by NOW, for you are immersed in the very reason as you read! You are in NEW energetic territory, and the difference between where you are and where you were is as extreme as a move from the North Pole of your planet to it’s equator. And, to the extent that you are still all bundled up in snowsuits and trying to navigate your way around in a snowmobile, you are not only uncomfortable and confused– but you are resisting the very relief that you have been waiting for.
Sarah-Jane Grace: Starlight, Star Bright
The Aquarius Paradigm Posted by Wes Annac February 19, 2013
A message from Sarah-Jane Grace
Monday, 18 February, 2013
As we continue to weave our way through the ebb and flow of life, we so often forget to find moments of pause where we reconnect to the ‘bigger picture’ of our lives. It is so easy to become caught up in the throes of life and find ourselves running on the hamster wheel without even realising it. As humans, we are creatures of habit, and our beliefs, thoughts and storylines shape and mould our lives in so many ways; we can get lost in the array of things to do, places to go and people to see, for we can find ourselves stuck in routine and growing increasingly numb and distant from the very things that bring us joy.
Russian Meteor Blast Bigger Than Thought, NASA Says
Tariq Malik Published: February 18, 2013
The meteor that exploded over Russia Friday was slightly larger than previously thought and more powerful, too, NASA scientists say.The Russian meteor explosion over the city of Chelyabinsk, on Friday (Feb. 15), injured more than 1,000 people and blew out windows across the region in a massive blast captured on cameras by frightened witnesses. Friday afternoon, NASA scientists estimated the meteor was space rock about 50 feet (15 meters) and sparked a blast equivalent of a 300-kiloton explosion. The energy estimate was later increased to 470 kilotons
For more information click here
Dana Mrkich ~Asteroids, Meteors, Birth And Death ~19 February 2013
What an exciting week in the skies we’ve had. First a meteor hurled into Russia creating a magnificent light-show – and unfortunately thousands of broken windows and related injuries. However that’s incredibly fortunate compared to the greater damage and even fatalities that could have occurred had it hit elsewhere. I feel it did the least amount of damage possible, given that it was a fireball travelling at 66, 000 miles an hour!
Then less than 24 hours later an asteroid whizzed by within a whisker of Earth. We all had a heads up that our little blue planet was in no danger which was obviously fantastic news, so we could enjoy the event for the awesome occurrence it was rather than go into any fear and panic.
These two events have given us the opportunity to remind us that we are a planet, one planet, whereas usually we are so pre-occupied with dividing ourselves into warring countries and conflicting political parties. Our human dramas and power plays seem even crazier than ever when pinned against the backdrop of a vast cosmos, of which we are really only a very, very, tiny part. Truly we have been given a paradise on which to live, but how often do we really acknowledge that and take a moment to say, hey, thanks Earth!
Etna volcano current activity: new strombolian activity at Bocca Nuova
Source: Volcano Discovery - Update Tue 19 Feb
New paroxysm from New SE crater
The strombolian activity progressively increased and merged into lava fountains at around 04h40 local time. A lava flow descended into Valle del Bove and reached about 2600 m elevation on the slope north of Sierra Giannicola Picola. The eruption ended rapidly by about 06h30.
This marks the first "true" paroxysm this year, very similar to the spectacular ones during 2011-12, but comparably weaker than these.
Archangel Gabriel's Daily Channeled Messages
Shelley's Note: Please note, these messages do not expire the day after they are posted. :) They are pertinent to the days, weeks and months ahead, and many are general spiritual guidance that would apply at any time. Please know that if you would like to read the daily messages on the day they are received, you can do so by liking Trinity Esoterics on Facebook, following us on twitter @trinityesoteric or checking our website www.trinityesoterics.com.
January 28, 2013
Current Happenings: We are Here NOW!!
We have experienced the end of the Mayan calendar (12-21-12), the dawning of the Aquarian Age, 5th dimensional energies, and an increase in solar activity and Earth's magnetosphere. Whether you're coming from an ancient, spiritual, astrological, or scientific perspective we are amist great change. Period.
The pope's resignation and an asteroid hitting the Earth in the last few days are pivitol in this point of change we are currently experiencing. OPPT which has foreclosed on banks and corporations, nullifying the old way and government, is here! Oh yeah, and Saturn is retrograde too! So much going on around us. Exciting indeed!
The Trinity of Blessings™ Attunement
Attunement to Divine Love, Peace and Joy
Re~Hearter. Chat Sessions Starting Now ~ ALL are welcome. Join us!
Please join us this afternoon! ALL are welcome.
Welcome to The Fifth Dimension (With Rain)
Tuesdays and Thursdays -- 2 to 4 pm Eastern
(11am to 1 pm Pacific)
I welcome ALL LOVE BEings to join us as we talk about navigating the Fifth Dimension together, flowing in the River of the Oneness Energy. We can't get lost if we co-create with LOVE.
~ Love, Rain
~Important Peaceful Transition~
Photo By Earth Ally Will Harader~ Double Rainbow of Joy Igniting the Energies which Serve ALL for the Greater Good Of All
....We wish to share a moment of peaceful prayer to the current illusionary belief systems and send them loving energies for their complete dissolvement. They have played their roles and are no longer needed in the New paradigm.
~ A Message from The Earth Allies~ I am Making a Commitment Today right Now!
Photo By Earth Ally Will Harader~ Double Rainbow of Joy Igniting the Energies which Serve ALL for the Greater Good Of All
....We wish to share a moment of peaceful prayer to the current illusionary belief systems and send them loving energies for their complete dissolvement. They have played their roles and are no longer needed in the New paradigm.
The People are the Real Government, as decreed and Now this is in complete manifestation. All of Humanity Are to Be Free In Love Through Divine Birthright and Now will each, begin to live true spiritual lives of Peace and Unconditional Love....The current societal belief systems are corrupt and do not support Life. All that does not support Life is dissolving, For the Highest Good of All...
We ask each of you at this time to take a moment and say the following words with US ~~~
The Angel News Network Newsletter ~ Truth and Honesty
Teachings of Michael
by Jeff Fasano
Truth and Honesty
From the Archangelic Realm of Michael this is Michael and we come to you as you are moving deeper into your heart space and into a place of truth and honesty you have never known. It is a level of truth and honesty with self, and as you look into the mirror it is now time to measure this level of truth and honesty.
It is not about looking outside of yourself to see the truth and honesty. Or about looking outside of you to measure yourself based upon those outside of you. It is how truthful and honest you are with you. It is time to look directly into your own eyes and ask yourself: am I being truthful with myself and being honest with myself? Because now it is time to take that responsibility. Am I fully being truthful with myself and am I fully being honest with myself as I move through my process?
Hummingbirds Migrating Earlier in Spring
CHARLESTON, S.C. — Ruby-throated hummingbirds are migrating to North America weeks earlier than in decades past, and research indicates that higher temperatures in their winter habitat may be the reason.
Researchers say the early arrival could mean less food at nesting time for the tiny birds that feed on insect pests, help pollinate flowers and are popular with birdwatchers.
For more information on this story click here.
Heavenletter #4471 Come Closer to God
Heaven Letters Published on: February 20, 2013
Rest in Me. How many ways can I say this? Certainly, wherever your body is, come rest in Me. Be you in a recliner, a bed, a futon on the floor, a field of grass on a hill, rest in Me. Enjoy where you happen to be, and rest in Me.
Wherein lies your comfort, beloveds? Wherein lies your security? Whose arms are wide enough to encompass the whole Universe and beyond?
Don’t wait for Me to be a last resort. Let Me be your first port of call. Go where the money is, says an expression in the world. Following that train of thought, I am the Currency. I am where everything issues from.
Parched western Qld seeks drought declaration
ABC News Australia - By Chrissy Arthur and Nicole Bond, Updated 2/20/13
While more rain is forecast for parts of south-east Queensland today, one region in the state's far west will apply for a drought declaration due to prolonged dry conditions.
Diamantina Mayor Geoff Morton says there has not been decent rain since last March.
To read the rest of this story, visit abc.net.au.
Short Update~Whats Going On,On Planet Earth=Heart?~ Join us Live
Mt. Shasta Ship Vortex
Greetings Love Beings, We have been going through so many shifts in the past 48 hours its almost Unbelievable. We Knew the Meteor and AStroid Would Effect Us but to this Dregree is Quite Amazing. If You are not experiencing this, this is becuase your energy is still attached to the 3d old paradigm. This must be released [surrender and let go], if not its going to become increasing uncomfortable as we proceed in these Energies. We are definatly Smack dab in the Middle of a Planetary Upgrade. This will facilitate us In the New Earth Manifestation. You can Join us Live Beginning at 10:30am Pacific On the Higher Grid to ask us questions are bring topics to us to discuss. We will also be discussing recent events and upcoming events and so much More. Join us Live at this Link beginning at 10:30am Pacific
Love The Earth Allies
Cosmic Waves Hitting The Planet NOW
Rainbow-Colored Cloud Hides Baby Black Hole
NASA Chandra X-Ray Observatory Staff,Published: Feb 19, 2013, 0:16 PM EST: NASA
Composite image of W49B, including x-ray, infrared and radio imagery. (Credit: X-ray: NASA/CXC/MIT/L.Lopez et al.; Infrared: Palomar; Radio: NSF/NRAO/VLA
New data from NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory suggest a highly distorted supernova remnant may contain the most recent black hole formed in the Milky Way galaxy. The remnant appears to be the product of a rare explosion in which matter is ejected at high speeds along the poles of a rotating star.
The remnant, called W49B, is about a thousand years old as seen from Earth and located about 26,000 light-years away.
For more information on this story and some great videos click here.
Jesus through John - It has made you aware that something of enormous importance is missing from your lives
Jesus through John February 20, 2013 by John Smallman
The excitement rises! The energies of divine Love enveloping you – all of humanity – are continuing to intensify as more and more of you surrender to Love and allow the release of anything within you that is not in alignment with It. The progress you are making is amazing, even though most of you are, as yet, basically unaware of how well you are doing. It is your collective intent to release all that is misaligned or inharmonious that is so mightily effective, because, as all are one, it is rather like a snowball rolling downhill and getting larger and faster as it goes. Nothing can hold it back — it is unstoppable.
We Want YOU to Declare Peace on Earth!
We want you to declare Peace on Earth! And, we want you to become Peace Reporters, too.
If you haven't already sent in a clip declaring Peace on Earth, please do so today.
If you've already done that, then please get out and start filming your friends, family, neighbors, and people you don't know yet!
It's simple. Just create a short clip like the one below
and then email it to
If you can't make a video clip, you can submit an audio clip or a written statement. You can include photos if you like.
In case you've missed any of them, here is our series of World Peace videos to date -
Re~Post: 'Fairy Circles' In Namibia Grasslands Remain A Mystery To Scientists
Huffington Post - Stephanie Pappas, 06/27/2012
The smallest "fairy circles" are about 6.5 feet (2 meters) in diameter, while the largest can be almost 40 feet (12 m) across. Eventually, plants move back in, re-colonizing the circles and leaving only slightly indented "ghost circles" behind.
In the sandy desert grasslands of Namibia in southern Africa, mysterious bare spots known as "fairy circles" will form and then disappear years later for no reason anyone can determine. A new look at these strange patterns doesn't solve the wistful mystery but at least reveals that the largest of the circles can linger for a lifetime.
Small fairy circles stick around an average of 24 years, while larger ones can exist as long as 75 years, according to research detailed today (June 27) in the journal PLoS ONE. Still, the study sheds little light on why the circles form, persist and then vanish into the landscape after decades.
Italy’s Mount Etna volcano rattled by explosive eruption (Video)
The Extinction Protocol Posted on February 20, 2013
Let’s Go Wayyyyy Down the Rabbit Hole and Bring Jesus and Mary and YOU there too!
It feels soooo good to wake up and feel prit near human
again!! But I am also realizing someone tweaked my dream world these last two days. So yesterday i wake up with these very simple symbols, and to the many folks who suggested it is part of the Merkaba, I agree very much. Not that i studied or can even say I know a thing about the technical aspects of the merkaba, but I did feel very much connected with some aspect of sacred geometry, another pool I do not swim in! (smile)
This morning I wake up with my team teaching me how to become spontaneously frustrated, well, harnessing that same energy within without having to become frustrated. I think some of you musta been in the boot camp with me, cuz there was a whole row of us there, spirit(s) in front of us, teaching us how to harness and move the concentrated feeling that happens when we are frustrated. Maybe we should all practice this!! Lets me very clear tho… the energy has nothing to do with words, at all.
Unconfirmed Tornado Reported in Chico, Calif
Jillian Macmath, AccuWeather.com Staff Writer February 19, 2013; 6:22 PM
The National Weather Service has not yet confirmed reports of a tornado touching down in Chico, Calif. around 2 p.m. PT Tuesday.
"The set-up for thunderstorms and tornadoes is ideal across California tonight. The storm coming across California is the coldest of the season and contains plenty of cold air aloft which will support the formation of thunderstorms," AccuWeather.com Expert Meteorologist Bernie Rayno said.
For more information click here.
~Feeling the Results of Motivated Faith~ By Earth Ally Wes Annac
I’m being led to give a quick update as while I do find myself a tad tired at the moment, the energies of the night are swirling around me and inviting a lightened and opened perspective that make me want to share how I am feeling . Personally, I’m feeling in this moment that the higher dimensional energies are unlocking truly unlimited and positive perspectives in us and that the unwavering faith of many of us is already beginning to pay off.
Please, take some time for yourself to detach from the third dimensional drama and maelstrom to feel these wonderful energies if you haven’t yet.
You’re strongly advised to allow these energies to come through and help you feel positive and happy, even when situations in your Life do not call for it. While we have been and will continue to be experiencing difficulty along our paths that will attempt to take us away from our natural center, these very energies so many of us are finding within help us to see that everything we’re working toward is real and worth the difficulty.
Big Story Weather – February 20, 2013
RedOrbit February 20, 2013
Daily weather forecast and wrap-up provided by redOrbit meteorologist Joshua Kelly.
redOrbit Meteorologist Joshua Kelly
Big Story Weather from February 19: Southern California dealt with some heavy mountain snows and also some severe weather along with heavy rainfall across the entire region yesterday. The Southeast and Gulf Coast enjoyed a nice day after the showers moved through in the early morning.
Read the rest of this at RedOrbit
Northern Hemispheric Snow Cover Trends
February 19, 2013; 4:08 PM-Accuweather
Image courtesy of the Rutgers University Global Snow Lab
Has there been a noticeable decrease in snow cover across the northern Hemisphere since the mid 1960's?
Well, it depends on the time of the year.
My friends from the Rutgers University Global Snow Lab (my alma mata 89') keep a close track of global snow cover and have data that go back to the 1960's.
For more information please click here
Volcanoes Today, 20 Feb 2013 - recent updates on world-wide volcanic activity: Etna
Source: Volcano Discovery - 2/20/13
The Oracle Report Wednesday, February 20, 2013
First Quarter Moon Phase - Moon in Cancer
Today is a day for spiritual warriors on a mission! We can break barriers and get things that aren't flowing to move well. We can make real progress to clear up congestion or confusion or take down anything that is not in alignment with what is good, honest, and based on love and light. It is going to be hard to tolerate anyone or anything that is putting up an obstacle or barrier, anything that thrives in darkness, or anything that has had us on a roller coaster ride. The tide changes today in favor of what is good. So use the opportunity to strike out and rectify something. What needs to be fixed? Our emotions will tell us today.
Volcanic activity worldwide 19 Feb 2013
Source: Volcano Discovery - 2/19/13
RE~Post - Roswell UFO Was Not Of This Earth And There Were ET Cadavers: Ex-CIA Agent Says
Huffington Post - Lee Speigel, Updated 7/11/12
Happy anniversary, Roswell, N.M. It was 65 years ago today that the Roswell Daily Record blasted an infamous headline claiming local military officials had captured a flying saucer on a nearby ranch. And now, a former CIA agent says it really happened.
"It was not a damn weather balloon -- it was what it was billed when people first reported it," said Chase Brandon, a 35-year CIA veteran. "It was a craft that clearly did not come from this planet, it crashed and I don't doubt for a second that the use of the word 'remains' and 'cadavers' was exactly what people were talking about."
Is cloud seeding preventing further flooding in Indonesia?
The Guardian - 2/19/13, Dyna Rochmyaningsih for SciDev.net, part of the Guardian Environment Network
Scientists claim rainfall has reduced since the project began, but experts call for more evidence
A boy plays in a flooded road in Jakarta. Indonesia has turned to cloud seeding to prevent further flooding. Photograph: Enny Nuraheni/Reuters
Indonesia is banking on an unusual strategy to prevent further flooding in its inundated capital Jakarta, and officials claim that they are already seeing positive results.
Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Trust
Angel Wisdom Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Daily Tarot Reading ~ 2/20/13 ~ Change is Afoot
The Tower
In this card we see a tower being struck with lightning and 2 beings falling out of the tower. (Remind you of anything?) This is a card of massive change. And even if you can't see it happening in your physical world it is most definitely happening at other levels. The Change indicated with this card is sudden. It is not a gradual change whatsoever. Change is scary for a lot of people, and at the rate things are going it can be downright terrifying. The most important thing is to stay grounded and present. None of these changes will be negatory, even though they may seem that way at first. Be calm, and have faith that everything will fall into place as it should.
Let's Win :)
The Year of the Comets: Three Reasons Why 2013 Could be the Best Ever
Universe Today by Bob King on February 19, 2013
Comet L4 Panstarrs photographed from Australia at dawn on Feb. 17, 2013 with a telephoto lens. A bright head and short tail are visible. Credit: Joseph Brimacombe
The manuscript of survival – part 271
Aisha North February 20, 2013
The reason you might all feel a more than a little bit put out today is as always easy to explain. Once again the level of energetic downloads has been amped up, and you are literally being bathed in the forces of change. So yes, expect some rather interesting side effects as you once again are being pushed and pulled in every direction from all of this life-enhancing information that is being beamed into you. And once again you will feel how you are being almost prodded into reaction, as these energies will indeed not stop at anything in order for them to be completely assimilated by you.
Red tide won't go away
News-Press.com - 2/19/13, Kevin Lollar
But signs point to improvement.
A dead fish is pecked at by a gull at Lighthouse Point on Sanibel. Red Tide is killing fish off of the Island. / ANDREW WEST/The News-Press
Although Southwest Florida’s lingering red tide prompted the National Weather Service to issue a beach hazards statement Tuesday, conditions might be improving.
According to the statement, dead fish have been reported and patchy high or moderate respiratory impacts due to red tide are possible for Lee and Charlotte counties.
The Respons~Ability Of Choosing Truth
One Dream Dreamer February 20 2013
It’s a no going back choice, if made from the Heart and Soul.
Once Truth is Chosen the whole Uni-Verse plays out following our desire. The Whole Uni-Verse is inside and outside, It’s us and it’s all.
Once we choose, there’s no cheating anymore. It’s still possible to try… but wise souls soon feel enough pressure to go back on track of their own choice. Even if friends, relatives, beloved ones of any kind are stuck into the illusion… once the Choice has been taken, going back is impossible. The body plays the game for us when we don’t listen, giving us strong hints of being off track. The Uni-Verse plays the game for us by making it impossible to walk off track.
And still some try, for they don’t remember the moment when their Heart choose Truth, pretending to prefer illusion they pretend to prefer they do not exist. They pretend they’re not alive and divine. They try and wonder why things get so difficult, why every thing seems to collapse.
Friday Is an Extremely Sacred Day: 2-22-2013: Celebrate Divine Love
Using numerology and the spiritual significance of 2-22-2013, it is easy to ascertain that Friday is an extremely sacred day.
The number 22 represents the spiritual completion required for soul union with one’s Divine Complement, also known as Twin Soul or Twin Flame. We each have just one. Scientists have found and photographed two forms of energy representing feminine energy and masculine energy and Henderson has taken science to its logical conclusion, to source which is made up of two united beings, the Divine Female/Divine Male or God/Goddess (see The Science of Soulmates by Henderson for more evidence). His conclusion is (as many others have concluded) that humans must be made, ultimately, in Source’s Image, which would be a unified Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine couple joined together and that there is only ONE complement for every individual, one "twin" soul counterpart.
With 2-22-2 we have the representation of this Sacred and Divine reunion and it is the sacred union that then results in Eternal Life which is represented by the number 13 per Gematria.
I Know That Our Galactic Family is Here! How About You?
I know that our Galactic Family is here!
How about you?
We want you to share The Truth!
It's simple.
Just create a short clip like the one above
and then email it to
If you can't make a video clip, you can submit an audio clip or a written statement. You can include photos if you like.
Blasted Out of Our Comfort Zone, The Matrix and Commitment
a message from Kara Schallock
Tuesday, 19 February, 2013
As I posted on my Facebook Community Page (Ascension: Soulstice Rising), the asteroid and the several meteorites we have been experiencing, coupled with other cosmic events, blasted us out of our complacency of old lives and comfort zones. This precipitated an uncomfortable angst of remaining in certain beliefs, patterns and life circumstances so that perhaps we would make the choice to follow our Soul’s Plan and Bliss. Remaining in old life just doesn’t seem to be an option any more. This movement calls for great Courage and a Willingness to take a risk and jump into the abyss. What you can’t see is that you don’t plummet and “risk” is only a perception based in fear. What you do find is that you have your own wings and fly to your Heart’s Desires. Whether you do that now or later, it doesn’t matter; even if it’s just an intuition or intention now with taking action when it feels right; the energy is here to support you. And isn’t it better to jump, rather than be pushed over the edge?
2-20-13 Bill Ballard ~ New Persons Are Waking In Mass Not Realizing Thoughts
Commentary from The Galactic Free Press~ Again Bill Brings Up Oppt. We have DOne the research and in fact this has been out there for the past 10 years but since the december 21st event Lightworkers Have Jumped On this As this is their Savior. What OPPT SUggests will put others in jail and so we cannot support that. We cannot bring3d into 5d its impossible. Be Present, Be Love, Trust Love and Know all is Going to Be Ok, The SOlution to All problems on this Planet right now is Humanity Awakening this should be the focus! Love The Earth Allies
Published on Feb 20, 2013
The Symbol of Creator
Claire from Source of Goodness talks about Creator's Flower of Life symbol (currently being used by many healers in its powered down state) and shares the news that this symbol was been powered up to its full working state 12 February 2012 as The Fully Reactivated Key of Life Symbol. Creator is gifting this to humanity for this time and beyond. It is the foundation stone that must be laid by humanity and primarily by the healing teachers in order for our ascension process to move forwards. Claire also talks about how negative ego programing is affecting many healers from reaching fullest Truths and impacting on the decisions they make. She shares how fullest Truth can be accessed with dedicated inner work and meditation. Also covered is one of the many reasons why others are resistant to these Truths and how cosmic attachments are impacting on humanity.Cosmic attachments are highly prevelent in the energy fields. They impact on our emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual well beng. Many are using outdated methods to clear their fields.Many do not have any methods to clear their feilds at all. Many are in denial about Cosmic attachments exisiting. These Truths must be faced. There is too much confuson regarding attachments and all denials about attachments comes from lack of awareness and education. Being blissfully unaware does not make something True. Times are moving on and if we are to be of fullest assistance to the whole, then those whose role it is to anchor in the Fully Reactivated Key of Life are being called to awaken, to go deep within their heart centres and to connect to Melchizedek for guidance on the Fully Reactivated Key of Life symbol and why it is so important to the ascension process. I am not a movie maker, so this video is not here for entertainment purposes! It is here to share guidance on what is currently holding back the spiritual community from being a more powerful force for good. Thank you for listening. Have a beautiful day.
Bulgarian government resigns amid growing protests
Bulgaria's government resigned on Wednesday after mass protests against high power prices and falling living standards, joining a long list of European administrations felled by austerity during four years of debt crisis.
Prime Minister Boiko Borisov, an ex-bodyguard who took power in 2009 on pledges to root out graft and raise incomes in the European Union's poorest member, faces a tough task of propping up eroding support ahead of an expected early election.
Wage and pension freezes and tax hikes have bitten deep in a country where earnings are less than half the EU average and tens of thousands of Bulgarians have rallied in protests that have turned violent, chanting "Mafia" and "Resign".
Lightworkers, Adult Indigos & those pesky FOO (Family of Origin) issues!
a message from Rev. Kaye Sawyer
Saturday, 9 February, 2013 (posted 20 February, 2013)
Hello friends. If you are reading this, it might be because the title grabbed your attention and you most likely identify as a Light worker, Adult Indigo, star seed or any combination therein. If that is indeed the case, it is highly likely that your early childhood experiences and/or your Family of Origin have been a source of pain, frustration or disappointment for you. You may also take heart that you are in quite a “club” of your peers, and that this REALLY did and does serve a higher purpose. At this point, you may think that I’m just here to sell you some New Age positive thinking Snake Oil, but I do encourage you to read on.
Storm Reports: Snow, Sleet Cover Northeast Roads
Meghan Evans, Meteorologist February 19, 2013; 5:49 PM
In the above map: Snow/Ice is represented by pink lines. Blue lines represent wet condition
A deadly storm that shut down roads across the Midwest is now taking aim at the Northeast. Snow, sleet and freezing rain are pushing into the interior Northeast on Tuesday, creating slick travel conditions.
Roads are slippery due to the wintry weather across much of New York and Pennsylvania. During the morning hours, travel was impacted all the way down the spine of the Appalachians.
For more information on this story and video please click here.
Russian meteorite: hunt for debris begins, but was it a comet?
The Extinction Protocol Posted on February 20, 2013