~ Enjoy the RIDE!~ Its the end of the road for all ego's

Lia's picture

Greetings Love Beings, Wow..... Its really the end of the road for all egos.... on all Levels! If You are In the Present Moment of Now, where Everything is unfolding you are In for a Ride! Love HAS WON Indeed! and The Disoclosure of us Being Here is at Hand. We will Have More about this in our upcoming Update. Love The Earth Allies

New Abundance Grids forming on Planet Earth now.


New Abundance Grids forming on Planet Earth now. In transition. A vortex of energy with a grounding grid of anchoring into the new grid system happening. The new flower of life vortex spin with 8 pedals of energy, which is money, abundance, prosperity. This transmission will activate your portals of your energetic fields for abundance.


New Abundance Grids #25





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Please Help The Maasai And The Animals On Their Land In Tanzania


Please help to avert this unjust disaster! Sign the petition to help the Maasai and the animals on their land from this ridiculuous plan:



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'Sirius,' Steven Greer's Film, Claims To Unveil Tiny 'Alien' Humanoid (VIDEO)


Huffington Post


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~ Intense Love Party Unfolding!~ You can Join us Live!



Love is Really Here On Planet Earth=Heart and Everything is changing as a result!

Here we Go and There are No seatbelts!!! You can Join us On this Love Ride For an Intense Love Party this evening, love is not stopping! Begins Now 6:30pm Pacific Until ?  Here is the Link to Join us:



PS The Room is a Little Finicky it may require a Couple of times to Enter! This is a High Vibrational Room! You Will Be Effected By These Energies!




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Visual Centering Explained


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Latest Earthquake Activity - April 9, 2013


Source: USGS.gov
Follow the link to see quake
activity for the past seven days.

Visit Live Earthquakes Map
for live quake reporting.

10-degree map showing recent earthquakes

Map of the 5.6 mag quake in Java, Indonesia

All quakes with magnitude 4.5
or greater are highlighted.

April 9




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Iceland Indicts Bankers Over Financial Crisis


AmericanBanker.com - 3/28/13, Victoria Finkle


Public frustration has been mounting over the lack of high-profile criminal prosecutions in the wake of the financial crisis here in the U.S. But the same cannot be said abroad.

Several news outlets reported that Iceland's special prosecutor, hired in 2009 to investigate suspicious activities at several major banks, indicted fifteen bankers — including two chief executives — earlier this month over illegal activity tied to the meltdown of the country's banking system in the fall of 2008. The bankers are accused of stock-price manipulation and securities fraud.

To read the rest of this story, visit AmericanBanker.com.


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No respite, heat wave to stay


NewIndianExpress.com - 4/09/13, By Express News Service - BHUBANESWAR

  • The weather office has predicted that heat wave conditions will prevail for the next 48 hours in some parts of the State. So far, no sunstroke death has been reported | EPS
    The weather office has predicted that heat wave conditions will prevail for the next 48 hours in some parts of the State. So far, no sunstroke death has been reported | EPS

The heat wave is here to stay, at least for the current week. With mercury level showing a steady rise across the State, any immediate relief from the sweltering conditions is unlikely. The formation of a troughline around Friday may decide how the next fortnight will go.

On Monday, as many as 14 stations __ spread across coastal, western, northern and central Odisha pockets  __ recorded 40-degree-plus temperature signalling that the entire State was under the grip of  blistering conditions. Titlagarh (42.2 degree) and Sambalpur (42 degree) were the hottest places.


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Powerful Winds Lash California, Arizona


Weather.com - 4/08/13

Current Winds

LOS ANGELES -- Powerful winds raked much of California on Monday, toppling trees, causing scattered power outages, whipping up blinding dust storms, and sending waves crashing ashore as a vigorous spring weather system swept through the state on its way across the West.

Rising winds were reported in Arizona, where 34 miles of Interstate 40 near Winslow had to be closed to traffic.

To read the rest of this story, visit Weather.com.


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What's Killing the Honey Bees?


Weather.com - 4/08/13, AP


LOGAN, Utah – A Utah man is trying to use his recognition as this year's national beekeeper of the year to focus attention on a major threat to the industry: colony collapse disorder.

Darren Cox of Cache County, who has 5,000 hives in Utah, California and Wyoming, received the award from the American Honey Producers Association earlier this year.

To read the rest of this story, visit Weather.com.


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So, you asked for a sign?




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Offshore tax havens rocked by bank account leaks


The offshore financial industry has been hit by the leak of 2.5 million secret bank accounts of companies and nationals in 170 countries to 86 journalists worldwide, under the leadership of the International Consortium of investigative journalism. Publication began this week.

The leak of two million emails and other documents, mostly from the offshore haven of the British Virgin Islands is expected to cause global shockwaves.

An estimated $32 trillion (€25 trillion) is locked up in the accounts, which are used by plutocrats, heads of state, and celebrities to avoid paying income tax.

Full Story... (eurativ.com)


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Keycodes from Kuthumi - The Yellow Ray



Published on Apr 8, 2013

We present the Yellow Ray within the personification of Ascended Master. Archetypal presentation from one's subconscious, out-of-time, non-linear DNA. Yellow frequency band awareness. The presentation in archetypal form we bring you this day is he who you would know as Lord Kuthumi. Channelled, written and spoken by Magenta Pixie. A meditation related to the topic of this video can be downloaded at http://www.magentapixie.com

Images c/o Stock.Xchng, motion graphics c/o stockfootageforfree and motionbackgroundsforfree, music c/o Kevin Macleod. Video edited by Catzmagick Productions.



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Annette Funicello, 'America's Sweetheart,' Has Died


npr by Eyder Peralta  April 08, 2013 1:32 PM



Headshot portrait of American actor and singer Annette Funicello.

Annette Funicello, who was one of the first child stars to emerge out of The Mickey Mouse Club, has died, .

Funicello was known as "America's Sweetheart." Her acting career started in 1955 when Walt Disney recruited her at 12 years old. She went on to become a successful film star, starring with Frankie Avalon in .


To read the rest of this story visit npr



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The Hathors of Earth’s Solar Astral Planes: Comfortable Complacency, Letting Vengeance Fade and the Prevalent Presence of Spirit


 by Wes Annac

416 small


If we could only detail every last bit of energetic progress you the ascending humanity have been making upon your paths, than we would be able to uplift and motivate you dear souls in much stronger ways than we will be able to because of the communication gap between us and you. This gap that we speak of is growing smaller and smaller by the moment and as has been said, your belief in your ability to pick up on our impressions will determine its strength.

The sacred bond with the higher realms and with we souls within the higher realms that humanity is beginning to open up to simply cannot go unrealized by the entirety of your collective, and every single one if you will in due time, find the states of consciousness that help you to understand the reality of every facet of what is happening on your world and in realms far beyond the conscious understanding of the physical humanity.


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The Battle For Your Mind ~ Open Your Heart Before It's Too Late


Published on Apr 8, 2013

We Are Awake!
Feel Alive by Ralph Smart. The New Book Now Available Below:
My Website: http://infinitewaters.net



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Understanding Orbs




Perhaps you’ve seen photos from your friends or in this magazine of orbs.  Some are quite simple, appearing like a thousand light bulbs suspended in the air.  Others are quite complex, with intricate designs and shapes.  So what are “orbs?”  You’ll be intrigued by the answers I received in my meditations.


Orbs are spirits in many different forms.  They are energy with consciousness.  Their

energy is just above the human eye spectrum, which is why they normally can only be seen in photographs.  Few humans have the ability to see them with their naked eyes.  They cannot be touched—your hand would go right through them. 



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Being Blown Out of Our Comfort Zones Into the New




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Benjamin Fulford Update 4-8-13 The Sabbatean mafia that illegally seized control in the West



benjamin_fulford_popple_120911_snip22Benjamin Fulford 4-8-13

The Sabbatean mafia that illegally seized control in the West is planning to stage nuclear terror attacks and blame them on North Korea, intelligence agency sources say. Google chief Eric Schmidt and basketball start Dennis Rodman recently visited North Korea as envoys of US President Barak Obama, MI6 and Japan-based North Korean sources say (shortly after Schmidt’s visit to North Korea, there was an attack on South Korean banking and media websites that was originally blamed on North Korea and China turns out to have originated in the US, most likely courtesy of Google).

The visits were aimed at encouraging North Korea to make nuclear provocations so that it could later be plausibly blamed for nuclear terrorist attacks carried out by the Sabbatean mafia, the sources say. To under-score this, the Mossad linked website Debka.com had an article last week that basically threatened a North Korean nuclear terror attack unless Israeli interests were served.


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Your chance to assist humanities awakening on a Global Scale...


Attention, Attention Please Everyone.

My Very dear friend Robbie Stewart (Creator of Shark Water) has poured his heart and soul into this amazing film.
This film will have a major global impact, and with enough opening night support will ripple across the earth at an even stronger and faster pace.
For those of you who wish to support the positive change that humanity is undergoing and re-inspire your zest for life here is your chance with very little effort.
By attending the opening night release this friday April 12th you will contribute to the critical mass that will determine distribution around the world. Let's do this!!! ♥



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Volcanic activity worldwide 8 Apr 2013: Stromboli, Santa María / Santiaguito, Pacaya, Fuego, Colima...


Volcano Discovery Monday Apr 08, 2013 17:42 PM |

Seismic signal from Stromboli (ST8 station, INGV)

Seismic signal from Stromboli (ST8 station, INGV)

Current seismic recording from Colima volcano  (Soma station, Univ. Colima)

Current seismic recording from Colima volcano (Soma station, Univ. Colima)



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~ Monday Meeting Pictures!!!!~





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Great Site For Craft Sightings


Here is a great site for watching craft, that was e-mailed to me by a friend. 




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I Declare World Peace - Beverly



Published on Apr 3, 2012 by ideclareworldpeace


Self-described "old hippie" woman from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania declares world peace.







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How we eat...




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3MIN News April 9, 2013: Cyclones, Tornados, Sunspot Magnetics, Erupting Filament




Source: YouTube.com

By: Suspicious0bservers



Published on Apr 9, 2013


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Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Meditation


Angel Wisdom Tuesday, April 9, 2013


Spend time in meditation


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Méline Lafont ~ The Bridge is placed and the Timelines are merging ~


pleiadedolphininfos Tuesday, April 9, 2013


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Visit of the Galactic Federation of Stellar Nations


Thank you for watching this video from the beginning even if it starts at 18 mins due to the copyrights on some songs.

This is only a short presentation about the Galactic Federation of Stellar Nations, also referred to as " The Intergalactic Confederation ", " The Galactic Federation of Light " or simply " The Galactic Federation ".

Sharing this video will be a great help to the First Contact Mission.
Translate it into another language is a welcome initiative provided you do not modify the content.

All additionnal remarks are in the generic. Warm regards,

Accueillons-les Chaleureusement ღ


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Possible causes to the recent Decrease in the Warming Rate


Accuweather.com - 4/8/13



Dr. James Hansen, who has worked at NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies for 46 years and was director since 1981, has announced his retirement. Hansen wants to spend more time to focus on science and make it clearer to the public.

Dr. Hansen along with Pushker Kharecha and Makiko Sato recently issued a commentary titled 'Doubling Down on our Faustian Bargain'. You can read it in its entirety right here.

Why does the rate of global warming seem to be less this decade compared to what it was during the prior 25 years?



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Shallow 6.3 magnitude earthquake strikes southern Iran, near nuclear plant: 3 dead


The Extinction Protocol-4/9/13


Iran 4 9


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Heavenletter #4519 - Majesty Is within Your Reach


Heaven Letters Published on: April 9, 2013

God said:

Blessed are you who search for Me, and blessed are you who do not search for Me. Blessed are you who seek, and blessed are you who run away. Each of you is an innocent. No matter how sophisticated you may be in terms of the world, you are an innocent. All are innocents. The clever are innocent, for they think cleverness is a great feat. The naïve are no more innocent than anyone else, for the naïve are also unaware of the heights they climb and what it means to be a child of God. No one knows more than another no matter how much they seem to know. Everything is new under the sun when you look up.

No one wears armor. A storm assails the wealthy as well as the poor. Storms assail the sheep of the world, and storms assail the wolves alike. It matters not your title nor anything about you. You are all innocents at sea, pulled by a tide beyond your ken.


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“Waves Of Prosperity.” Mini-Reading For April 8, 2013.


Cupcakes and Angels Posted on April 8, 2013 by bella7xoxo


There is nothing-absolutely nothing-that we, as Sovereign and unlimited Creator Beings, cannot accomplish if we set our intentions on it.  This is not to say that there won’t be challenges and roadblocks along the way to our destination.  But when we reach up and beyond the perceived limitations of the 3D world, we then enter into a land of unlimited opportunity, abundance and access to our God-given skills and abilities.  This is where we plant the seeds of manifestation.  It’s where we reconnect with our life purpose and remember what it is we originally came to Earth to do.  It’s essential that we work hard to move past all of the old ideas and conditioning, all of which tells us that we are somehow undeserving and that to live a life of peace and fulfillment is impossible.  We have to work on this aspect of ourselves if we are ever to realize even a fraction of our true power.


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Uploaded on Feb 25, 2011, By Rainbowdom1




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Re~Hearter - Two Chat Sessions This Afternoon! Please Join Us.


Please join us this afternoon! ALL are welcome.






heartWelcome to The Fifth Dimension (With Rain)

Tuesdays and Thursdays -- 2 to 4 pm Eastern
(11am to 1 pm Pacific)

I welcome ALL LOVE BEings to join us as we talk about navigating the Fifth Dimension together, flowing in the River of the Oneness Energy. We can't get lost if we co-create with LOVE.

~ Love, Rain


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Current “Difficulties” and the “No Escape” Paradigm…


Gaia Portal Apr 9

gaia_energy1“Difficulties”, as some term “events not in alignment with individual-desire-perceived pathways”, are being exposed via the enlarged Gaia Portal Light Grid complex. This Grid “complex” is a combination of several multi-dimensional Grids, emplaced* so as to allow the “no escape” paradigm to be maintained at the forefront of individual awareness.

All humans, as well as Hue-persons, are living within this “no escape” paradigm, at this now moment in time.

Those with awareness of the current “no escape” paradigm will understand the purpose of “difficulties” now presenting within energy spaces.

Embracing the “difficulties”, releasing the “desire bases”**, and allowing solutions to enter via Higher [HEART], will allow smoother passage through these now moments.

[* ÉirePort note: click for definition of emplaced]
[** ÉirePort note: "bases" = plural of "basis"]


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Moon Work

Tonight we are working in the 15th Moon Mansion. Agrapha. The angel in charge is Atliel. This angel helps find buried treasure, creates discord, divorce, destruction of houses, enemies. Hinders travelers. So, prayers and blessings to all who are in these situations. Love one another. Please. Blessings, Rhonda L. Porter.

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Moon Work

Previous was last nights information. Tonight we are in 16th mansion. Azubene, Angel is Azeruel. This angel encourages the ransom of prisoners, hinders traveling, weddings, harvests and business. "To the moon Alice!" We've got work to do.

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Etna volcano current activity: new paroxysms from New SE crater


Volcano Discovery Update Tue 09 Apr 11:39

Explosion from the New SE crater

Explosion from the New SE crater

Relatively strong ash explosions continue to occur from the New SE crater. At the same time, the tremor signal is rising - maybe we're about to witness the start of a new paroxysm?

Relatively strong ash explosions continue to occur from the New SE crater. At the same time, the tremor signal is rising - maybe we're about to witness the start of a new paroxysm?

Update Tue 09 Apr 10:22

Ash emission from Etna's New SE crater yesterday afternoon (INGV webcam)


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Flooding eases in Tasmania


weatherzone Brett Dutschke, Tuesday April 9, 2013 - 10:43 EST

Parts of eastern Tasmania were flooded by persistent rain overnight, leading to flooding but this rain is now clearing, causing the flooding to ease.

A severe weather warning for heavy rain has now been cancelled.

The biggest falls were in the Lower Derwent to the east of Hobart, where some locations gained more than 100mm.


To read the rest of this story visit weatherzone


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Lisa Gawlas ~ Doorways, Outhouses, New Soul Code Activations And April 11th!!


9 April 2013


outhouseI find spirit’s sudden switch in focus interesting and telling.  For the first quarter of this year, the focus has been on you, your light body and how everything is changing and the various tools now available to you (even if those tools seem a bit cryptic, there is always a reason for their presentation.)  Now the focus has completely switched to things being presented to you in physical life, alignments coming up designed to take you out of the “straight and steady” and much deeper, much more actively into Life itself.

I have to really pay attention to the symbolism’s being used as well.  Doorways have become pretty relevant these last couple days.  Then my last reading of the day yesterday just threw me for a loop.  She didn’t have a doorway, she had what looked (to me) like an outhouse!  A very small building with a pitched roof, colored in the now familiar deep orange (something that serves to expand your self of Self in this new world,) that showed up just off her center path on the left (physical) side.  No matter what I tried to do, spirit would not let me inside to explore the bigger details of what this means.  Altho they (spirit) wouldn’t give her exact details about what this little side trip of life was exactly, they did give her a time frame and I really feel, all of us something to be very aware of.


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Re~Hearter - Two Chat Sessions This Afternoon! Please Join Us.


Please join us this afternoon! ALL are welcome.






heartWelcome to The Fifth Dimension (With Rain)

Tuesdays and Thursdays -- 2 to 4 pm Eastern
(11am to 1 pm Pacific)

I welcome ALL LOVE BEings to join us as we talk about navigating the Fifth Dimension together, flowing in the River of the Oneness Energy. We can't get lost if we co-create with LOVE.


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Springtime Vibrations


Written by Wes Annac

With everything happening in my Life and on the spiritual stage at this moment, I feel a very strong desire to give a personal update and detail how the energies of this time are treating me personally. We had expected a much earlier spring around here than what seemed to be delivered, as the snow lasted for longer than anticipated but now, the springtime energies are more than making themselves known and the wonderful vibrations prevalent all around are expanding exponentially as a result.

I can remember being a child and looking forward to this time of the year, because we are able to get out and enjoy the beautiful blossoming weather rather than staying inside away from the extreme temperatures. Of course, even with spring blooming we are already feeling the summer energies around here, but the change in season seems to have heralded a vastly-expanded state of consciousness that I’m finding myself able to attune to with relative ease.

I’ve found more blissful states of consciousness in the last two weeks than I have perhaps ever found, and even the bold metaphysical experiences I was blessed with having around the 21st pale in comparison to the ease in which I’m able to access purely blissful states of being. Lately, it seems as if a simple breath will draw in so much pure energy, and that same breath will help me to find the purest states of meditation that I’m overjoyed to be able to get into.


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Short Situation Update ~ Cobra


Portal 2012 Monday, April 8, 2013



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Reading: April 9/2013


Reading Lisa Gawlas' blog earlier that talks about a three day period of transformation ending, in new doorways, on the 11th. I chose to do a personal reading, using each of my decks to add clarity to the overall picture. I wanted to learn more about how I should be integrating the energy that is coming in. 



I decided to do a personal reading today to see how I was doing specifically on energy integration. I drew a number of cards that were aligned with the theme of this blog post.


Sirian Starseed reading:

8 of chalices (gratitude for what you've learned/success)

9 of crystals (enjoy success/abundance)

10 of crystals (enjoy abundance without fear of loss)


Spirit Animals:

Ladybug - abundance, good fortune, waves of prosperity

Spider - write to insprite/englighten others

Cardinal - balance spiritual pursuits with physical pleasures

Condor - step back to see the bigger picture before making decisions



Pay attention - signs, repetitions and inner guidance

Synchronicities - notice them to increase

Time to move on



Connect with nature

Dietary change

Love life - question involves love life

Son - (younger male)

New home - (moving is a step in the right direction)



Healing the past - enter future with clarity and strength

Being in the flow - I am in flow of the universe

Revealing radiance -- My light illuminates the world


Mayan Oracle reading: 

Adventurer's quest - crossroads, vision/destiny, projections and lessons

Realm shift - the universe is one hologram/web, expanded view of reality


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The Oracle Report Tuesday, April 9, 2013


The Oracle Report


Balsamic Moon Phase - Moon in Aries

Once in a great while, there is a confluence of things that are perfect for making a wish.  Today is that day.  How beautiful.


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Conversations with Michael, my Twin Flame ~ Back into Oneness. By Debbie Erasmus



This morning I woke up just after 2am and was bombarded with inspirational words and phrases from my Twin. I thought, Ahhhh the magic hour is here and Michael is wasting no time grabbing my attention! I picked up my phone up to quickly plug some of the phrases into my calendar so they wouldn’t escape me.  But they kept coming…


Michael, enough darling, I need to get some more sleep!


[Grin] Beloved I cannot resist…


You’re grinning!


Yes I am! Why do you think I am grinning?


Because you’ve got it all! The cat, the cream, the whole enchilada! [Smile]


[Lol] You are right there beloved! I certainly have. I have never loved you more than I love you now.

You mean Ária right?


No Debbie, I mean you!


Wow, then once again you have blown my mind my Lord! Let’s see…. There are 12 sub dimensions in each dimension and 12 dimensions in each sub universe and 12 sub universes in each universe and 12 universes in the Omniverse, so I’m going to say I love you 144 times 144 times 144 times 144. That should blow your mind! [Smile]


Wow! You have blown my mind! I am grateful that you love me so much Debbie!


I am grateful for your love also Michael! You have rocked my world right off it’s axis!


I know and you don’t even fully remember me as your Twin…


I knew you were my husband though!


Yes, that is still puzzling me…. How did you know?



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Ascension update: Becoming our Soul


Ascension Pioneers- 4/8/13





Do You feel how deeply we have stepped into the New, and how we are continuously being asked to let go of everything that is not aligned with our highest Source Essence? We simply don't desire to feed any more energy to the old. We are asked to invite only that which is the true mirror of our perfected state. The guidance that came in today is this. Instead of saying I AM grateful, we are asked to say: "I AM Gratitude. I AM Grace. I AM ..." This way we focus on our Soul Essences. Do You feel the difference in saying that, do You feel the shift taking place within You?

Within Divine Love, Polona




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Big Story Weather – April 9, 2013


RedOrbit - April 9, 2013 - by Joshua Kelly




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ET Genetic Code May Be Found In Human DNA, According To Kazakhstan Scientists' Biological SETI Theory


Huffington Post- 4/9/13, Lee Speigel


Alien Code Human Genes



For those of us who wonder if earthlings are the only intelligent species in the Milky Way and beyond, try this theory on for size: Two scientists in Kazakhstan believe humans may have an extraterrestrial "stamp" embedded into our genetic code, a mathematical message that would not be explained by Darwin's theory of biological evolution.

The scientists are suggesting that an advanced alien civilization "seeded" our galaxy eons ago with an ET signal that eventually found its way to Earth, implanting a genetic code into humans, reports Discovery.com. Physicist Vladimir I. shCherbak of al-Farabi Kazakh National University of Kazakhstan and astrobiologist Maxim A. Makukov of the Fesenkvo Astrophysical Institute refer to this far-out concept as "biological SETI."



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