GFP Newsletter - 3/8/2016

will's picture

"Has your baby brother learned to talk yet?"

"Oh, sure," replied little Mike. "Now Mummy and Daddy are teaching him to keep quiet."

The society teaches you knowledge. So many schools, colleges, universities...they are all devoted to creating knowledge, more knowledge, implanting knowledge in people. And the function of the Master is just the opposite: what your society has done to you the Master has to undo. His function is basically anti-social, and nothing can be done about it. The Master is bound to be anti-social.

Jesus, Pythagoras, Buddha, Lao Tzu, they are all anti-social. Not that they want to be anti-social, but the moment they recognize the beauty of not knowing, the vastness of not knowing, the innocence of not knowing, the moment the taste of not knowing happens to them, they want to impart it to others, they want to share it with others. And that very process is anti-social.

People ask me why the society is against me. The society is NOT against me -- I am anti- social. But I can't help it -- I have to do my thing. I have to share what has happened to me, and in that very sharing I go against the society. Its whole structure is rooted in knowledge, and the Master's function is to destroy both knowledge and ignorance and to bring you back your childhood.

Jesus says: Unless you are like small children you will not enter into the kingdom of God.



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