Zen is just being ordinary. And Zen is the essence of all religion, just to be ordinary. Realizing the fact that ego creates a hell around it, that ego is the source of all hell, that it has all the seeds of misery, anguish, one simply drops it without a second thought. Once one simply realizes the fact that one is suffering because of the ego, one simply drops it - but not in search of something.
You can drop the ego in search of something. Then you have not really dropped it - you are bargaining. Realizing the fact that ego is ugly, the source of all misery and illness, you simply drop it. You don't ask: What will I gain out of it if I drop my ego? - because all gain is the subtle search of the ego. You simply drop it because it is useless, harmful, poisonous.
You are passing through the woods, you come across a snake - you simply jump out of the way. You don't ask: What will I gain out of it?
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Sunday, May 28, 2017 - 07:00