Grace belongs to the natural human being who has dropped all kinds of conditionings - Christian, Hindu, Mohammedan, Jewish - and who lives not bothering to be in tune with the society, but in tune with existence. Then the music of existence flows through him, then the fragrance of existence surrounds him. It is not something to be cultivated, it is something you are born with; just give it an opportunity to grow.
Don't hinder its progress. Have you ever seen any deer which is not graceful? Have you seen any eagle which is not graceful? It is only man who has to cultivate it.
It is strange, because man is the highest part of existence which has evolved consciousness. Grace will come just like a shadow; you don't have to cultivate it. Anything cultivated is going to be phoney.
Only something natural that arises from your very being is going to be authentic, sincere, honest.
- NOT JUST WHAT YOU CAN SEE WITH YOUR EYES - Galactic Free Press Original
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