The body is just like the wheel. Breathing is necessary for the body and meditation is necessary, just as necessary, for the soul. Without breathing you will be dead; that means the body will be dead.
Without meditation you will be dead; that is, the soul will be dead.
Gurdjieff used to say: Don't believe that you already have got a soul. How can you have a soul unless you meditate? And he was right. When you meditate, for the first time the soul revives in you.
It has been waiting for you. And when the soul starts breathing within you, just like the body, when the soul starts beating within you just like the heart, then you have a different quality; that quality is the religiousness. It has nothing to do with rituals. Then you are a different, a totally different human being.
- The Chance and Dance of a Lifetime - Heavenletters
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Saturday, May 6, 2017 - 09:28 - Daily Message ~ Saturday May 6, 2017 - Trinity Esoterics
Saturday, May 6, 2017 - 09:24 - Your Life - The Creator Writings
Saturday, May 6, 2017 - 07:00