GFP Newsletter - 9/20/2015

will's picture

A man was telling his friend about his recent trip to Europe and said, "You know, I went to Europe with my friend Seymour - you know Seymour, the cripple, the one with the crutches under each arm? Well, first we went to London where we visited the Tower of London. I climbed to the very top of it but poor Seymour, the cripple, the one with the crutches under each arm, he could not make it.

"Then we went to Paris, France, where again I climbed to the top of the Eiffel Tower - but poor Seymour, the cripple, the one with the crutches under each arm, could not make it.

"But then we went to Rome and ended up with a private audience with the Pope. The Pope walked into the room, took one look at Seymour, the cripple, the one with the crutches under each arm, and walked over to him and placed a kiss on the right cheek of Seymour. As if by magic, Seymour threw his right crutch away.

"Then the Pope came over to Seymour's left cheek and gave him a kiss - and again as if by magic, he threw his left crutch down."

"What happened next?" his friend asked.

"Well, Seymour is a cripple, you know - he fell down right on his ass."



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