- Ferocious Sun Explosion! Earth bound?
- Time to Wake Up beautiful sleepwalker.. welcome back. We have missed you. All My Love The Universe
- 8/31/2012 -- Dutch Multiple views of Large solar filament eruption -- Earth Directed
- Power Path ~ September Forecast 2012: REACTION-ACTION
- The Councils Of Light explain the purpose of Connecting with the 7 Sacred directions at this time on Gaia.
- 8/31/2012 -- Severe weather -- Tornadoes in Midwest -- tropical storm leftovers
- Ashtar ~ Wake-Up Call to Higher Dimensional Truths
- Transmissions from Sananda (Jesus the Christ Ascended) -- Talking to Your Heart of Your Soul, Calling to Source God
- Ben Bernanke Fails To Move The Gold Market Lower
- UFO 'Secrets' To Be Revealed In September, Says National Atomic Testing Museum
- 2MIN News Sept 1, 2012: Mega-Filament Eruption
- Sophia Love – The Fierce Power Of Agape
- Giant Filament Eruptions Causes Hyder Flare.
- Heavenletter #4299 Enlightenment Isn’t a Possession, September 1, 2012
- Final Balancing of Gaia Energies in Process…
- Paradigms Not Aligned to Higher Energies Have Dissolved
- A new cycle begins: Are You ready to trust? By Polona
- Ex-Navy SEAL who wrote Bin Laden book gets warning from Pentagon
- VISIONS 2012 ISHTAR ANTARES Brilliant!!!
- Switzerland pays the price for banking secrecy
- ~The Galactic Free Press Update~ Special Full Blue Moon~
- Downtown Mpls. Becomes Black Hawk Helicopter Training Zone
- Blue Star UFO Report - August 31, 2012
- KGB Agent Tells You What The Illusion Is !
- Israel holds large-scale emergency exercises in Tel Aviv
- Ron Paul supporters walk out of GOP convention
- Students fight college ID tracking badges
- Mediumship with Michael Jackson
- Military UFO Files Lecture
- Triangle UFOs over British skies 'pose no threat,' states minister, but sightings continue to skyrocket
- Real Love Doesn’t Make You Suffer ♥
- Space Weather Update~ MAGNIFICENT ERUPTION:
- Japan plans to cut state spending, could run out of money in a month
- Japan plans to cut state spending, could run out of money in a month
- Blue Moon Effect on Gaia and Ongoing Ascension by Adrial
- Secret royal veto powers over new laws to be exposed
- Spectacular filament eruption, waves of ionization and Sun’s polar magnetic field shift for end of August
- Bill Ballard ~ WE are rockin our planet again today. It’s even more intense than last week
- Konstantinos: A synchronization and a communication
- Digital pills make their way to market
- Please HEAL Cambodia
- Retired Bishop Tells It Like It Is
- Power struggle behind Vietnam tycoon's arrest?
- Do Not Be “Good.” Be YOU. – Judith Dagley and the celestial team
- The Ball and Chain Clamped on the UK Economy
- Homeland Security tests to begin at T stops in Cambridge, Somerville
- The Golden Paint Brush of September Is In Your Hand To Use!!
- A New Run On The Banks? Spaniards Pulling Cash Out At Record Rates
- Spain Approves Establishment of 'Bad Bank'
- Spain's Bankia loses 4.45 bn euros in first half of 2012
- Neil Armstrong’s UFO Secret – Dr. Steven Greer
- Oracle Report - Saturday, September 1 - Sunday, September 2, 2012
- Distractions to Peace
- Keshe Foundation - 2nd Sept '12 Live interview with Pesn Allan Sterling
- The Essence of Our Work
- Ten Other Uses for Salt
- Visualize what it is that you want to see happen !!!
- The most grueling and dangerous leg of the climb. ~ Michael Through Ron Head
- ~ Join US in Making Planetary History Today!~ You will Not want to MISS THIS!
- Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Empowerment Increase your personal power.
- Ice Age: Record low temperature of -2C (28.22F) ends Britain's miserable, wettest summer ever
- Ann Albers ~ Messages From Ann And The Angels ~ 1 September 2012
Ferocious Sun Explosion! Earth bound?
Sun Erupts/Possibly Earthbound 8/31/12.
8/31/2012 -- Dutch Multiple views of Large solar filament eruption -- Earth Directed
A large solar filament has ruptured.. sending a blast of charged particles from layers above the suns surface in an "earth facing" direction.
This means we have the possibilities of power grid disruption, communications interruptions, possible out of the ordinary auroras in more central latitudes... also watch for post arrival earthquake, and storm activity.
Monitor the ionospheric maps to see the ion flux as it arrives --- this sometimes shows the hard hit areas which tend to display earthquake / storm excitement upon arrival of charged particles.
solar images / video available at: http://sdo.gsfc.nasa.gov/data/
monitor this site (as well as others) for current space weather conditions :
Power Path ~ September Forecast 2012: REACTION-ACTION
The theme for September is REACTION-ACTION.
The main word we will use this month is triggered. People will be triggered this month by just about everything. There is an emotional component to the month potentially infusing hysteria and irrationality to some of what is being triggered. Navigating through what is real in your experience today and what belongs to some deeply hidden (up till now) past wound will be the main work and challenge. As always, there is a tremendous opportunity to change and release the past that still triggers and runs you today. We will be dealing a lot with fear and most of it has no reality base in present time. You will see that fear is almost always about the past or about the future, neither of which really exist. Reactions are usually fear-based and have no power. True action comes from the power of choice and decision.
The Councils Of Light explain the purpose of Connecting with the 7 Sacred directions at this time on Gaia.
‘Understand dear ones, that this time on your planet, in your dimension, is one of supreme significance. It is a tremendously exciting time to be on this planet and in body! Let go of all concept that this is a difficult time to be on Earth. Let go of all longing to be in another time which you perceive as more simple and joyful and easy. Instead acknowledging that you may make your lives simple and easy and joyful NOW!
‘First and foremost is your connection with your planet; with the elements of earth, fire, air and water – and we suggest that you do this meditation, the meditation of the ‘7 sacred directions.’ We ask simply that you sit on the body of Earth while doing this. Sit outside in as clear and beautiful a space outdoors as possible. Choosing to face the east, the place of the rising sun – (doing this if possible at sunrise, but if not any time of the day will suffice) – and using your clear intention to connect with the 4 directions and the sacred elements which comprise your world.
Ashtar ~ Wake-Up Call to Higher Dimensional Truths
"Well Greetings, Everyone! We are so pleased to be here with you; we are honored and overjoyed at your presence with us. The World is such a busy place and there are so many changes going on, and indeed, it is at times difficult to even remember that you have an appointment here, shall we say. So we are so pleased that those of you who have shown up have done so, and there will be more joining on the airwaves, so to speak!
"We have heard many wonderful Announcements,* and we want to get one made from our end of things if we may, and that is, yes, our next Gathering** will be the most sacred and uplifting, High Dimensional experience of coming into Oneness with Sananda,** my dear Brother, who is, as you have heard, one who is in charge of the Ascension of Planet Earth. In order to make this Ascension happen, there are things that need to be cleared.
Transmissions from Sananda (Jesus the Christ Ascended) -- Talking to Your Heart of Your Soul, Calling to Source God
Transmissions from Sananda (Jesus the Christ Ascended) -- Talking to Your Heart of Your Soul, Calling to Source God, Co-Creating Your Mission, Climbing Up the Ladder of Self-Empowerment Light
(3 channelings below: Divine Will, Finding Your Mission, Self-Empowerment)
Sananda's Eagles Welcomes YOU with Open Spaceship Hatches! Please begin your Ground Crew Mission -- by committing yourself to 15-minutes of global channeled meditation per day -- by writing to: sanandaseagles(at)gmail.com
You can begin your Ground Crew Mission today by joining Project: Eagle Triad. We welcome you to our family at:
Ben Bernanke Fails To Move The Gold Market Lower
ETF Daily News
Jeff Nielson, August 31, 2012
Following the solid gains in the price of gold last week and the much more explosive rise in the price of silver, all expectations (even among normally bearish commentators) were that bullion prices would continue rising this week. That all changed Monday morning, however.
At that point the Corporate Media released their Script for this week (written by the banking cabal itself). They “predicted” that B.S. Bernanke would “disappoint the market” when his prepared remarks would be released to the world on August 31st.
UFO 'Secrets' To Be Revealed In September, Says National Atomic Testing Museum
Huff Post
Lee Speigel, 9/01/12
In just a few weeks, some kind of UFO-related secrets will be revealed at a Smithsonian Institution affiliated museum. That's the implied promise in the title of a special lecture coming up at the National Atomic Testing Museum in Las Vegas on Sept. 22.
The secrets haven't yet been revealed, but the players involved certainly present the potential for something intriguing to emerge from this one-night event that's part of the museum's ongoing Area 51 lecture series.
Watch this promo for the upcoming UFO lecture at the National Atomic Testing Museum.
2MIN News Sept 1, 2012: Mega-Filament Eruption
Pubblicato in data 01/set/2012 da Suspicious0bservers
Sophia Love – The Fierce Power Of Agape
Sophia Love – The Fierce Power Of Agape – 1 September 2012
You reside in a field of love. Your very base programming begins there. It is the spark of each other that joins you. Isolated, you may appreciate nature and love life, yet it is in human contact that you embody the fierce power of agape. For when you love another, it is not their attributes that are calling to your soul, but a reminder of your own.
When you look at each other and are deeply moved, it is because at a fundamental level you understand that there you behold the sacred. It is you that has stirred your own soul.
Giant Filament Eruptions Causes Hyder Flare.
Pubblicato in data 31/ago/2012 da MrCometwatch
Heavenletter #4299 Enlightenment Isn’t a Possession, September 1, 2012
Heavenletter #4299 Enlightenment Isn’t a Possession, September 1, 2012
God said:
No one lives for himself alone. No one becomes what is called enlightened for himself alone. Enlightenment isn't something you hold for yourself. It is not something you accomplish. It is something given to you.
Yes, enlightenment is a point in your awareness to which you rise. What is Self-revelation but the revealing of your Self to yourself. The whole world does not have to know.
Enlightenment is not meant to be your pride and joy. It is meant to be your joy, yes, yet a state of enlightenment is not wholly your prerogative, you understand. It is not like an essay you write or a column of numbers that you tot up correctly. It is a blessing. It is to be glad for, certainly. And it is something to be grateful for, for it is given unto you.
Everyone deserves to recognize his or her own worth. And everyone and anyone can have this. Anyone and everyone can desire it. One who has become enlightened is humbled by it. It is a gift long overdue, and, yet, it is a gift. One who reaches enlightenment does not know it all nor does he think he does. He is not a smarty.
Final Balancing of Gaia Energies in Process…
Final Balancing of Gaia Energies in Process…
Requisite balancing of all aspects of Gaia planetary energies is being conducted. Balancing of 3D tectonics, electrics, magnetic, and radionics is in process, prior to general human consciousness rapid-shift.
This balancing occurs in alignment with individual Hue-man unit balancing. Resistance is not at all effective in counteracting, as balancings are occurring on a Galactic scale.
Outer effects will be noticed, but relatively minor, and measured. Those desiring grand apocalypse are seeing such. Those desiring grand cataclysmic apocalypse and massive conflicts in Gaia energies and groups will not see such.
Paradigms Not Aligned to Higher Energies Have Dissolved
Efforts to slow the advance of Higher Energies have been discovered and neutralized. However, all such efforts are by the nature of their intent bound to fail. We encourage all to release fear about coming and or already occurring changes. Grids which have been constructed during the past months are enabling only incoming Higher Energies to infold throughout the planet via Gaia portals.
Flame-appearing balls of energy may be visible to some. These are Lighting up shadow places and burning all dross, both within and without. Conscious partnership is desired, not required. Non-conscious participants will experience higher inner turmoil factors.
All non-aligned-to-Higher-Energies paradigms have dissolved. Completely. Play-outs of such occur only in individual minds, not in Gaia planetary consciousness.
Pubblicato in data 31/ago/2012 da GalacticCentral
he Following are recommendations as the release of all the old programming is coming up to the surface for many. Make sure you breathe, Be Patient with yourself and with others and stay focused in the Present Moment. This is going to be uncomfortable for Some as this clearing takes place. Let us Love Each Other and Support One Another
To read the full message go to:http://soundofheart.org/galacticfreepress/content/brilliant-rehearter-assist-...
Ex-Navy SEAL who wrote Bin Laden book gets warning from Pentagon
Los Angeles Times
David S. Cloud, August 31, 2012
Ex-Navy SEAL Matt Bissonnette, who wrote 'No Easy Day' about the Bin Laden raid, violated an agreement not to reveal classified information, the Pentagon says.
Bissonnette did not submit his manuscript for review by the Pentagon as he was required to do under an agreement he signed in 2007, an official says. (AP Photo/Dutton / August 30, 2012)
WASHINGTON — The Pentagon formally warned a former Navy SEAL who has written a first-person account of the raid that killed Osama bin Laden last year, saying he has violated his signed agreement not to divulge classified information, and it threatened him with stiff legal action.
It will begin suddenly,without warning. Many scandals that will disclose true backgound about how the System works will shake human masses. Disclosures about how international energetic megacompanies earn billions selling oil, preventing at the same time inventions of free energy to come to public. Disclosures about pharmaceutical trusts that earn money with "healing" diseases that are spread with viruses created in hidden laboratories. Disclosures about efficient cures for AIDS, cancer and other diseases that are known for quite some time, unkonwn to human masses. And about world media and censorship there, which is a logical consequence of a fact that few individuals own most worldly known newspaper, media and telecommunication companies. And finally disclosures about a secret world government that has most prominent politicians as its puppets and which creates profit out of wars and human suffering for millenia, a small group of beings that you work for in your jobs and voluntarily give them a significant amount of your monthly salary.
Switzerland pays the price for banking secrecy
by Armando Mombelli, August 30, 2012
Attacks from European governments, investigations against Swiss banks in the United States and international arrest warrants against bankers - in the space of just a few years, banking secrecy has turned into a costly burden.
"Today I met several bankers in Zurich. They were all shaking their heads saying, ‘In 40 years of operations we’ve never had a crisis like this one – a war like the one being waged against the Swiss banking system. We’re in the artillery sights of every country and every day there are new attacks’,” recounted Paolo Bernasconi, a business law professor at St Gallen University and former Ticino public prosecutor.
To read the rest of this story, visit swissinfo.ch.
~The Galactic Free Press Update~ Special Full Blue Moon~
Downtown Mpls. Becomes Black Hawk Helicopter Training Zone
GFP Note: This is a follow-up to a video we posted on August 28th.
CBS Minnesota
August 27, 2012
MINNEAPOLIS (WCCO) - If you see military helicopters flying low over Minneapolis, don’t be alarmed. They’re just training in an urban environment.
The U.S. Special Operations Command will be conducting exercises until the beginning of September. This week they’re using helicopters, including Black Hawks.
To read the rest of this story and see the video, visit Minnesota.CBSLocal.com.
KGB Agent Tells You What The Illusion Is !
Uploaded by CH3MTRAILS on Oct 18, 2010
http://pindz.blogspot.com - http://annunaki.wz.cz - http://hotufos.blogspot.com
KGB Agent Tells You What The Illusion Is !
Source: YouTube.com
Israel holds large-scale emergency exercises in Tel Aviv
August 30, 2012
Israel has held a massive emergency exercise in the central Tel Aviv as part of the regime’s drills which simulate rocket attacks in case of a possible war with Iran.
Ron Paul supporters walk out of GOP convention
GFP Note: This is a follow-up to a video we posted yesterday.
Los Angeles Times
By Seema Mehta, August 28, 2012
Ron Paul supporters from Maine gather in the hallway during the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Fla. (David Goldman / Associated Press / August 28, 2012)
Students fight college ID tracking badges
August 29, 2012
SAN ANTONIO, Tex. (NBC) - Students and parents are rallying against new ID badges that track student movement on the campuses of two San Antonio, Texas schools.
Father Steven Hernandez does not agree with the district's new pilot program called Radio Frequency Identification System, or RFID.
To read the rest of this story, visit wcsh6.com.
Mediumship with Michael Jackson
Michael Jackson visited me twice from The Other Side shortly after his passing. I thought on his birthday you might enjoy seeing what Michael had to say. These are his words, exactly:
This is Michael Joseph Jackson I. The disembodied voice. The spirit. I am alive and I am BLESSED to know Jehovah has given all my fans a wondrous existence—all the love (clasps his fist by his heart) has helped me survive the horrible transition. I was forgotten, mocked and a joke subject on late night with David Letterman. That was worse than death! I never made fun of anyone. I tried to live my life as I saw fit. The parents it was the parents that wanted fame and let me have their kids. I have money an awful lot of it- not like OPRAH—whoa, Heaven forbid, not like OPRAH.
Anyhow, I want to talk to you about something very nice. My family. Not my kids, my children, my family of life. There are those who have been selected to have a purpose in the afterlife. No, not Diana Ross or Elizabeth Taylor (giggles). There are some influential people around (I see Mother Teresa, she waves). I have taken them to me and I am trying to harness all the love on Earth to help Heaven at my funeral. On your birthday will you post to me on Facebook one last memory? I will tell you what to say (Jackson 5 playing loud as I did my anesthesia set up in the O.R.?-my routine? I suggest) I’ll think about it. Let the message be blasted out across the universe, starting with your friends. (Kind of like what you did for Junipero Serra on FB today)
More from a visit before, and this visit are available at: http://reikidoc.blogspot.com/2012/08/mediumship-with-michael-jackson.html
Military UFO Files Lecture
Published on Aug 28, 2012 by WondersoftheWest
Military UFO Files Lecture at the National Atomic Testing Museum
Source: YouTube.com
Triangle UFOs over British skies 'pose no threat,' states minister, but sightings continue to skyrocket
A stunning UFO sighting was captured in the skies over England by passers-by walking on the banks of the River Thames, as published by silverstreemz on You Tube.
The video, although short, clearly shows three lights in the sky which form a triangle.
The lights then zoom towards each other, where they meet in the center.
The lights then appear to become one object, followed by a bright flash, and the light zooms off away from the cameraman.
Here is the video description:
Filmed from across the River Thames as the sun was setting, there is more footage of the sky that evening above the power station and the lights that appeared , you will see look out on YT"
Real Love Doesn’t Make You Suffer ♥
by Eckhart Tolle
Love and joy are inseparable from your natural state of inner connectedness with Being. Glimpses of love and joy or brief moments of deep peace are possible whenever a gap occurs in the stream of thought.
For most people, such gaps happen rarely and only accidentally, in moments when the mind is rendered “speechless,” sometimes triggered by great beauty, extreme physical exertion, or even great danger. Suddenly, there is inner stillness. And within that stillness there is a subtle but intense joy, there is love, there is peace.
MAGNIFICENT ERUPTION: A filament of magnetism curling around the sun's southeastern limb erupted on August 31st, producing a coronal mass ejection (CME), a C8-class solar flare, and one of the most beautiful movies ever recorded by NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory:
The explosion hurled a CME away from the sun traveling faster than 500 km/s (1.1 million mph). The cloud, shown here, is not heading directly toward Earth, but it could deliver a glancing blow to our planet's magnetic field on or about September 3rd. This date is preliminary and may be changed in response to more data from coronagraphs on the Solar and Heliophysics Observatory (SOHO). Stay tuned. Solar Flare alerts: text, phone.
Japan plans to cut state spending, could run out of money in a month
5:49AM BST 31 Aug 2012
Japan's government is planning to suspend some state spending as it could run out of cash by October, with a deficit financing bill blocked by opposition parties trying to force Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda into an early election.
The impasse in Japan's parliament has raised fears among investors that the world's third largest economy is being driven towards a "fiscal cliff", Reuters reported.
"The government running out of money is not a story made up. It's a real threat," Finance Minister Jun Azumi told a news conference, making a last-ditch appeal for cooperation by opposition parties to pass the bill.
Japan plans to cut state spending, could run out of money in a month
5:49AM BST 31 Aug 2012
Japan's government is planning to suspend some state spending as it could run out of cash by October, with a deficit financing bill blocked by opposition parties trying to force Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda into an early election.
The impasse in Japan's parliament has raised fears among investors that the world's third largest economy is being driven towards a "fiscal cliff", Reuters reported.
"The government running out of money is not a story made up. It's a real threat," Finance Minister Jun Azumi told a news conference, making a last-ditch appeal for cooperation by opposition parties to pass the bill.
Blue Moon Effect on Gaia and Ongoing Ascension by Adrial
~ Message by Laura
Good day, this is Adrial. We have noticed many of Earthlings have been experiencing much unrest yesterday during the Blue Moon phase. The effects of the Blue Moon will continue for some time into this week we are afraid. See this as an opportunity for growth. While it is true that experiencing uncertainty, deep powerful emotions, even sadness or depression, doubt, projection of negative outcome in matters of romance and love is a trying experience for you all, we recommend you not to act on these strong impulses generated or being brought to the surface by this very emotionally loaded full blue moon.
Do not deny yourself the experiencing of what is being shown to you now, you would only be running away from your own reality now. It is possible for all of you to grow even more as a result of these emotional times. This is nourishment for your soul dear friends. What is shown now are the areas which need still you to work on in order to make it into the higher realms of consciousness. Use this raw material to perfect the Divine product that you all are.
Spectacular filament eruption, waves of ionization and Sun’s polar magnetic field shift for end of August
Spectacular filament eruption, waves of ionization and Sun’s polar magnetic field shift for end of August
Bill Ballard ~ WE are rockin our planet again today. It’s even more intense than last week
WE are rockin our planet again today. This is MAJOR LEAGUE!
It’s even more intense than last week! Scroll down to see seismic monitor photo documentation below.
This morning 8~31 there was recorded an 8.1 that the USGS, as they are doing all these days, downgraded it to a 7.6 . That is a decrease of intensity of 500x times (in reverse). Each .1 graduation (going up the scale) is 100x strength of the next lesser value. That is a HUGE difference! The USGS seems to be doing that with all the quakes that are somewhat large, like over 6.5 or so. USGS Earthquake Website
Konstantinos: A synchronization and a communication
Posted on September 1, 2012 by kp40
Iltheos, my Arcturian parallel self
Hello dear friends. Yesterday, I felt an inner urge to go outside, particularly to a known place of the city’s centre. I felt the gentle nudges from a group of beings who are members of my Arcturian family.
So, while I was waiting for the bus, I was ‘hearing’ words, like ‘a big surprise’, ‘ensurance’ and some other phrases. When I got to the city’s centre, I sat to a cafeteria which was near to the city’s orchestra. They had set a stage and they were testing their violins and other musical instruments.
Digital pills make their way to market
July 30, 2012 - Posted by Amy Maxmen
Digestible microchips embedded in drugs may soon tell doctors whether a patient is taking their medications as prescribed. These sensors are the first ingestible devices approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). To some, they signify the beginning of an era in digital medicine.
“About half of all people don’t take medications like they’re supposed to,” says Eric Topol, director of the Scripps Translational Science Institute in La Jolla,California. “This device could be a solution to that problem, so that doctors can know when to rev up a patient’s medication adherence.” Topol is not affiliated with the company that manufactures the device, Proteus Digital Health in Redwood City,California, but he embraces the sensor’s futuristic appeal, saying, “It’s like big brother watching you take your medicine.”
Please HEAL Cambodia
Yuuka and i arrived to cambodia few days ago. especially the energy of Phnom Penh city
is ver heavy ( during 1975 - 1979 a genoside took place on these lands)
while we were chanting for the victims of this country Yuuka watched with clearvoyance.
due to what she saw and what we togather experienced we would like to call help of Light people. please send the energy of your first chanting, praying, meditation to victims of genocide of cambodia.
many of them are attached to anger and hate, and still looking for and waiting for revenge and not leaving the earth. although it is so hard for them now to continue holding due to increasing light energies. your simple praying, chanting, chanelling, will help them greatly to see the light way.
not only the angry souls but people who survived the genoside , who are still living, need deep cleansing and healing.
not only the survivars but the rocks, trees, soil, rivers, lakes, mountains of this country still holding the painful memory.. they all need healing, they need help.
i am sure our star brothers and sisters are working on this area. As light beings of mother earth , we also have to work.
please send your love here brothers and sisters.
Power struggle behind Vietnam tycoon's arrest?
BBC, August 27, 2012
The BBC's Nga Pham asks whether the arrest last week of Vietnamese tycoon Nguyen Duc Kien is linked to a battle between top leaders over the country's rapid economic growth, among other issues.
Watching Nguyen Duc Kien on the sidelines of Hanoi's Hang Day stadium, the training ground for his football club Hanoi ACB, it was hard to tell he was one of the richest people in Vietnam.
Short, clad in a modest-looking striped shirt and dark trousers, Mr Kien looked exactly like many of the excitable, football-mad Vietnamese men around him.
To read the rest of this story, visit BBC.co.UK.
Do Not Be “Good.” Be YOU. – Judith Dagley and the celestial team
Do Not Be “Good.” Be YOU. – Judith Dagley and the celestial team
8/31/12 Love/Light Message from Judith and the celestial team
This is Judith–although its not only me alone, I can tell you that. Since the celestial team is prompting me to write, and I already have “the fizzies,” I need to revise my introduction accordingly, I see! So, I will begin again–
This is Judith, speaking through my own voice, but with the celestial team’s influence, and a little braiding of their energy with mine as well. I want to share a poem with you. It is one of my favorites, and one that I have shared often in my workshops on self-creation over the years. When I do so, people often begin to cry deep, healing, tears of self-remembering.
Yesterday. I shared it once more with someone whom I sensed needed to hear it very badly. I shared it aloud, in my own voice–from deep down within me, as I always do. And, to my astonishment, I was the one who wept the most profusely throughout the poem–not the person I thought “needed” to hear it!
The Ball and Chain Clamped on the UK Economy
GFP Note: This is the article this piece refers to: Britain's richest 5% gained most from quantitative easing – Bank of England
The Daily Reckoning
By Bill Bonner • August 27th, 2012
From The Guardian in London... starring the UK economy:
Homeland Security tests to begin at T stops in Cambridge, Somerville
Brock Parker, 8/27/12
The federal government Wednesday will begin releasing bacteria at Red Line MBTA stations in Cambridge and Somerville at set times to test sensors designed to detect biological agents that could be released in a terrorist attack.
The U.S. Department of Homeland Security and the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority said in a press release Monday that the harmless bacteria is non-infectious and the tests will be performed when the stations are closed.
To read the rest of this story, visit Boston.com.
The Golden Paint Brush of September Is In Your Hand To Use!!
Boy, August sure didn’t unfold in any way I was hoping that it would, or maybe better stated, in any way I had expected it to. Instead it seems each day severed to turn my and all that I brought to Here (spiritual skills speaking) inside out and then reconstructed me in a different way. It was so subtle that I really didn’t notice until about mid month. I so wish I could say I am jumping up and down with joy about these changes, I am sure I am on some level, but it sure isn’t the human level!! I am going to give out a blast of gratitude to the fact that every conceivable aspect of Me has been pretty much down all August except readings. It is with your grace I have kept my sanity, my knowing that I didn’t break anything we are just changing in every conceivable way. And now we must apply that change to our lives whether we are conscious about all the changes or not.
For eons now we have been taking Light in, processing it and radiating it out into our field of created matter. Thru eons of time we have been changing our relationship with life and even with ourselves (most especially with ourselves.) August served as a complete reversal for all that got us to here, a polar shift in its own rite! Now, we are the Light serving the world out loud and in action. Let me give you some highlights of the last couple days of readings and what I finally understand from it all. I am sure there is much more to understand… but this is a great start in my book!!
A New Run On The Banks? Spaniards Pulling Cash Out At Record Rates
International Business Times
By Oliver Tree and Mike Obel, August 28, 2012
Spanish consumers are pulling their cash out of banks at record levels, according to figures released on Tuesday.
Private sector deposits fell by nearly 5 percent in July to €1.509, the Telegraph reported, citing European Central Bank data, as public confidence in the banking system reached all-time lows amid a worsening economic situation.
To read the rest of this story, visit IBTimes.com.
Spain Approves Establishment of 'Bad Bank'
The New York Times
By RAPHAEL MINDER, August 31, 2012
Spain’s economy minister, Luis de Guindos, voiced confidence on Friday in the “bad bank” plan. (Paul Hann/Reuters)
MADRID — The Spanish government on Friday approved the creation of a so-called bad bank to absorb the most troubled real estate assets of the country’s financial institutions, helping to clear the way for Madrid to receive European rescue money for Spain’s troubled banking industry.
The move is meant not only to let Spanish banks eventually begin to receive money from the €100 billion, or $126 billion, reserve that European finance ministers have approved, but also to restore market confidence in the country’s banking system. Spanish banks have been having problems borrowing money, even as depositors withdraw money at a rising pace and move it to foreign banks.
Spain's Bankia loses 4.45 bn euros in first half of 2012
Google/AFP, August 31, 2012
Photo: Reuters
MADRID — Spain's rescued lender Bankia said Friday it had lost 4.45 billion euros ($5.6 billion) in the first half of 2012, prompting an immediate promise of state cash.
Created with fanfare in 2010 from a merger of seven troubled regional savings banks, and then listed on the market in July 2011, Bankia's fortunes have collapsed in dramatic style.
To read the rest of this story, visit Google.com.
Neil Armstrong’s UFO Secret – Dr. Steven Greer
Neil Armstrong’s UFO Secret – Dr. Steven Greer
Neil Armstrong’s UFO Secret
By Dr Steven Greer – August 27, 2012
Neil Armstrong, the first man to walk on the moon, passed away this weekend at age 82.
Many have asked if Armstrong took with him the secrets of what really happened during the famed 1969 Lunar Landing. Well, yes – and no.
Over the years, I have gotten to know a number of astronauts – and very close family members and friends of astronauts. As you may recall, my uncle was the senior project engineer for Grumman (now Northrop Grumman) that built the Lunar Module that landed on the moon in July of 1969.
The truth of that historic event has never been told. We did go to the moon – but the events that transpired were kept secret and officially remain secret to this day.
By the time we landed on the moon, the Lunar Orbiter had mapped the moon and imaged ancient as well as more recent structures on the moon. This has been confirmed by more than one witness (http://disclosureproject.org/). So by the time we landed, the military and intelligence community – and a small compartment of operatives at NASA – knew that we may in fact encounter something very unusual there.
Oracle Report - Saturday, September 1 - Sunday, September 2, 2012
Saturday, September 1 - Sunday, September 2, 2012
Full Moon Phase - Blue Moon in Pisces/Aries
Saturday's energy involves dualities which can cause confusion and foggy vision. We see the parts of things, but not the entire picture. If we overthink things, the two hemispheres of our brains will go into a loop that can drive us crazy. We will naturally see two sides of situations, but we need to look beyond this and into the light. On Sunday, the tendency is to live up to the expectations of others. It is important to abide by your own spirit with this. We must reflect the path that our Source is projecting for us - not the path that others are projecting for us. If you remember, on August 23 I discussed Mars' entry into Scorpio: this is going to reform/refine our level of personal power. Scorpio is the energy of transformation! But since its ruler, Pluto, is the ruler of the Underworld, the transformation will come from a deep level and there may be other things hidden deep below that come up with it. This factor is what brings in the feelings of anxiety and fear. The hard part is standing by (letting it be) while the transformation occurs. Remember, everything is changing form now - everything - but it is leading to something better. By the time Mars enters Sagittarius on October 8, we will be much stronger individuals - physically, mentally, and spiritually. It's a spiral sort of process. This is the real thing that is happening with this weekend's energy. It serves to strengthen us. This outcome is good for our everyday lives, but more importantly, it makes our connection with Gaia/Sophia stronger. We come into closer range with her vision, making direct communication faster and easier. This is a great gift.
Distractions to Peace
by John McIntosh
Keshe Foundation - 2nd Sept '12 Live interview with Pesn Allan Sterling

Live Interview on Sunday, 6 pm GMT
I phoned Mr. Keshe to get permission to post this transcript, and ended up talking to him for quite a while. I'll be doing a separate report about that, hopefully later today.
The Essence of Our Work
Everyone who’s here – galactics, celestials, starseeds, walk-ins, ascended masters, etc. – is here to help people to ascend.
Atmos of Sirius tells us that this resolve is at the center of the Divine Plan: “It was and still is the Divine Plan to help as many souls as possible to move back into the higher dimensions through Ascension.” (1)
SaLuSa expresses the common resolve of all here: “We wish as many of you as possible to find your way home.” (2) And he adds: “Our presence and that of the many other Beings from Higher dimensions are here to ensure that the end times fulfill everyone’s promise.” (3)
Ten Other Uses for Salt
Ten Other Uses for Salt
31st August 2012
Contributing Writers for Wake Up World
As described in our previous article, salt is essential to the functioning of many of our bodily processes. Without salt, we would simply perish. Our cellular interactions are highly dependent on many of the minerals present within salt for proper division and assistance in eliminating waste and absorbing nutrients. When we talk about essential salt, we are not talking about the highly processed variety we often find in a box which has been labelled “iodized” (95% sodium chloride), we are taking about salt present in both the foods we eat and full spectrum salt like Himalayan or Celtic sea salt.
When adding salt to our food, we must always practice temperance, and choose a variety that has not been processed so that our bodies can benefit from the other minerals within it. In conjunction with the sodium reduction strategy that is being undertaken in many countries today, we have provided to you below some rather uncharacteristic uses for conventional “table salt”. Essentially, we feel that table salt can be better used for things other than consuming. In effect, rather than throwing it out entirely, let’s see what other things we can do with it.
Visualize what it is that you want to see happen !!!
Tonight I am asking you all to visualize what it is that you want to see happen in this world. Do you want an End to All war? See it! Do you want to see Everyone with enough food, clothing and shelter? Do you want to see the Planetary Body of your Mother the Earth completely healed and free of the destruction that has caused her so much pain? Do you want ALL of the Kingdoms on the earth to be free of pain, destruction and manipulation by those who think of themselves as lofty “scientists”? Then I say to you it is past time to visualize what it is that you want to create on this, your Mother, the Earth.
I am Mother Mary and I ask you to connect with the Love that a new mother has with her child. See all living things as a part of you, as Your child. Love All of Life, unconditionally! Love, even those who have played their parts in bringing you and all of life to the brink of destruction for they too, once were aware of their connection to All of Life. We, the Ascended Masters know that you Can do this! There is much that will be revealed yet we ask you to Be In Your Hearts, to Be In Your Center when you hear this!
The most grueling and dangerous leg of the climb. ~ Michael Through Ron Head
September 1, 2012
Today we will speak a bit about the purpose of this channel. As you are well aware, our energies are being channeled by several other very reliable persons. Each of these has a different purpose and skill set to bring to the table, as you say. Until a certain point is reached in the development of the ascension process, this channel agreed with us to help in bringing awareness and information to your world which would aid individuals to advance in their personal journeys by pointing out to them things which they were undergoing even though they might not be aware of them.
A slight shift of attention is indeed beginning to make many aware of their own physical, mental, and spiritual development toward the promised new humanity. Each, of course has the option of not making these internal changes; but, assuming the choice has been made to do so, slight nudges in informational awareness are proving of much benefit.
~ Join US in Making Planetary History Today!~ You will Not want to MISS THIS!
~The Final Acts Have Begun, The Grand Event's Manifestation Are In Process!
AS More and More Awaken Each Day, the Closer We are To The Event of First Contact.
Join US Live Today Saturday at 1:30pm Pacific For The Internet Love Party!
This is The Divine Plan In Action. Thank You For Participating and Sharing with Others. The More Who Gather The Higher and Brighter The Light On Planet Earth=Heart, We are Making Planetary History!
Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Empowerment Increase your personal power.
Saturday, September 1, 2012
Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Empowerment
Ice Age: Record low temperature of -2C (28.22F) ends Britain's miserable, wettest summer ever
Ice Age: Record low temperature of -2C ends Britain's miserable, wettest summer ever
by Martin Robinson
Ann Albers ~ Messages From Ann And The Angels ~ 1 September 2012
Message from the Angels
My dear friends, we love you so very much.
There will always be things in your life that don’t go as planned. There will always be unforeseen circumstances, people who don’t act as you expect and things that don’t work as you expected them to do. In life it is important not to remain stubbornly fixed upon the way life is “supposed” to look but rather to be willing to deal with the way life is. So much time is wasted on your planet in wishful thinking. Instead that time and energy can be applied creatively to say, “Ok, Here I am. Now what is the best course of action given the way things are?” The more you learn to embrace reality in front of you, the quicker you will move into the reality you want.
Consider the captain of a sailing vessel. In his ideal world the seas would calm and there would be a smooth breeze to fill his sails. However, say a storm blows in, or the wind calms. The captain will get nowhere if he sits insisting, “The seas are supposed to be calm! The wind is supposed to be steady!” Far better to say, “The winds have become strong. How do I bring my best to this situation until I can sail into the harbor or out of the storm?” Alternately, if the wind has died down better to say, “Well, nothing is happening here. Do I wish to relax or do I wish to paddle?”