The people who were crucifying Jesus were absolutely unaware of the person whom they were confronting. Who was this man that they were killing? They were killing God! They were killing one of the most significant expressions of God on the earth, but they were blissfully unaware.
That's why Jesus said, "Father, forgive these people, because they don't know what they are doing. They don't know me, and what they are killing is their own idea of me. They cannot kill me."
That's why people like Jesus, Socrates, Buddha, are not at all worried about what you think about them. They know themselves; your thinking makes no difference. Your thinking will make a difference to you, but it makes no difference to them. They go on living on their own; they live an authentic life.
- How to Live Fully Centered in the Joy and Wisdom of the Present Moment - The Healers Journal
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Sunday, July 26, 2015 - 18:06